Thursday, January 31, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday, January 31, 2008 AD
Tx Available For NYC Pope Mass - Michael Paulson, Bstn Glb
...Archdiocese of New York releases itinery of Pope's trip...
Pope's Wednesday General Audience - Catholic News Agency
Pope Recieves 'Holy Grail' Beer - Gavin Aitchison, The Press
John McCain Is A Weak Pro-Lifer - Mark Stricherz, NC Rgstr
Being Catholic Means The Entire Package! - Blggr Nws Net
Catholic Charities Won't Bend To Gay Agenda - Cal Cath Dly
Photog Taken To Commission For Refusing Gay Job - LfSt
Now *This* Is Liberal Fascism - Mark Shea, CAEI
Compensating Cowards - Mark Shea, InsideCatholic
'One Who's Unable To Live Without Sex, Becomes A Slave' - LfSt
France May Make Homeschooling Illegal - The Brussels Journal
Secular News Item of the Day:
Barak Hussein Obama Wants A Summit With Muslim Countries
by Brian Rohan of Reuters
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Wednesday, January 30, click here.
For Tuesday, January 29, click here.
For Monday, January 28, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Catholic Report, LifeSite, & Lucianne)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008 AD
The Place Of Religion In Public Life - Sam Brownback, InsdCthlc
Giuliani Bows Out - Rick Moran, American Thinker
...Catholic blogosphere in joyous celebration!!!...
Pope Benedict & Enemies Of Reason - Angelo Matera, NC Rgstr
Mthr Teresas Successor: Moratorium On Abortion - H. White, LfSt
Pro-Abort Caught Red Handed - California Catholic Daily
Marriage & Celibacy: Love's Link - Per Christum
The Next Abp Of Westminster - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
When Catholicism Was The Target - Richard Garnett, USA Tdy
The Cluenessness Crisis: Part 2 -Melinda Selmys, NC Register
My Church, My Strip Mall - Anthony Sacramone, First Things
Gays Angry At Church Doctrine - Matthew Hoffman, LifeSite
Secular News Item of the Day:
McCain's Poor Conservative Rating
by Randall Hoven of the American Thinker
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Tuesday, January 29, click here.
For Monday, January 28, click here.
For Friday, January 25, click here.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday, January 29, 2008 AD
Wired For The Word Of God - Jo Garcia-Cobb, Natl Cath Register
Assyrians Elect To Enter Into Communion - Per Christum
If Avignon, Why Not Cincinnati? - Rich Leonardi, Ten Reasons
Anniversary Marks Deaths Of Millions - Ken Connor, Townhall
NorCal Pro-Abortion Speaker Scandal - California Catholic Daily
Bill Maher: America's #1 Bigot - Catholic League
Atheism And Violence - Fr. Edward T. Oakes, First Things
Book Rev: Atheism & Fatherlessness - Fr. Van Hove, Ignts Insght
The Faithful Departed: Boston's Scandal - G. Augustinus, TCIC
...Cardinal Mahony's Mess...
2nd Priest Killed In Kenya Violence - BosNewsLife
Puting Gay Rights Before Health - National Post
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Monday, January 28, click here.
For Friday, January 25, click here.
For Thursday, January 24, click here.
(Biretta Tip: LifeSite)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Catholic News-Monday, January 28, 2008 AD
Rmn Curia Wakes Up & Strikes 3 Blows - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Worlds 1st Pro-Life Film Festival: Cinema Vita - Ignatius Insght
Planned Parenthd Spends Millions In '08 Elections - Cal Cthlc Dly
Pro-Aborts Show Their True Colors - Diogenes, Off The Record
Pro-Abortion Stalwarts Losing Ground - California Catholic Daily
What McCains Suprme Crt Nominees Look Like - D. Schrader, PS
Why I Don't Trust Mitt Romney - Deal Hudson, InsideCatholic
Vox Nova's Love Affair w/Obama - Christopher Blosser, Pblc Sqr
Catholic Priestess Push - Diogenes, Off The Record
Head Of Greece's Orthodox Church Dies - Derek Gatopoulos, AP
The New True Believers - Cliff May, Townhall
I'm A Man Of Faith, You're A Crackpot - M. Smerconish, PDN
Secular News Item of the Day:
John McCain, Multiculturist
by Mark Krikorian, National Review Online
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, January 25, click here.
For Thursday, January 24, click here.
For Wednesday, January 23, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate &
Friday, January 25, 2008
Catholic News-Friday, January 25, 2008 AD

by Andrew Levy of the London Daily Mail
Pro-Lifers Are Younger, Pro-Aborts Are Older - Cal Cthlc Dly
Growing Opposition To Abortion - Catholic News Service the tide turning?...
Sen Feinstein's Attempts At Silencing Pro-Lifers - Cal Cthlc Dly
Poor Media Coverage Of March For Life - Fr. D. Longenecker
Pope Takes On (Amoral) Media - Rick Moran, American Thinker
UND Fans In Uproar Over ESPN's Jacobson - Irish Illustrated
ABC's (ESPN) Double Standard For Christians - Am Fmly Assctn
ABC Pushes Homosexual Agenda - CitizenLink
Abp-Coach Clash Roils St. Louis - Christopher Leonard, AP
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday, January 24, click here.
For Wednesday, January 23, click here.
For Tuesday, January 22, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Catholic Report, Lucianne, &
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday, January 24, 2008 AD
225,000 March For Life In DC - John-Henry Weston, LifeSite
ESPN Benches Anti-Christian Jacobson - Ed Sherman, Chic Trib
...the Catholic League responds to her 'unapology' here...
...protests to be held at ESPN headquarters...
...ESPN won't release video of F-word rant...
...American Family Association's response...
...the Catholic League's initial response...
Abp Wants Rick Majerus Disciplined - Deirdre Shesgreen, SLPD
"The Golden Compass" Movie Series Folds - Kyle Smith, KSO
The Persecutions Of Assyrian Christians - Cal Catholic Daily
My Life As A (Mediocre) Catholic - Kathy Shaidle, CBC News
...her new blog '5 Feet of Fury' here...
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Wednesday, January 23, click here.
For Tuesday, January 22, click here.
For Monday, January 21, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Catholic Report & The WebElf Report)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008 AD

Cath Clinic Next Door To Abortion Site - Amy Ferrara, Cath Onln
New Generation Stirs Pro-Lifers - Stephanie Simon, LA Times
Media Recognizing Huge Pro-Life Rally - Tim Graham, NwsBstrs
Pro-Life Movement Gets Youthful - Pamela Constable, WaPo
Paris: 10,000 March For Life - Matthew Hoffman, LifeSite
The Cluelessness Crisis - Melinda Selmys, Nat'l Catholic Register
Media Perpetuates Myths Of Catholic Heterodoxy - Jimmy Akin
Jesuits: Backs To The Future - Diogenes, Off The Record
Race & Religion - Patrick O'Hannigan, The American Spectator
Ron Paul Draws Passionate Support - Charlie Spiering, NC Rgstr
"Jane Roe" Endorses Ron Paul - Ron Paul 2008
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Tuesday, January 22, click here.
For Monday, January 21, click here.
For Saturday, January 19, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Catholic Report &
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday, January 22, 2008 AD

Pope Benedict XVI greeting the faithful who are showing their support for Papa after the La Sapienza debacle this past Sunday after Benedetto's Angelus.
March For Life Coverage - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
More March For Life Coverage - Thomas Peters, American Papist
Priest Threatens Arrest Of Pro-Lifers - Standard Newswire
Saving Trees & Killing The Children - Kyle-Anne Shiver, AmThnkr
Nothing Beyond Abortion - Fr. Philip Powell, Domine
Sarah Weddington, Traitor To Her Sex - Christina, Confessions
Claretian Martyrs Of Barbastro (Spanish Civil War) - Fr. Beruete
A Visible Sign: The Roman Collar - Deo Juvante via RC Vocations
Liturgical Dancing With The Stars - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
The Mature Christian Voter - Ben-Peter Terpstra, Amrcn Thnkr
Malaysia Seizes Christian Books - Elizabeth Eldridge, Wash Tms
Christians Savaged At Carnegie Hall - Catholic League
Secular News Item of the Day:
Learning About The 'Three Sexes'
By Rick Amato of the Washington Times
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Monday, January 21, click here.
For Saturday, January 19, click here.
For Friday, January 18, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Per Christum & Lucianne)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Catholic News-Monday, January 21, 2008 AD
Over 200,000 Rally For Pope After Cancellation - AsiaNews American seminarian reports...
...secularists respond...
Births Up, Abortions Down & Spin - Fidei Defensor, Custos Fidei
SF Chronicle On Walk For Life - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
...Gerald's great pictures of the event...
...and the pro-abortion counter-protestors pics as well...
...the many faces of the pro-life movement...
ESPN Anchor's Vulgar Anti-Jesus Rant - Noel Sheppard, NwsBstrs
Jesus Tomb Nonsense - Per Christum
White Hate Groups Oppose Huckabee - Opinionated Catholic
John McCain Embraces The Bigot John Hagee - Catholic League
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday, January 19, click here.
For Friday, January 18, click here.
For Thursday Afternoon-Jan. 17, click here.
(Biretta Tip: Catholic Report)

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Catholic News-Saturday, January 19, 2008 AD
Complete Coverage Of Jesuits Election - Thomas Peters, AmP
Habemus Papam Nigrum - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Can The Jesuits Be Saved? - Russell Shaw, InsideCatholic
Why Catholics Like Mitt Romney? - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Jewish Vendors Expelled f/Vatican - Daniel Mosseri, EuJwPrs
Births Up, Abortions Down & Spin - Fidei Defensor, Custos Fidei
Revisiting Galileo's Inquisition - Lauren Green, Fox News
Pope Calls For Religious Freedom In Muslim Countries - Reuters
Mortarboards & Baptists - Amy Welborn, Charlotte Was Both
History Of The Orthodox Church - Aristeides Papadakis, GOAA
'In The Name Of Tolerance' - California Catholic Daily
Blog Entry: Mike Huckabee's Bigots - Tito, Custos Fidei
Secular News Item of the Day:
Indiana Jones Meets The Da Vinci Code
by Spengler of the Asia Times
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, January 18, click here.
For Thursday Afternoon-Jan. 17, click here.
For Thursday Morning-Jan. 17, click here.
(Biretta Tip: Catholic Report)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Catholic News-Friday, January 18, 2008 AD
A Breath Of Fresh Air Through St. Peter's - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
The Pope's Cancelled Speech Here - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Births Up, Abortions Down & Spin - Fidei Defensor, Custos Fidei
An Islamic Leo XIII? - George Weigel, Denver Catholic Register
More Cautionary Horror Shows - Edward Short, InsideCatholic
Home-Schoolers Find Success - Henrietta Gomes, Cath Nws Srvc
Defending Life in Confrontations - Maria Caulfield, NC Register
The French Debate About Religion - The Brussels Journal
Why Did The Chicken/Saint Cross The Road - Jeff Miller, Crt Jstr
Mike Huckabee's Bigots - Tito, Custos Fidei
Abp Marini Book Tour Cancelled - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Ranke-Heinemann's Interview Tirade - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday Afternoon-Jan. 17, click here.
For Thursday Morning-Jan. 17, click here.
For Wednesday, January 16, click here.
(Biretta Tips: Catholic Report & LifeSite)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Going to the Mountian- Births up Abortions down and the ensuing spin
Hi all, I am back from a long hiatus in Europe. For those of you who may not recall, Tito was kind enough to grant me guest posting privileges a few months back after I retired my own blog, so I could still on occasion toss my two cents into whatever issues caught my attention.
I believe it was Homer (Simpson) who once said, "Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!" To prove that point, the Guttmacher Institute recently released a study concerning life and death, that is to say birth and abortion, in America. What is most useful about this study is that it dispels the myth that the abortion rate went up during the Bush presidency. Friend of the blog, Jay, has a fine post up which intends, "to finally, once and for all, put to lie the notion that the number and/or rate of abortion has gone up."
While Jay does what he can on that front, I thought I'd say a few words on the media spin pertaining to these studies. You didn't think any news along the lines of an increase in babies being born as well as a decrease in America's most common surgical procedure was simply going to be reported as a step in the right direction did you?
Case in point, we have two articles, from the same paper, dealing with the same topic, and by the same author. In a December 21 piece entitled "U.S. Fertility Rate Hits 35-Year High, Stabilizing Population" Rob Stein of the Washington post informs us that...
"For the first time in 35 years, the U.S. fertility rate has climbed high enough to sustain a stable population, solidifying the nation's unique status among industrialized countries." No argument there, but it was rather interesting to read the possible reasons for this laid out in the article.
"The reasons for the unusual U.S. fertility rate are the focus of intense interest. Experts can only speculate, but they cite a complex mix of factors, including lower levels of birth control use than in other developed countries, widely held religious values that encourage childbearing, social conditions that make it easier for women to work and have families, and a growing Hispanic population.
The nation's religiosity also contributes to the higher fertility rate, which varies geographically, experts said. Red states tend to have both more religious people and higher fertility rates.
'Americans are much more religious than Europeans: They believe in God more. They go to church more,' said Charles Westoff, a Princeton University demographer. 'That sort of religious attitude or set of values is strongly correlated with fertility.'"
While organizations representing immigrants were not quoted in the article, and it took an Ivy League professor to point out any kind of link between religion and family, doom and gloom hippies were given a bully pulpit in the article, declaring, "The world is now consuming resources faster than the Earth can sustain over the longer term...Forests are shrinking. Fisheries are collapsing. Water tables are falling. Large parts of the world's grasslands are deteriorating. The U.S. is already disproportionately responsible for that because of our very high consumption levels."
Very similar to the Washington Post article is a more recent one from the AP. It does contain a few quotable gems though...
"Experts believe there is a mix of reasons [for the increasing fertility rate]: a decline in contraceptive use, a drop in access to abortion, poor education and poverty."
Also interesting to note according to one of the quoted professors, "Clearly, U.S. birth rates are not what they were in the 1950s and early 1960s, when they were nearly twice as high and large families were much more common. The recent birth numbers are more a result of many women having a couple of kids each, rather than a smaller number of mothers, each bearing several children."
This is a matter of perspective. Is a woman who has four children "having a couple of kids," or "bearing several children." What about a woman with three kids, or five? I am not sure it is intentional or not but the professor did seem to do a nice job setting up a false divide between these hip and fun women who do have a "couple of kids," and those dour, barefoot, roundheads "bearing several children" In fairness to the professor though, I have been hearing that 3 is the new 2, for number of children in many circles these days.
Just as the case in the Washington Post article, it falls to a professor to explain the religious angle of things, apparently no religious leaders could be reached.
"'The influence of certain religions in those latter regions is an important factor,' said Ron Lesthaeghe, a Belgian demographer who is a visiting professor at the University of Michigan. 'Evangelical Protestantism and Mormons,' he said."
My only point here is a small one about us Catholics not getting any sort of credit (blame?) for this one. After two articles telling us that the US birthrate is highest in Latino families Evangelicals and Mormons are the only religious groups which are pointed out to value the notion of family? I know those two groups have made some in-roads in the Hispanic community, but come on!
Anyway this brings us to the most recent article, one again, Rob Stein, Washington post...
"The number of abortions performed in the United States dropped to 1.2 million in 2005 -- the lowest level since 1976, according to a new report." Deo gratias! In terms of tone though, much of the article goes downhill from there.
"The report did not identify reasons for the drop in abortions, but the researchers said it could be caused by a combination of factors.
'It could be more women using contraception and not having as many unintended pregnancies. It could be more restrictions on abortions making it more difficult for women to obtain abortion services. It could be a combination of these and other dynamics, said Rachel K. Jones of the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-health research organization."
As Jay pointed out, the pro-choicers have been saying abortions are on the rise for several years, now that the evidence has totally disproven them. Quick to try to grab some credit for the decline in abortions was America's foremost provider of abortions. "'This study shows that prevention works, and that's what we provide in our health centers every day,' said Cecile Richard of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America." Have they no shame?
Also worth noting, "The abortion rate varies widely around the country, tending to be higher in the Northeast and lower in the South and Midwest."
Alright, so where am I going with this? Aside from some of the minor qualms I already pointed out, there is some major dissonance between these articles, let me spell it out in simplest terms.
1-The fertility rate in America is on the rise, according to the MSM and company, a major reason for this is "poor education" about contraception, implicit in this point is that religious people and immigrants are uneducated.
2-At the same time the abortion rate in America is down, according to the MSM and company, a major reason for THIS is "more women using contraception" apparently thanks in large part to the educational efforts of Planned Parenthood.
3-Furthermore, since apparently contraception use and secular outlooks are synonymous with education and the key to preventing abortion, why is it that in the Northeast, a region both articles seem to think rather highly of, the fertility rate is the lowest, and the abortion rate is the highest? Could it be that some Northeasterners are slipping through the cracks of the contraception education establishment and thus have to rely on the back-up plan of abortion, to maintain the region's dubious honor of being home to the fewest children?
So which is it? Are abortions going down because of more contraception use, or is the birthrate going up because of less contraception use? Didn't Stein think about this as he wrote these articles? The truth seems to be that no matter what happens to the abortion and fertility rates in America, the "culture of death" establishment gets all the credit in the media! I guess if the mountain won't come to Mohamed, Mohamed will go to the mountain.
Lip service is paid to to the role of religion, but the pro-life movement and the Catholic Church are not even mentioned here. I guess you can hardly expect the paper to interview a woman who changed her mind and did not go through with an abortion because of the efforts of pro-lifers. This happened in a recent movie and the powers-that-be on the editorial pages were angry enough.
I probably don't even need to tell you what the real story is here with the rise in fertility and the decline in abortions. First of all there is immigration, and the family centered culture many of the immigrants come from. Second, is the so-called "Roe Effect." As nearly everyone born after 1973 is the result of their parent's rejection of having an abortion, the percentage of children born to families that lean religious/conservative/pro-life is going to make up a greater chunk of each succeeding generation. In political terms think about it like this. George Bush barely won Florida in 2000. Had Roe v. Wade been handed down in 1975 say, would most of the thousands of additional 25 year old voters coming mainly from families with pro-choice leanings have voted for Bush or Gore?
As Catholics of course, we need to keep focus on doing as St. Francis said, "Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society." We Catholics must educate each other on Church teachings regarding sanctity of life, this means Priests in their homilies, parents to children (at an appropriate age), Catholic school and CCD teachers to students, and even one Catholic friend to another, etc. Remember many Catholics who disobey or oppose Church teachings are not hostile to them, rather they have never heard them before in the fullness of their truth! Also, we need to live these teachings in our families and in our station in life, and back this teaching and living up with fervent and humble prayer. If we do this, we will see articles about declines in abortions year after year!
Tags:abortion,children,media,Roe v. Wade | 5
More Catholic News-Thursday (1-17-2008 AD)
First Temple Seal Found In Jerusalem - Etgar Lefkovits, JPost
Michelangelo's David To Be Moved - Malcom Moore, Telegraph
Fallout From Pope's Cancelled Speech - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
...Papal Inquisition by the Wall Street Journal...
Number Of Abortions Lowest In Decades - Jay Anderson, Pr Eccls
Things To Know About Abortion/Coercion - Jean Heimann, Cth Fr
Culture Of Divorce, Culture Of Death - Anthony Esolen, InsdCthlc
Kafka's Canada - David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
Europe’s Philosophy Of Failure - Stefan Theil, FrontPageMag
St. Anthony The Great - Argent By The Tiber
Liberal Fascism Explained - Amanda Busse, Accuracy In Media
Hatemongering On The Left - Arthur C. Brooks, Wall Street Jrnl
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday Morning-Jan. 17, click here.
For Wednesday, January 16, click here.
For Tuesday, January 15, click here.
(Biretta Tip: Lucianne)
Catholic News-Thursday, January 17, 2008 AD
Restoring Our Right To Say It's Wrong - First Things
Catholic Identity In America - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Students Flock To Pope After Speech Protests - J. Connolly, LfSt
Catholic Bp Joins In The “Seating” Of Bishopess - Cal Cath Dly
Leo Not Luther - Rich Leonardi, Ten Reasons
Pastor Of 3rd Largest Methodist Church Converts - Per Christum
Homophobia - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Clinton & Obama Vie For Abortion Vote - Tom McFeely, NC Rgstr
George Washington’s Conversion To Catholicism? - Per Christum
Carnegie Hall Stoops Low - Catholic League
Mike Huckabee's Bigots - Tito, Custos Fidei
Bishop John Chanche Re-interred - Adam Koob, Natchez Dmcrt
Secular News Item of the Day:
US Middle School Textbook: 'Jihad' Means Doing Good Works
By Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Wednesday, January 16, click here.
For Tuesday, January 15, click here.
For Saturday, January 12, click here.
(Biretta Tip: National Catholic Register)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2008 AD
Benedictine Monks Of Clear Creek - Brad Watkins, RC Vocations
Marriage & Celibacy: Loves Link - Miriam Diez i Bosch, Zenit
Cancelled Pope's Speech Is Fear Of Dialogue - Cthlc Nws Agncy
Oprah's Bizarro Jesus Teachings - Warren Smith, Crossroad
Abp Burke To Defrock Priest - Tim Townsend, SL Post-Dispatch
Priestesses Turned Catholic - Damian Thompson, Holy Somke
Faith At The Abortion Center - Maria Vitale, Nat'l Cthlc Rgstr
Catholic For Choice Is Neither - Donald Demarco, Nat'l Cthlc Rgstr
Spanish Civil War Redux - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Christophobia On The Rise - Catholic Knight, TCK
Mike Huckabee's Bigots - Tito, Custos Fidei
Gay Rights Ldr Held Over Child Porn - Jack Mathieson, Dly Rcrd
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Tuesday, January 15, click here.
For Saturday, January 12, click here.
For Friday, January 11, click here.
(Biretta Tip: LifeSite)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday, January 15, 2008 AD
Evidence Supports Pope Pius XII - Argent, By The Tiber
Entire Christendom Col. Student Body To March For Life - LfSt
Family-Friendly Flicks - Tim Drake, National Catholic Register
Ability To Love Is Within Each Of Us - Argent, By The Tiber
Michigan Catholic Voter Guide - Jean Heimann, Catholic Fire
Mike Huckabee's Bigots - Tito, Custos Fidei
Evangelical Christian Double Think - Fr. Longenecker, SOMH
Gaza's Christians Leaving - Erica Silverman, Washington Times
How Christians Ended Slavery - Dinesh D'Souza, Townhall
Card. DiNardo Removes Priest - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
Catholic Mag Faces Legal Attack For Criticizing Gays - CNA
Gays File Charges Against Bishop - Matthew Hoffman, LifeSite
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday, January 12, click here.
For Friday, January 11, click here.
For Thursday, January 10, click here.
(Biretta Tip:
Monday, January 14, 2008
Mike Huckabee's Bigots
Governor Mike Huckabee seems to be gathering the 'values' voters in this presidential campaign, mostly among the evangelical Christians. Many Catholics would also like to vote for the governor but his association with anti-Catholic bigots and his Clintonesque obfuscation is making it difficult to like the governor.
This email has been sent out to the Catholic electorate in Michigan recently and it highlights the many deficiencies about Governor Huckabee. I agree with all it has to say. I'll update this posting if I find any discrepancies on the facts of this email. My emphasis in bold.
Michigan Catholic Voter Alert: What Michigan Catholics MUST Know About Mike Huckabee
FACT: Mike Huckabee has exhibited a willful blindness in associating with anti-Catholicism when it has benefited him politically.
FACT: Instead of supporting a healthy expression of religion in the public square, Mike Huckabee has used his evangelical protestant faith as a wedge to divide the Republican Party and gain support from fellow evangelicals.
FACT: While claiming to believe Catholics are fellow Christians, Mike Huckabee has kept close acquittance with evangelical leaders who have:
- Compared Catholicism to a disease requiring 'recovery' and rehabilitation;
- Said the Catholic Church collaborated with the Nazis to exterminate Jews;
- Accused the Catholic Church of pulling mankind into the 'dark ages'.
FACT: Mike Huckabee has been endorsed by anti-Catholic author Tim Lahaye , who called Catholicism a "false religion" Lahaye's Church also funded "Mission to Catholics", a virulently anti-Catholic ministry.
Read More: False Profit: Money, Prejudice, and Bad Theology in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind Series and at The Catholic League: The Best-Selling Bigotry of Left Behind
FACT: Mike Huckabee has also played up anti-Mormon sentiment against Governor Mitt Romney by asking a reporter if it was the Mormon Church that taught that Jesus and the devil were half-brothers. For more information, click here .
FACT: Mike Huckabee turned a blind eye to an anti-Catholic whisper campaign waged against Catholic Senator Sam Brownback in the run up to the Iowa Straw Poll in July 2007. For more information, click here .
FACT: While Mike Huckabee has declared himself to be the authentic pro-life candidate in the 2008 Republican primary, in 2006 alone he accepted $35,000 in cash from Novo Nordisk, a company dedicated to promoting research on human life through destructive embryonic stem cell research.
Case in Point: Mike Huckabee was the guest speaker at the notoriously anti-Catholic Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX on December 23, 2007.
Huckabee was hosted by the Rev. John Hagee, who has written that the Catholic Church collaborated with Hitler in staying completely silent during the Holocaust. This would be a surprise to millions of Catholics who struggled against Nazism, most especially St. Maximillan Kolbe.
Here is a sampling of Pastor Hagee's writings:
John Hagee: "Most readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews."John Hagee: "The Catholic Church plunged the world into the dark ages."John Hagee: " When Hitler became a global demonic monster, the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII never, ever slightly criticized him."
What does Mike Huckabee think about John Hagee?
Huckabee said John Hagee is, "one of the greatest Christian leaders of our nation."
But the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has a different opinion of John Hagee:
READ MORE: "John Hagee: Veteran Bigot."
What did Mike Huckabee do when presented with these vicious statements made by John Hagee about Catholics and the Catholic Church?
Nothing, but Huckabee did make this very equivocal statement: "I can't speak for (Hagee) anymore than he could speak for me. I'm sure that there're things I'll say that he disagrees with… I would certainly never characterize the Catholic Church as being pro-Nazi, never." Just imagine if a politician:
Spoke at a church/organization which denied the Holocaust ever existed; Said he did not agree with this statement of the church/organization; But then went on to call the leader of this church/organization (who made the statement denying the Holocaust) one of the finest leaders in our nation.
Imagine this scenario no longer: Mike Huckabee has put forward this ridiculous line of reasoning.
And to top it off, Huckabee accepted $10,000 from Hagee for speaking at the church!
Why did the self-anointed authentic pro-life candidate in this election—Mike Huckabee—accept $35,000 in 2006 from Novo Nordisk, a company that conducts life-destructive embryonic stem cell research?
While this story line sounds too salacious to be true, Mike Huckabee did in fact accept $35,000 from Novo Nordisk in 2006, a company that is one of the largest embryonic stem cell research firms in the world.
What was the reason for these payments? Huckabee accepted the money for 'consulting services/speaking fees'. Huckabee accepted this money nonetheless while he was the sitting Governor of Arkansas.
How can pro-lifers trust this man when he has taken so much money—for so little actual work-- from a company that profits from the destruction of human life? Simply, put, they can't. At minimum, why won't Mike Huckabee return this money?
Sadly, Mike Huckabee would seek to divide conservatives and Republicans along religious lines for political gain. While America needs a more robust expression of faith in the public square, it does not need a preacher politician who has shown a repeated pattern of dividing people along religious lines. The shared values of Protestants and Catholics are too important to risk endangering this important coalition by nominating Mike Huckabee, a candidate who has demonstrated a blind eye to anti-Catholicism.
Michigan Catholic Voters: Do you want a president who rubs shoulders with Anti-Catholic Bigots? On Tuesday, January 15th , you have a chance to be heard.
Vote Against Anti-Catholic Bigotry.
Vote Against Mike Huckabee.
Governor Huckabee needs to denounce John Hagee and Tim LaHaye for their bigotry in order to win over the Catholic vote.
See the email here.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Catholic News-Saturday, January 12, 2008 AD
Anglicans & The Pope - Joanna Bogle, National Catholic Register
Bryan's Conversion Story - Chris, Catholic Converts
Stewerdess Losses Court Battle To Wear Cross - Cath Nws Agncy
Abp Tettamanzi Defies Pope - Nicola De Grandi, Nw Ltrgcl Mvmnt
2 Women Die From Contraceptive Patch - John Connolly, LfSt
If Homosexuality Excused Why Not Pedophilia - T. Baklinski, LS
Mark Shea's Clumsy Use Of English - Rich Leonardi, Ten Reasons
No Country For Old Men & The Culture Of Death - Tito, Csts Fd
Juno Movie Review - Amy Welborn, Charlotte Was Both
Arinze, Language Of Liturgy - Shawn Tribe, Nw Ltrgcl Mvmnt
Catholic View On New Hampshire Primary - Tito, Custos Fidei
Evidence Of Huckabee's Catholic Problem - Tito, Custos Fidei
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, January 11, click here.
For Thursday, January 10, click here.
For Wednesday, January 9, click here
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Books I Recommend
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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