Friday, October 31, 2008
Catholic News-Friday, October 31, 2008 A.D.
Counting Bishops - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Why this Election is About the Freedom of Religion - Fr. Neuhaus, First Things
A Surprised Stay-at-Home Dad - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Can Christians Celebrate Halloween? - David Morrison, Ancient & Future Catholics
All Hallows Eve In The Catholic Tradition - Nancy Reyes,
A New Altar for the Cathedra of St. Peter? - New Catholic, Rorate Cæli
Canadian Human Rights Com.: Christians Have No Rights - Mark Shea, CAEI
Why Jefferson Davis Opposed Roe v. Wade - H.W. Crocker III, Inside Catholic
Author Interpretation - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day: Inside Catholic
Bonus Commentary:
Class and Classless - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
How Was the Play Mrs. Lincoln - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Notable Commentary:
Holy See on Use of Psychology in Priestly Formation - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Vatican Approves Psychological Tests for Gays - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Something Disgusting and Evil But Very Instructive - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Catholics Continue Trending Towards McCain - Tito, American Catholic
Card. O'Malley: Right to Life 'Centerpiece' of Catholicism - Kathleen Gilbert, LSN
Planned Parenthood Admits Infanticide Happens - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
Video Shows Babies Left to Die in Method Obama OK'ed - Steven Ertelt, LifeNews
Archeologist Finds 3,000-year Old Hebrew Text - CNN
Head of Museum Displaying 'blasphemous frog' Sacked - Nick Squires, Telegraph
Ancient City Find Could Alter Notions of Biblical David - Ethan Bronner, NY Times
Secular Commentary:
Obama Win a Dream Come True for French Blacks - Siegfried Mortkowitz, M & C
(Biretta Tip:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday, October 30, 2008 A.D.
Send Me Your Poor... - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
SSPX bishops & Mass at Lourdes, Re: The Excommunications - Fr. Z, WDTPRS?
Episcopalian Gene's Gay (Catholic) Get-together - Patrick Archbold, CMR
Fr. Andrew Greeley: Racism Will Make Obama Lose - Warner Todd Huston, NB
Catholic Church Is Falling Into a Muslim Trap - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Vatican Won't Open Pope Pius XII Archives For 6-7 Years - Intrntnl Hrld Trbn
Obama's Abortion Stance Repels Evangelicals - Julia Duin, Washington Times
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day:
Bonus Commentary:
Bishop Finn of Kansas City On Fire! - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Archbishop Nienstedt of Minneapolis on FOCA & Voting - Fr. Z, WDTPRS?
Obama Loving Nuns Blast Archbishop Chaput - Matthew Archbold, CMR
Notable Commentary:
On These Slippery Slopes - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Out of Division, a Greater Unity? - David Mills, Inside Catholic
Palin, Jesus and Witches??? - Brian Fitzpatrick, NewsBusters
Political Intimidation and Persecution - Tito, American Catholic
Bonus Video:
Gianna Jessen Responds to Obama - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Secular News:
McCain Slams LA Times for Withholding Obama-Khalidi Tape - Fox News
What Is The LA Times Withholding? - Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic
Checks on 'Joe' More Extensive - Randy Ludlow, Columbus Dispatch
France Boosts Military Spending - Edward Cody, Washington Post
(Biretta Tip: Lucianne)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday Morning, 10-29-2008 A.D.
On These Slippery Slopes - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Pope's Preface to 1st Vol. of his Opera Omnia (on liturgy) - Fr. Z, WDTPRS?
...Fr. John Zuhlsdorf's critique of the critique...
When Obama Came For Them - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Rehabilitating Pope Pius XII - Melik Kaylan, Forbes
Getting Beyond the Literal Sense of Scripture - Mark P. Shea, Inside Catholic
Get That Straw Out of My Face! - Amy Welborn, Charlotte Was Both
Profits and Peace - Fr. Robert A. Sirico, First Things
It's The Courts, Stupid - Larrey Anderson, American Thinker
The End of the Catholic Vote? - Tim Rutten, Los Angeles Times
Will Values Voters Bring Another Election Day Surprise? - Michael Medved, Th
Poland's Muslims Thrive in Tiny Community - Dominika Maslikowski, M & C
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day:
The American Catholic
Bonus Commentary:
Bishop Boyea Corrects Michigan's 'Catholic' Governor - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Yesterdays Commentary:
Cocaine, Cardinal Ocampo, and the Drug Wars - Tito, American Catholic
Culture of Secrecy & Evasion in the Church - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Did the US Commit 'Terrorism' in Syria? - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Secular Commentary:
The Man Behind 'Fair and Balanced' - Michael Calderone, Politico
Vietnamese-Americans Feel Indebted to McCain - Lindsay Wise, Houston Chronicle
Evidence Mounts: Ayers Co-Wrote Obama's Book - Jack Cashill, American Thinker
(Biretta Tips: Pro Ecclesia & Lucianne)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday Morning, 10-28-2008 A.D.
Did the U.S. Commit "Terrorism" in Syria? - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Cardinal Egan: Abortion Support Equal to Nazism - Catholic News Agency
Card. Castrillon Responds to Questions on the TLM - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
...more by Shawn Tribe of the New Liturgical Movement...
Fr. Geoff Farrow Meets Episcopalian Gene Robinson - David Benett, Per Christum
Beyond the Fairness Doctrine - Jesse Walker, Reason
God in the Belly - John Zmirak, Inside Catholic
Bonus Commentary:
Can a Bishop Forbid Ad Orientem - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Archbishop Naumann Defends Life - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Being Reasonable Doesn't Always Work - Chris Burgwald, American Catholic
Political Intimidation and Persecution - Tito, American Catholic
All Sacrifices Will Cease But One - Brant Pitre, Singing in the Reign
Gobekli Tepe, Worlds First Temple? - Andrew Curry, Smithsonian
Secular Commentary:
Why Did Neanderthals Have Such Big Noses? - Ewen Callaway, New Scientist
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight, RealClearReligion, & Lucianne)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Catholic News-Monday Afternoon, 10-13-2008 A.D.
Preferential Option For The Middle Class? - Darwin, American Catholic
Abortion In The Name Of "Catholic Social Teaching" - Nancy Reyes, PewSitter
Last Safe Haven For Iraqi Christians Taken By Al-Qaeda - Deal Hudson, Inside Cthlc
Bible Synod: Catholic Stars Come Out To Shine - John L. Allen, NCRcafe
Top 10 Scientific Explanations For Fatima - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
The Treasure Of Halberstadt I - Gregor Kollmorgen, New Liturgical Movement
Nun, 106, To Vote For Pro-Abortion Obama - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Was Hans Urs Von Balthasar A Heretic? - R.R. Reno, First Things
CNN Omits Palin’s Highlight of Obama Abortion Votes - Matthew Balan, NwsBstrs
Why Aren't Protestant Churches "churches" - BFHU, The Black Cordelias
Shameless Blog Plug Of The Day:
The new American Catholic blog, Politics & Culture from a Catholic perspective.
Bonus Commentary:
Sarah Palin And Small Town America - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Boycott Over - Super Size Me! - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Ahmadinejad: A Modern Day Hitler - Abraham Cooper/Yitzchok Adlerstein, WaTms
CBS Showcases 106-Yr-Old Nun Voting for Obama - Brent Baker, NewsBusters
Less Recent Commentary:
Pope Canonizes Four, Including India's First Female Saint - Catholic News Agency
Hanged For Being A Christian In Iran - Alasdair Palmer, The Daily Telegraph
FOCA - An Alarm For Decent Americans To Wake Up - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Same-Sex Marriage By Judicial Fiat - Rod Dreher, CrunchyCon
How The Bishops Found Their Voice - Austin Ruse, The Catholic Thing
Ecclesiastical Vesture: The Cappello Romano Or 'Saturno' - Shawn Tribe, NLM
A Dead Language That's Very Much Alive - Winnie Hu, New York Times
Anger And Politics - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Bible Synod: Anti-Christian Violence Emerges As Concern - John Allen, NCRcafe
Shariah Sentence Threatens Christian Woman's Family - Drew Zahn, WrldNtDly
Bonus Comic Strip:
Senator Obama's 'Nuanced' Golden Rule - Paul Nichols, Catholic Cartoon Blog
Secular Commentary:
An Obama Wall St. Panic, Market Fears His Policies - Charles Gasparino, NY Post
Google Marks Columbus Day, Pic of Paddington Bear - Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters
B.C. Human Rights Tribunal Joke Trial Of Mark Steyn - Ian Mulgrew, Vncvr Sn
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight, Pro Ecclesia,, Real Clear Religion, Lucianne, & RealClearWorld)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Catholic News-Saturday Afternoon, 10-11-2008 A.D.
American Catholic 2008 - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
Without A Pope: Orthodox & Unity - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Vocation Of Spiritual Motherhood For Priests - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?
Bible Synod: Religious Orders As 'Hearing Aid' Of Church - John L. Allen, NCRcafe
Archbishop Wuerl Refuses to Support Obama's Catholics - Deal W. Hudson, TIB
Re-Learning The Keeping Of Feast Days & Festivals - Shawn Tribe, Nw Ltrgcl Mov
Iraq: Assyrian Christians Fighting For Their Lives - Damian Thompson, Holy Smk
Pursuing Happiness - Jonathan B., Per Christum
St. John's U. Priest Accused Of Sending Homemade Smut To 'Teen' - NY Daily Nws
The Debt We Owe to Trade - Jeffrey Tucker, Inside Catholic
Liberal Catholic Bigotry Against Sarah Palin - Joseph D'Hippolito, Amrcn Thinker
Abortion-Marching New York Times Reporter - Tim Graham, NewsBusters
Last Nights Commentary:
Bible Synod: Shaping Imaginations Of 1.2 billion Catholics - John Allen, NCRcafe
Bible Synod: Interview With Cardinal George Pell - John L. Allen, NCRcafe
Blessed Pius XII? But First Of All, Get Him Right - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
As 'Obama-Nation' Nears, Priests Sound Alarm - Matt C. Abbott, RenewAmerica
ABC Censors Ad Exposing Obama's Pro-Abort Record - Steven Ertelt, LifeNews
The Issue That Must Not Be Reported - Kevin Jones, Philokalia Republic
Young Person's Experience Of Defending Cathedral From Feminist Horde - CNA
Was Shakespeare A Catholic? Should We Care? - Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture
Last Nights News:
McDonald's Ends Ties With Gay Chamber Of Commerce - Cheryl Jackson, Chi S-T
Host Desecration Videos Back on YouTube -
Abp. O'Brien: Lay-Run School Must Accept Bad Sex Pgm, To Be 'Catholic' - CC
Bonus Video:
"The Priest's" On YouTube - Rusty Tisdale, American Catholic
Secular Commentary:
Market Dive Due to Impending 'First Socialist President' - Tom Blumer, NwsBstrs
Che Guevara's Rendezvous With Justice - Humberto Fontova, American Thinker
US vs. China: Great Game In Africa - Thomas Skypek, The Weekly Standard
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight,, & Real Clear Religion)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Catholic News-Friday Afternoon, 10-10-2008 A.D.
Palin On Abortion And Obama - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Rome Rumor: Abbot Edmund Power, 'Next Cormac' - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
The Return Of "Quarant' Ore" - Deacon Greg Kandra, The Deacon's Bench
Preparing Priests for 'White Martyrdom' - Msgr. Mark O'Toole, The Catholic Herald
A Gay Marriage Irony - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Alleged Catholic Chris Matthews On Metaphysics - David R. Carlin, Inside Catholic
Allah No Longer Has 99 Most Beautiful Names - A Simple Sinner, Black Cordelias
National Right To Life Still Waiting For Obama Apology - Jay Anderson, Pr Eccls
The Things Deserving Debate - Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, First Things
Mainstream Media Ignore Obama's Radical Abortion Record - Matthew Balan, NB
Bonus Commentary:
Tribalism And Politics - DarwinCatholic, American Thinker
New Crop Of Seminarians Scare Catholic Left - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Little Audrey: A Saint Of Silence? - Deacon Greg Kandra, The Deacon's Bench
New Face Of Terrorism? Nun? - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Holy War Strikes India - Andrew Buncombe, The Independent
Hesburgh On Women's "Ordination" - Dr. Edward Peters, In The Light Of The Law
Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism - Fjordman, The Brussels Journal
Bonus News:
Archbishop M. Ranjith, Where Go For? - New Catholic, Rorate Cæli
October Surprise? - Eric Pavlat, The Inside Blog
Yesterdays News of Import:
Bishop's Conference Gave ACORN Over $1,000,000 in 2007 - Deal Hudson, TIB
Demographic Winter, The Decline Of The Human Family - Suzanne Temple, BAM
Girl With Half A Brain Thriving - Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
Hospital to Remove Window With Virgin Mary 'Image' - Fox News
An Interview With Peter Kreeft - William D. Aubin, The Dartmouth Review
Bonus Apologetics:
Yes, Early Christians Believed Jesus Was God - David Bennett, Per Christum
Do Moral Absolutes Exist? - Proverbs3031, The Emmaus Road
Secular Commentary:
Taking The Union Out Of E.U. - The Daily Telegraph
World Rooting For "The One" - Nisa Islam Muhammad/Saeed Shabazz, Final Call
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight & Real Clear Religion)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday Morning, 10-9-2008 A.D.
Fr. Emery of the 10th Tennessee Regiment - Donald McClarey, American Catholic
Will The Church Split Along Red & Blue Lines? - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Catholic
Cappella Papale for Death of Pius XII - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement
The Great Catholic Shakedown - Robert Kumpel, St. John's Valdosta Blog
Right To Be A Lady - Amanda Shaw, First Things
Scientific Advance: Please God, Make It Stop - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
The Pornification Of A Generation - Jessica Bennett, Newsweek
Bonus Commentary:
Obama And The Freedom Of Choice Act - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Is The Catholic Church Funding One Of The Candidates" - Robert Kumpel, SJVB
Last Nights Commentary:
As France & Europe Grow More Secular, The Pope Pushes Back - Web In France
Beyond Distributism - Thomas E. Woods, Acton Institute
While Rome Talks, Québec Has Already Been Lost - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
McCain's Armenia Problem - Daniel Nichanian, The Atlantic
Switching Off Church Music In China - Catherine Sampson, The Guardian
Traditional Latin Mass Draws Young Working Adults - UCAN
Bonus News:
Pope Hopes Wartime Pius Can Move Towards Sainthood - Reuters
Political Commentary:
What's Up With The Polls? - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Polls: Obama or McCain Is Winning - Steven M. Warshawsky, American Thinker
Who Wrote Dreams From My Father? - Jack Cashill, American Thinker
Barack Obama Was A Member Of A Socialist Party - Joel L., Southern Appeal
President Obama Would Outlaw Conservative Radio - Brian Anderson, IBD
(Biretta Tip: Real Clear Religion)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday Evening, 10-8-2008 A.D.
The Scary Thing Is: We Really Mean It - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
In What Color Are Priests To Be Buried? - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The Silver Lining Of An Obama Victory - Deal W. Hudson, The Inside Blog
Literalischtick: Bill Maher Is On The Loose - Mark Shea, Inside Catholic
Contradistinction Essential To The Eastern Orthodox Convert - Sinner, Blck Crdls
Has Benedict Lost The Confidence Of The TLM Pack - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
...Fr. John Zuhlsdorf Responds to Latin Mass Faithful's Lost Confidence in Pope...
Spines Busting Out: Bishop John Smith Lays Down The Law - Jeff Miller, Crt Jstr
Vatican Cracks Down on Devout Catholic Bus Plunges - Mark Shea, Cthlc Exchange
Happy 100th Anniversary to The Wind in the Willows - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
The Forgotten Pogrom - Fr. Edward T. Jakes, First Things
Religion, Maher Style - William Murchison, Dallas Morning News
Bonus Commentary:
Pope Benedict In America - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
"Priests Of The Future Are Excited About Tradition" - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Catholics, Tithing & Cable - A Simple Sinner, The Black Cordelias
Honey And Vinegar - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
Favorite Catholic Quotations - Eric Pavlat, The Inside Blog
Down Syndrome Bill Inspired by Trig & Heroic Catholic Dad - Jay Anderson, PE
On The State Of American Catholicism - Dr. Michael Liccione, Sacramentum Vitae
The DeChristianization Of France - Tiberge, The Brussels Journal
Bonus News:
A million on Marian Pilgrimage - Fr. Tim Finigan, The Hermeneutic Of Continuity
Cardinal: Everything That Makes Europe Great Has Its Roots In The Bible - CNA
Kmiec: Obama To Make Same-Sex Marriage Law - Francis Beckwith, Sthrn Appl
CO Gov Ritter Will Stop Vote on Abortion-Personhood Measure - Steven Ertelt, LN
Bishop Threatens to Close Hospitals if Abortion Law Passed - Christian Today
'Demographic Situation In Russia Requires Urgent Measures' - ZeeNews
Bonus Video:
Martyrs Walk DVD Available - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Secular Commentary:
Democrats Already Celebrating Obama Election Victory - PJ Gladnick, NewsBusters
Global Meltdown: The Arab Repercussions - Rami G. Khouri, The Daily Star
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight & PewSitter)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday Evening, 10-7-2008 A.D.
Dr. Nicholas Cafardi Resigns from Franciscan U. Board - Deal W. Hudson, TIB
What Is An American Catholic - Zach, American Catholic
Catholics And Abortion (Again) - Cal Thomas, Sacramento Bee
A Home For Homeschoolers - Sally Thomas, First Things
Sacrament Abuse: In Defense of "No" - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
OH Sup. Ct. Hears Plnnd Prnthd Secret Teen Abortion Case - Steven Ertelt, LN
Nationwide Trend in Eucharistic Devotions on Campus - Katy Carl, NCRegister
Fr. Richard McBrien Interview On "One Issue" Politics - Fr. J. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Two Los Angeles Cathedrals That Might Have Been - Matthew Alderman, NLM
Letter Asks Spanish King Not Sign Law Allowing Aborted Babies Grinded - CNA
Monastery On Top Of Holy Sepulchre In Danger Of Collapse - AsiaNews
Mark Warner: Homeschoolers "Threaten" America - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
...Mainstream Media Ignoring Mark Warner's Attacks...
Synod of Bishops Commentary:
Synod - Day 2: Some Points- Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
Synod: 'It's The Culture, Stupid!' - John L. Allen, NCR Cafe
Bonus Commentary:
Catholic Rights Talk - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Dominus Noster Jesus Christus Vos Absolvat - Donald McClarey, American Catholic
A Newbie to the TLM Writes With Observations - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The New Oakland Cathedral: 'There Is No Prayer There' - Margaret Cabaniss, TIB
Mainstream Media Helping Obama's "Faith Outreach" Pitch - Jay Anderson, PE
Science Comic Strip Mocks the Religious Skeptics - Scott Whitlock, NewsBusters
The Heroic Generation - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
'Savior Siblings' Spark Resignation - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
New Political Blog: American Catholic - Tito, Custos Fidei
Bonus News:
Institute of Christ the King Now of Pontifical Right - Gregor Kollmorgen, NLM
Battle Continues Over 10 Commandments In DeWeese's Courtroom - WMFD
Bonus Apologetics:
Why Do Catholics Light Candles - BFHU, The Black Cordelias
Movie Review:
Last Night, I Finally Watched "Bella" - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Secular Commentary:
Dwight And Terrorism - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Theaters Defrauding Tx Sales Of 'An American Carol' Film - Warner Huston, NB
New Website:
American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG)
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight & PewSitter)
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Newest Political Blog, American Catholic
The American Catholic blog is the blogosphere's newest entry in the political and cultural dialogue of American. Twelve faithful Christians have joined together to participate in the American experiment by actively and positively engaging in the public square for the betterment of the common good.
You say there are already a few Catholic blogs out there that does that?
Yes, but what distinguishes us from all the rest is that we will provide thoughtful postings with charity on a daily basis. With fidelity to Holy Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, we hope to positively enhance the dialogue on politics and culture.
What about the separation of Church and state?
It behooves us to help create a more perfect union, as per the preamble of the constitution. What better way than to bring the teachings of Jesus for the betterment of America? We do not want a theocratic state. What we want is a civilization of charity for our fellow man. Whom better than Jesus to provide the framework for this!
Chris Blosser, Chris Burgwald, Walter Cole, Dr. David Curp, myself, Ryan Harkins, Brendan Hodge, Donald R. Mclarey, Peter Park, Joe Potillor, Zach C., and Rusty Tisdale are the faithful Christians serving our Catholic Church by responding to the Second Vatican Council's call for positive engagement to the world.
We hope you take the time to visit the blogosphere's newest member, American Catholic.
For American Catholic click here.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Catholic News-Saturday Evening, 10-4-2008 A.D.
Priest: Must "Protect Myself From Persecution..." Over The TLM - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Christian Father & Son Hacked To Death In Orissa - Nirmala Carvalho, AsiaNews
India: Four Held For Nun’s Rape - Debabrata Mohanty, Indian Express
Be Praised, My Lord, For… Brother Francis! - Nicene Hobbit, Per Christum
USAID Defunds International Abortion Provider - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Catholic
Fr. Robert Barron On "Religulous" - D Mac, Creative Minority Report
Reform Of The Reform Marches On! - Gregor Kollmorgen, New Liturgical Movement
Europe's Rising Radical Leftism - Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
Bonus Commentary:
Don't Lose Sight - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say
Bonus News:
Priest Turns Film Producer, 10-Part Epic On Catholicism - Wall Street Journal
Church Needs To Explain Its Message On Marriage & Procreation - AsiaNews
(Biretta Tips: PewSitter & Real Clear Religion)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Catholic News-Friday Evening, 10-3-2008 A.D.
Bishop Finn Takes On Freedom Of Choice Act - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Time Runs Out For Medjugorje - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
John Henry Newman's Canonization Not "Imminent." Again. - Rocco Palmo, WITL
Dramatic Transformation Of A Seminary - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
How To Destroy A Diocese, By Bp Clark Of Rochester - Rich Leonardi, 10 Reasons
"As A Believing Hindu, I Am Ashamed..." - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Catholic Left Attack Sarah Palin - Joseph D'Hippolito, FrontPageMag
At the Origins of the Naked Public Square - Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, First Things
'Jesus Was A Palestinian,' Claims U.S. History Text - Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily
Observations About Catholic Blogging - Tito, Custos Fidei
Turkey And Armenia On Track? - Amberin Zaman, RealClearWorld
Europe's Islamization - Geerts Wilders, Real Clear Religion
Bonus Commentary:
Defiant Parishioners Carry On Protests to Closures - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
More Defiance & Invalid Baptisms At St. Mary’s, Brisbane - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Courting For The 21st Century Catholic - Tito, Custos Fidei
Bonus News:
Pope Reaffirms Church Opposition to Contraception - Agence France-Presse
Bonus Apologetics:
Sola Scriptura/Scripture Alone? - BFHU, The Black Cordelias
Political Commentary:
Palin Scores Well in Debate; Conservative Elitists React - Jay Anderson, Pr Eccls
Palin Has Everything That Counts - Kyle-Anne Shiver, American Thinker
Secular Commentary:
Europe's Conservative Revival - Ian Buruma, Los Angeles Times
Liberalism (California) Needs Another Bailout - C. Edmund Wright, Amrcn Thnkr
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight & PewSitter)
Observations About Catholic Blogging
I came across some observations about blogging from James Altena (Mere Comments). He has some very interesting observations that you may find intriguing:
1) Blog threads, being essentially conversational in nature, are inherently discursive and informal. They also tend to be digressive, frequently wandering off topic, as someone responds to a side point made in a previous comment, and that side point then becomes the focus of debate, and the process repeats itself.
2) Comments tend to be largely reactive in character, whether to the initial post or to a subsequent comment by another person posting on the blog thread.
3) Comments are usually written and posted hastily. This means that they tend to lack depth, and also are plagued with typographical and grammatical errors
4) Comments also therefore tend to be low on analytical content and sustained synthetic argument. Of course, they also lack supporting documentation (footnotes, bibliography, etc.)
5) There tends to be an inverse relation between the depth and specificity of a thread (or even a particular comment) and the breadth of the audience. The more specialized the content, the narrower the audience will be.
6) There is also a tendency to sweeping generalizations, reliance on stereotypes, and recourse to easy judgmentalism.
7) Because of the lack of face-to-face contact, it tends to be much easier for people to fail to practice restraint -- to speak far more strongly and bluntly than one would in direct conversation, even resorting to insult and profanity.
8) The conversational nature of blog threads also lures people into forgetting that, unlike in verbal conversation, their comments on blog threads form a permanent cyberspace record of who they are which can be accessed by perfect strangers. The result can be great carelessness of expression that can come back to haunt one.
9) Because of the lack of visual and verbal cues, it is also easier to misunderstand a blog comment than a spoken one. (This can be alleviated by the use of emoticons or explanatory comments.)
10) Over time, blogs tend toward the formation of informal alliances among the "regulars" who post on the thread, as people find intellectual and temperamental soulmates. Often these branch off into warm offsite e-mail friendships as well -- one of the major benefits of blogging.
11) The other major benefit of blogging is (on a substantive blog site) the opportunity provided for thought-provoking exchanges in which one encounters new and fruitful ideas that broaden and deepen one's mind.
12) Offsetting this, a major downside of blogs is that they also provide free platforms for village idiots and cranks who otherwise would not be given the time of day. Along with trolls, these can spoil the pleasure of a good blog site.
13) Blogs have a natural half-life of 2-3 years, after which the same topics tend to be debated with minor variations over and over again.
14) Finally, there is what I call a "Gresham's Law" of blog sites. Gresham's Law is from 17th c. political economist Thomas Gresham: "Bad money drives out good." I.e., sound money of greater value -- e.g., unclipped gold and silver coins in Gresham's day -- will be hoarded and pass out of circulation, while unsound money of lesser value -- e.g., clipped coins -- is palmed off on others in purchases and exchanges, resulting in an inflationary spiral. There is also, I believe, a Gresham's law of language (word definitions that are increasingly more vague and imprecise in meaning will tend to drive out of circulation definitions that are more specific and precise). Gresham's law of blogs dictates that, over time, the quality of comments on blogs will also degenerate, as idiots and cranks increasingly drive away more substantive commentators who finally decide not to waste time and energy arguing with them.
Jerry Janquart says that Altena’s fourteenth point seems especially important to him [I agree]. There is good reason, for the health of a blogsite, to ban commentators who consistently make themselves obnoxious to its readers in the many ways this can be done. The axe should not be made to fall on those who express opposition to the point being made, but on those who write, even if they agree, in a dishonest (and here I am thinking primarily of the use of sly rhetoric) or unmannerly way. One has a right to insist that everyone who comes into his house leaves his muddy boots outside, and minds his manners once he is in.
(Biretta Tip: James Altena via Mere Comments)
Internet Explorer & Mozilla Firefox Viewing
I just noticed all the tweaks I made on Internet Explorer 8 have caused some slight distortions when viewing on Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1. I've finally fixed the HTML spacing problems for IE8, but it is causing border issues on MF3.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, I'm all ears. In the meantime I apologize to my Firefox users (and Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc. users). I can say that when I implemented a 3rd column for my blog I started getting all these little issues of border and spacing problems.
Again, if there is anyone that can provide any assistance shoot me an email or leave me a message in the CommBox.
In Jesus, Mary, & Joseph,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday Evening, 10-2-2008 A.D.
Selling Obama as a Pro-Life Candidate - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Catholic
Arts & Sciences: God Need Not Apply - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Deacon Fournier Puts Smack Down on Prof. Kmiec - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Victory! YouTube Removes Desecration of Eucharist Videos - LifeSiteNews
Franciscan U. Students Attend a Catholics for Obama Event - Deal Hudson, TIB
...Franciscan University of Steubenville Responds...
The Mystery of Cormac's Successor - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Elevations At The Papal Mass - Gregor Kollmorgen, New Liturgical Movement
The Bishop Of Scranton, Hear Him Roar! - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Communism's Christian Martyrs - Ricardo Estarriol, H2O News
The Regime of Science - Joseph K. Woodard, First Things
Bonus Commentary:
Catholic Mag Calls For Defeat & Removal Of Canadian Leader - LifeSiteNews
What Benedict Sowed in April, Bishops Are Reaping Today - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Star Trek Or Religion - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
The Car Seat Culture - Jay Anderson, Pro Ecclesia
Courting For The 21st Century Catholic - Tito, Custos Fidei
Bonus News:
SF Catholic Charities Out Of Adoption Business - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Dallas Reversal, Allows Rosaries at School - Dan McGraw, Dallas Morning News
Opus Dei Founder Gets Mini-Series In Italy - CathNews
Boston Faithful See Virgin Mary’s Image - Jessica Fargen, Boston Herald
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight & PewSitter)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday Morning, 10-1-2008 A.D.

Catholic Vote Dynamics Thus Far - Deal W. Hudson, The Inside Blog
Benedict XVI Has a Father, Romano Guardini - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Early History & Roman Forms of the Christian Altar - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Courting for the 21st Century Catholic - Tito, Custos Fidei
Top-10 Ways You Know You're On A Catholic Blog - Matthew Archbold, CMR
How To Honor Our Guardian Angels - St. Alphonsus Liguori, Rorate Cæli
Abp. Vlazny Rebukes Catholic Oregon Governor Kulongoski (D) - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Niece of MLK, Alveda King: Defund Planned Parenthood - Catholic News Agency
Islamic Crusades: An Introduction - Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
My Spiritual Journey - Tito, Custos Fidei
Witty Commentary:
Obama's Teleprompter Makes Demands - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Rprt
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- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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