Saturday, February 28, 2009
Catholic News-Saturday, February 28, 2009 A.D.
Late Evening Update
A Little Blip On The Maciel Scandal Story - Thomas Peters, American Papist
The Auxiliary Dust Up In Linz, Austria - Dustier Still - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Relearning the Latin Masss - Jeff Ziegler, National Catholic Register
Marini On The Liturgy - Fr. Tim Finegan, The Hermeneutic of Continuity
The Sunday Meal - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
Social Ministers Long For Unified Catholic Voice - John L. Allen, All Things Catholic
Indulgence For Stations Of The Cross - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The Biblical Basis Of Western Science - Fr. Stanley L. Jaki,
Op-ed Supporting Bp. Martino In The Philly Inquirer - Fr. John Zuhlsdrof, WDTPRS
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Obama Finds His 9/11 - DarwinCatholic, The American Catholic
New Rector For SSPX Seminary In Argentina - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Priest Numbers Increase - BBC News
“We Are Church” Whiners Feel “Cheated Of Their Aims”! - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Pope Formally Invited To Come To Scotland - The Scotsman
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Catholic News-Thursday, February 26, 2009 A.D.
Late Evening Update
Bp. Martino Sends 2nd Letter To Sen. Bob Casey Jr. - Diane M. Korzeniewski, TDL
As Lent Begins 3 Catholic Universities Celebrate Porno - Cardinal Newman Society
Mapping Political Persecution - Charles Colson, Catholic Exchange
Pelosi And The Pope - Tim Drake, National Catholic Register
Archbishop Chaput On Caesar - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Holy Thursday Rubrics - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
...the washing of feet on Holy Thursday, only men should be chosen...
The Future Of The Legion And The SSPX - John Zmirak, InsideCatholic
Traditional Anglican Communion Clarifies - Patrick Archbold, Creative Mnrty Rprt
Lessons Of The Financial Crisis - John Henry, American Catholic
Bonus Analysis and News:
Baltimore Archbishop Calls For A Review Of The Legion Of Christ - CNA
SCOTUS Upholds Right to Display Ten Commandments - Kathleen Gilbert, LSN
U.S. Catholic Church Losing Members - Julia Duin, The Washington Times
Notable Commentary and Analysis:
Bishop Jenky Lays Down The Law - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Critiquing The Critics - Fr. Thomas Kocik, New Liturgical Movement
Religious Freedom And Church, State Relations - Christopher Blosser, Amrcn Cthlc
Ranjith On The Flaws Of Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms - Gregor Kollmorgan, NLM
Looking Across The Mountains - Pat McNamara, McNamara's Blog
Taking A Look At Liturgical Catechesis - Deborah Morlani, New Liturical Movement
Secular Commentary and Analysis:
Sex, Drugs And Islam - Spengler, Asia Times
Chinese Scoop Up SoCal Foreclosures - NBC LA
Thursday Afternoon Edition
Documents Show Pius Saved Jews From Nazis - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, & Planned Parenthood - Angela Franz, InsideCatholic
Bp. Martino Challenges “Diversity Institute” At A Catholic U. - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Karl Marx & St. Augustine Find Common Ground - Peter Freeman, InsideCatholic
Bomb Threat Over Priest Removal - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Music And Meaning - Robert R. Reilly, InsideCatholic
Should We Just Have “Assistance”? - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Benedict’s Message For Lent - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
Pope Leo The Great's Sermon 39 - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Excellent Commentary and Analysis by Mark Shea:
One Thing I've Noticed About Crazy Modernism - Mark P. Shea, CAEI
Mark Shea Is George Weigel's Evil Twin Brother! - Mark P. Shea, CAEI
Reading the Bible Like A Grown-Up - Mark P. Shea, Catholic Exchange
Irenaeus Opposed The Development Of Doctrine - Mark P. Shea, CAEI
The Difference Between Faith And Science, We Are Told... - Mark P. Shea, CAEI
Hey Chris Johnson, Catholics Priest Can Be Buddhists Too! - Mark P. Shea, CAEI
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight, Dave Hartline,,, and Mark P. Shea)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Catholic News-Monday, February 23, 2009 A.D.
Afternoon Update
The Saintly Fr. Damien And The New Atheists - Tom Piatak, Taki's Magazine
Pope Benedict & The Dispute Over Church-State Relations - Christopher Blosser, AC
Kmiec Inserts Foot In Mouth, Then Shoots It - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
...Fr. John Zuhlsdorf breaks down Mr. Kmiec's TIME article...
The Tablet Attacks Fr. Finigan, Attempts To Silence His Response - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
...The Tablet's Mickens writes of more bitter fear about continuity & true unity...
Vincent Nichols Will Get Westminster? - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
The 2009 Apostasy Awards - LarryD, Acts of the Apostasy
Priest Promoted After Donating To Obama's Campaign - Matthew Archbold, CMR
It's Official: Dolan for NYC - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
...Fr. Z addresses the 'cheesehead incident' of Archbishop Dolan...
Irish Augustinian Priest Slimes Pope Benedict In The Press - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Am I My Brother’s Keeper? - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
A Catholic College Where the Students Sing (In Latin) - Deal Hudson, InsideCatholic
Pope Leo XIII On America & George Washington - Donald R. McClarey, Amrcn Cthlc
More from Fr. John Zuhlsdorf:
Insisting On Communion In The Hand At A TLM - Fr. John Zuhsldorf, WDTPRS
Do I Have The Right To A Wedding Or Funeral TLM? - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Cardinals Ruini And Scola On “Secularism” - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Notable Commentary, Analysis, and News:
St. Raphael is the New St. Valentine in Britain - BBC News UK
Secular Commentary, Analysis, and News:
The Akaka Bill: A Cash Cow for Democrats - Andrew Walden, American Thinker
Tibet’s Rising Son - Patrick Symmes, Newsweek
Arctic Ice Larger Than Realized - Alex Morales, Bloomber
(Biretta Tips: Creative Minority Report and Mark Shea)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Catholic News-Sunday, February 22, 2009 A.D.
Early Morning Update
Hawaii's First Saint To Be Canonized! - Mary Kay Ritz, Honolulu Advertiser
Catholic Teaching On Economic Life - Eric Brown, The American Catholic
Lenten Sacrifice: Good For What Ails Your Soul - Joseph Pronechen, NCRegister
The Petition On Canon 915, For Pelosi, Biden - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Latin Rising - David Bonagura, The Catholic Thing
Kmiec On Holy See’s Pelosi Visit Statement, Justice Scalia - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
CNN Rejects Ad Celebrating Life - Fidelis is the rejected Ad...
Obama Campaign Manipulated Catholics - Jack Smith, The Catholic Key
Bioethics Message Lost In Vatican's 'Credibility Gap' - John L. Allen, All Thngs Cthlc
Abp. Of Brisbane: Bomb Threat For Removing Fr. Kennedy - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Episcopi Vagantes - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Altar Boys: Liturgical Formation, Training & Re-Enchantment - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Support Fr. Tim Finigan - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Sing Like A Catholic - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement
The Name Games - Mary Jo Anderson,
Repent-a-Palooza - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
...your favored form of confession poll, Face To Face Or Behind The Screen...
Awesome Virtual Tour Of Beautiful Church - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Same-Sex Surrogacy Mess - Gail Besse, National Catholic Register
The Voice Of Pope Leo XIII Reciting Ave Maria - Shawn Tribe, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Luke Live, Days Three And Four - Ryan Harkins, The American Catholic
Critique Of A Particular & Popular, Hermeneutic Of Vatican II - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Royals And Catholics... Again - Joanna Bogle,
Notable Commentary and Analysis:
How To Win The Culture War - Peter Kreeft,
(Biretta Tips: The New Liturgical Movement and Mark Shea)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Catholic News-Wednesday, February 18, 2009 A.D.
Late Evening Update
Pope Denies Worthless Political Hack Photo-Op - Donald R. McClarey, Amrcn Cthlc
...Nancy Pelosi tries to spin meeting with Pope Benedict...
John Allen On The Papal Audience And Pelosi - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Regnum Christi: Blood From A Stone - John Zmirak,
The Remnant: New Interview With SSPX Bp. Fellay - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
...Bishop Williamson could be ejected from the SSPX...
The Trojan FOCA - Nicole Callahan, National Catholic Register
The Strange Case Of Father Damien & Mr. Hyde - Donald R. McClarey, Amrcn Cthlc
Obama Will Likely Pick Pro-Abort Gov. Kathleen Sebelius As Health Sec. - LfNws
George Weigel On Narratives & ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’ - John Henry, AC
San Diego Firefighters Win Lawsuit In Forced Gay Pride Parade March - LSN
Pro-lifers, The Next Generation - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
The Politics Of Porn - Robert R. Reilly,
Just An Observation - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
The Drama in Linz, Austria:
What Is Going On In Linz? - Rorate Cæli
The Comeback Of Fr. Wagner? - Catholic Church Conservation
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
The Banning Of Archbishop Burke: An Update - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
To Crown a Catholic King - Greg Watts, National Catholic Register
Bible Moved In Libraries To Avoid Upsetting Muslims - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Literalischtick - Mark P. Shea, Catholic Exchange
Luke Live, Day One - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
...and day Two...
Update On The Baronius Latin-English Breviary - Shawn Tribe, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Benedict XVI Vs. Nancy Pelosi - Eric Brown, American Catholic
The Second Commandment - Mark P. Shea,
Inequality And The New Aristocracy - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Fetal Stem Cells Trigger Tumor In A Young Patient - Margaret Cabaniss, TIB
Most People Are Not Like You - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Homosexual Sex Fuelling Spread of HIV in Asia, Warns W.H.O. -
Res Ipsa Loquitur (II) - John Henry, American Catholic
Secular Commentary and Analysis:
Obama, An Economic Unilateralist - Spengler, Asia Times
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight,, and Mark Shea)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Catholic News-Monday, February 16, 2009 A.D.
Afternoon Update
LoC/RC: Reform From Within? Carry On The Charism? - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Fellay Speaks After The Storm - Rorate Cæli
What The Pope Should Know About Nancy Pelosi - Deal W. Hudson, InsideCatholic
Eliminating Bad Music by Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
Time Mag Still Believes God Is Dead? - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Working Our Way To The High Mass - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
Six Tips For A Healthy And Happy Marriage - Kate Wicker, InsideCatholic
Peter Phillips Writes Of Spiritual Awakening - Jeffrey Tucker, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Road To Tyranny - DarwinCatholic, The American Catholic
The Rebellion Against The Self-Evident - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement
The Current Predicament Of European Catholicism - John L. Allen, All Things Cthlc
The Single Life - Tito Edwards, The American Catholic
The Drama in the Diocese of Linz, Austria:
Blood In The Water - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Capitulation - Rorate Cæli
Orthodox Priest Will Not Become Bishop Of Linz - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
America's One & Only Black Catholic Newspaper - Pat McNamara, McNamara's Blog
Priestly Input: Reform Of The Reform Updates? - Shawn Tribe, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Is The Tablet Planning A Hatchet Job On Fr. Tim Finigan? - Damian Thompson, HS
Two Directions In "Contemporary" Church Architecture - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Just An Observation - Ryan Harkins, The American Catholic
The Sugarland Sessions - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
The Devil And Andrew Jackson - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Rip Up Those Carpets! - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
Notable Commentary, Analysis, and News:
The Harvest Is Rich, The Laborers Few… - Eric Brown, The American Catholic
Pro-Life Workers Arrested in Birmingham - Randy Sly, Catholic Online
Should Catholics Own Guns? - Ryan Harkins, The American Catholic
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day:
American Papist by Thomas Peters
Shameless Video Plug of the Day:
Four Laughing Toddlers - Tito Edwards, The American Catholic
Weekend Edition
Why Does This Not Surprise Me? - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Egyptian Christian's Recognition Struggle - Christopher Landau, BBC News
Democrat Economy - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Political Philosophy Or Ideology? - John Henry, The American Catholic
Cultural Or Political Axis? - DarwinCatholic, The American Catholic
Bumpy Road To Richmond - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
The Death Of Liberaltarianism - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Data Ownership - DarwinCatholic- The American Catholic
Notable Analysis:
The Dark Backward: Demons In The Real World - Tom Hoopes, InsideCatholic
Who Was Muhammad? - Staring At The View
Friday, February 13, 2009
Catholic News-Friday, February 13, 2009 A.D.
Maciel Admission Timed For SSPX Controversy? - Thomas Peters, American Papist
Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese: 110 Seminarians! - Jack Smith, Catholic Key
Vatican To Clamp Down On Fake Apparitions - Christian Peregin, Times of Malta
Four Men - Russell Shaw,
Rediscovering Mystery In A Post-Christian Culture - Mark P. Shea, NCRegister
Sung Settings Of The Mass Ordinary, New ICEL - Jeffrey Tucker, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Imitate Good, Not Evil! - Mark P. Shea, Catholic Exchange
‘Bella’ Babies’ Hope - Tim Drake, National Catholic Register
Marse Robert - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Allah’s A Bad Word, For Catholic 'Paper In Malaysia - Simon Roughneen, NCReg
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Cardiff Archdiocese 'To Host Talk Criticising' Pope - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Russian Church: Impediments To Pope Meeting Remain - Associated Press
Speculation Points To Timothy Dolan As Egan's Replacement - Rorate Cæli
Vatican Has Problem With Evolution Only When It Becomes An Ideology - CNA
Benedict XVI Appoints New Bishop Of Gaborone - Mmegi Online
Palin Blasts Planned Parenthood Donations Made In Her Name - Steven Ertelt, LN
Early Morning Update
What Happens When We Get Out Of The Way - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The 1.5th Commandment - Mark P. Shea,
The Nightmare For Liberals - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Some Advice For Apostolates In A Time of Recession - Deal W. Hudson, InsideCthlc
Young People, Music, Mass And Entertainment - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
For The Anti-Catholics Reading This - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Now We Know Who Gets The Change - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
The Pope Or The Communist Party? Bad News From China - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Now He Belongs to the Ages - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic
Notable Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Chalice Veil During A TLM - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight and
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Catholic News-Thursday, February 12, 2009 A.D.
Late Evening Update
Pope Must Act To Stop Legionaries 'Train Wreck' - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
...Damian Thompson, "did Fr. Maciel have 'accomplices'?...
“Why The Pope Had To Do What He Did” - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
July 4, 1864 - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Rabbi: Left-Wing Is Destroying The Catholic Church - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Benedict's Tragedy, And Israel's - Spengler, Asia Times
Canadian MP Asks Parliament To Instruct The Pope - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The Harvest Is Rich, The Laborers Few… - Eric Brown, American Catholic
Obama & Democrats Brings New Assaults on Human Life - Amber Dolle, NCRegister
Honest Abe And Dagger John - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Black Catholics’ Hopes - Jeff Ziegler, National Catholic Register
Bicentennial Of The Birth Of Abraham Lincoln - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
...more on Lincoln's bicentennial from Donald R. McClarey of American Catholic...
Prosecuting Polygamy And Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ - Steve Weatherbe, NCRegister
Bonus Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Encyclopedia Of Christian Civilization Too Christian? - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Easter Sunday Mass During Two Weeks Early - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Priest Calls Fidel Castro A Saint? - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Another Bishop Scandal Brewing? - LarryD, Acts of the Apostasy
12 Year Old Pro-Lifer Speaks Out! - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Fr. Robert Sirico Responds To Detroit Free Press - Fr. John Zuhsldorf, WDTPRS
Does It Really Stimulate? - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Notable Commentary, Analysis, and News:
Catholic Liberal Case for Sanctioning Pro-choice Politicians - DarwinCatholic, AC
Preparing For A Yearly Triduum Controversy - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Blogging In The Grudge-o-sphere - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin - Benjamin D. Wiker, InsideCatholic
Lincoln, The Constitution And Catholics - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
(Biretta Tips: Paul/Southern Appeal and Jay Anderson)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Catholic News-Monday, February 9, 2009 A.D.
Early Morning Update
A Bishop In The Tradition Of Cardinal O'Connor - Deal W. Hudson, InsideCatholic
Saving What Can Be Saved - George Weigel, First Things
Confirmed: Williamson Removed - Rorate Cæli
So If Maciel Was A Criminal, What Of His Charism? - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Bigotry And The “Stimulus” Bill - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
The Truth Of Beauty - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement
Transparency: The Watchword In The Catholic World - John L. Allen, ATC
Internet ‘TV Shows’ Spread Faith - Joe Pronechen, National Catholic Register
Joining God In Suffering - Rorate Cæli
Maciel & Legion: Why Doing Truth In Charity Is Hard - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Fr. Thomas Berg, LC, Has It Right - Dr. Edward Peters, In the Light of the Law
An Audit For The Legionnaires & Regnum Christi? - John Henry, American Catholic
Bonus Opinion, Analysis, and News:
A Necessary Bondage? When the Church Endorsed Slavery - T. David Curp, IC
Money Meets Rathole - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Wyoming Catholic College - D Mac, Creative Minority Report
Battle Cries Of Freedom - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
A Decision In Brisbane About Renegade St. Mary’s & Fr. Kennedy - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Viewing the Stimulus Package, Part A - Ryan Harkin, American Catholic
New Russian Leader Unlikely To Mend Vatican Ties - Mike Sigov, Toledo Blade
There Is Hope For The Church In America - Eric Brown, American Catholic
Saintly Sighting? - Nikolaos Stavrou, Mt. Druitt St. Mary's Standard
Cain and Abel - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
More Opinion, Analysis, And News For Today - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
Notable Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Michael Dubruiel - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Secular Analysis and News:
Cutting Cable: Companies Losing Customers - Associated Press
Turkey's Leader Takes Nation Down a Dark Path - Joel J. Sprayregen, Amrcn Thnkr
(Biretta Tip: Lucianne and
Friday, February 6, 2009
Catholic News-Friday, February 6, 2009 A.D.
Early Morning Update
The Seamless Garment: Human Trafficking - Eric Brown, The American Catholic
Pay to Pray: The Church's Simony Problem - Jeffrey Tucker, InsideCatholic
Bp. Martino To Casey (D-PA): Materially Cooperating In Abortion - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
The Modern Baroque Of Armando Brasini - Matthew Alderman, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Abp. Burke: “They’re Using The Eucharist As A Political Tool” - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Revival In Traditional Liturgical Arts On Display In Nantes - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Faith Based Office Now "Family Planning" - Matthew Archbold, Creative Mnrty Rprt
Liturgical Music Vs. Devotional Music - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Baby Born in Abortion Clinic, Tossed In Trash - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Min Rep
Williamson & S.S.P.X.'s Crisis:
Clarifications From The Secretariat Of State - Rorate Cæli
...Canon Lawyer Dr. Edward Peter's analyzes this clarification...
Opportunity That Might Be Found In The Present Controversy - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Marcial Maciel & the Legionnaire's of Christ Crisis:
On The Legionaries Crisis Through Canon Law - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Rome Must Take Control Of The Legion Crisis - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Bonus Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Radical Love by Dominicans - Tito Edwards, The American Catholic
Your Anti-Catholic Tax Dollars At Work - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Minority Report
Into The Life Of The Institute Of The Good Shepherd In Rome - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos In The Eye Of The Storm - Rorate Cæli
For More Analysis And News - Tito Edwards, The American Catholic
Notable Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Distribution Of FSSP 1962 Breviarium Romanum - Shawn Tribe, New Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Levin on the Palin Phenomenon - DarwinCatholic, The American Catholic
Have Mercy On Robert Gibbs & On The Whole World - Patrick Archbold, CMR
Much Noted & Long Remembered: The Gettysburg Address - D. R. McClarey, AC
Secular Analysis:
Sri Lanka's Identity War - Randeep Ramesh, London Guardian
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Catholic News-Wednesday, February 4, 2009 A.D.
Evening Update
Sad Days For the Legionnaires & Regnum Christi - John Henry, American Catholic
...Canon Lawyer Dr. Edward Peters analysis of the situation here & here...
...Damian Thompsons' Analysis of the Marcial Maciel Rumors...
How Birth Control Changed America for the Worst - Kathryn Jean Lopez, InsdCthlc
Dissidents & Mainstream Media Attack Papa Bene - Tito Edwards, American CthlC
...Pope's brother speaks out in defense of his younger sibling...
Vatican to Williamson: Recant! Or Else! - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Rprt
...details and translation on Rorate Cæli...
Jewish Reaction To Williamson Is 'Over The Top' - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
The Poor You Will Always Have With You - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
The First Commandment & Sluttony - Mark P. Shea, InsideCatholic
Who Needs a Creed? - Mark P. Shea, National Catholic Register
The 'Right' to Happiness - Fr. James V. Schall, InsideCatholic
What the Mexico City Policy Does With Your Money - Paul Kengor, Natl Cth Register
Pray for the Dubruiel Family - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
Bonus Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Into the Ghettos of the Lonely - Melinda Selmys, National Catholic Register
Robert Bork: The Coming Persecution? - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Planned Parenthood Breaks Law Again - Matthew Archbold, Creative Mnrty Report
Extensive Damage to Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago - Shawn Tribe, New Lit Mov
NPR’s Hit-Piece on the Pope - Rusty Tisdale, American Catholic
Notable Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Hope - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Pope Benedict XVI: Recession Calls for New Balance - Zenit
Holy Father Calls For Freedom of Religion & Worship in Turkey - Cthlc Nws Agncy
Lincoln On Film - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Secular News:
Most-Wanted Nazi Died In Cairo In 1992 - David Rising and Maggie Michael, A.P.
(Biretta Tips: Dave Hartline and Jay Anderson)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Catholic News-Monday, February 2, 2009 A.D.
Evening Update
Mark Shea's Dead On Assessment About The SSPX 'Fiasco' - Mark Shea, CAEI
Designed To Teach: Thomas Aquinas College - Jennifer Sawyer, Nat'l Cthlc Register
Aftermath Of The PR disaster Of SSPX's Williamson - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Catholic Dems Chide Pope On Lifting Excommunications - Jay Anderson, Pro Eccls
The Real Meaning of Religious Persecution - Doug Bandow, The American Spectator
Socialism, Catholicism, And The Common Good - John Henry, American Catholic
NBC And The NFL Can Rot (In Hell) - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Rule Of 3: SSPX, TAC, & The Orthodox Church - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
Results, Not Bush, Slowed Embryonic Stem Cell Research - S. Martinuk, Clgry Hrld
The Evil Of Gay Militancy - Chris Irvine, Daily Telegraph
Avoiding A Rush To Judgment On 'Embryo Adoption' - Dr. Edward Peters, ITLOTL
Who Are The 'Extraordinary' Muslims? - Spengler, Asia Times
Bonus Opinion, Analysis, and News:
This Is What Real Religion Looks Like - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
God, Lincoln, & 2nd Inaugural Address - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Check Your Children's Homework - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
SSPX: Cardinal O'Malley Gets It Exactly Right - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Troy Polamalu's Christian Faith - Tito Edwards, Custos Fidei
Notable Opinion, Analysis, and News:
Traditional Anglican Communion To Enter Catholic Church - Tito Edwards, AmC
Melancholy And Faith - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
So... Was It A Fumble? - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Secular Opinion, Analysis, and News:
The Amazing Story Behind The Global Warming Scam - John Coleman, KUSI News
(Biretta Tips: Dave Hartline & Mark Shea)
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Books I Recommend
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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