Thursday, July 31, 2008
Cardinal Kasper: Anglican Orders Not Valid
The Times of London has reported today that Walter Cardinal Kasper just finished addressing the Anglican bishops at the Lambeth Conference and stated that Anglican orders will never be recognized as valid.
"The Roman Catholic Church has finally ended all hope that Anglican priestly orders will ever be recognized as valid."Cardinal Kasper heads the Council of Christian Unity in the Vatican. He went on to say that relations between Rome and Canterbury have been compromised, especially with the ‘ordination’ of priestesses and soon bishopesses. As well as comparing the Anglican Communion to Protestant Churches.
"It seems to us that the Anglican Communion is very close to the Protestant Churches of the sixteenth century and is taking a position that those Churches took until the second half of the twentieth century."
We need to remember that Pope Leo XIII declared Anglican orders "null and void" in his 1896 papal bull, Apostolicae Curae. So I'm curious to know why Cardinal Kasper mentioned this at all because if the Anglican orders were recognized as invalid in 1896, they would still be invalid today. Maybe my readers may be able to shed a bit more on this.
Catholic News-Thursday Morning, 7-31-2008 AD
Teaching Children to Love - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Rprt
Face to Face With the Death Penalty - Steve Skojec, Inside Catholic
Paul VI, The First Modern Pope - Anthony Symondson, Catholic Herald
Our Lord And The Principle of Tradition - Robert, The Black Cordelias
Mt. Soledad Cross Allowed to Remain at War Vet Memorial - CNA
The Catholic "Destiny" in China - Francesco Sisci, La Stampa
New Mass Translation - Margaret Cabaniss, The Inside Blog
Bonus Commentary:
ABC News: Tiniest, Most Fragile of Patients - Patrick Archbold, CMR
Stealing From Supernaturalism - Mark Shea, Inside Catholic
Discovered: '68 Vatican Plea for Support on Humanae Vitae - LfStNws
Bonus News:
McDonald's Profits Help Fund Naked Homosex-Fest - WorldNetDaily
Featured Link:
TLM Communities and Google Maps - The CrankyProfessor
Secular Commentary:
A Black Conservative Lament - Larry Elder, Townhall
(Biretta Tip: Kevin Knight)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday Evening, 7-29-2008 AD
Surreal Anglican - Fr. J, The Black Cordelias
Why Pro-Lifers Will Win - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Obama Publicized 'Secret' Prayer at Wailing Wall - Tim Graham, NB
McCain's VP: Minnesota Gov Tim Pawlenty - Rick Moran, Am Thnkr
Evangelicals Warn Against Romney For VP - Ralph Hallow, WashTimes
PCED Response About TLMs for Children - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Extreme Reality Makeover - Margaret Cabaniss, The Inside Blog
Massachusetts Repeals Traditional 1913 Marriage Law - Boston Globe
Woman "Channels" Padre Pio - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Costa Rica: Thousands March Against Gay Civil Unions - Erin R, CRP
Is Gay Marriage Good for Families? - David Carlin, Inside Catholic
Should a Parish Impose Uniformity in Music? - Jeffrey Tucker, NLM
Bonus Video:
"Barack Obama’s Opposition to Born Alive Act" - Southern Appeal
Bonus Commentary:
Abp Bans Communion to Pro-Abort Politicians - Steven Ertelt, LN
Philippines President Sides With Church - Thaddeus Baklinski, LSN
Catholic Adoption Agency Sends Innocents to Gays - Jeff Miller, CJ
'One Who Has Hope Lives Differently' - Katherine Jean Lopez, NCReg
Bonus News:
Contraceptives Affect The Environment - Nancy Frazier O'brien, CNS
Medical Professionals Attest That Life Begins at Conception - CNA
Secular Commentary:
Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism - Editorial, Investors Business Daily
(Biretta Tips: National Catholic Register & PewSitter)
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Best in Catholic Commentary
My Catholic Commentary section is one of the newest sections of my blog which is part of the more stylized format that I have implemented. Granted I've had this format a few months now and many of you have been familiar with this, but I still want to explain these new features. One of these new features is that I now have three (3) columns instead of two. It's a big deal on blogger since blogger doesn't offer this feature; It has to be HTML'ed in.
Well, anyways, the Catholic Commentary section represents what goes for commentary or opinion in the Catholic blogosphere. Yes, many blogs do offer their opinions but I wanted to single out a few noteworthy blogs that offer quality commentary from a Catholic perspective without compromising our faith to the altar of populism and fall into incurvatus in se. Basically being charitable for the greater good.
The Catholic Report, Creative Minority Report, Pro Eclessia, Inside Catholic*, The Inside Blog**, What Does The Prayer Really Say?, Sandro Magister (Chiesa), and John Allen (All Things Catholic all exemplify quality commentary without compromising the faith. These blogs touch upon the subjects of the day that are meaningful to practicing Catholics with their charm and wit.
Catholic Report reviews the positive growth of Catholicism in an ever increasing hostile and secular world. Dave Hartline is the main blogger and has written a book on the subject titled, "The Tide Is Turning Toward Catholicism". I recommend both his blog and his book.
The Creative Minority Report is written with humorous headlines and wonderful wit. These brothers (I believe) are the Archbolds who extol their thoughts on current events affecting Catholicism around the world and in their own homes. Powerful punditry on the scale of The Curt Jester!
Pro Eclessia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate is a well written blog offering commentary on hot topics such as the 2008 American Presidential campaign and other political tertiary topics. This Knight of Columbus is a convert with a passion for law, Jay Anderson esq. If you want to flesh out difficult politically related topics such as stem cell research to abortion, this blog has it all for you.
Inside Catholic is an online Catholic magazine similar to Crisis magazine (a highly touted Catholic mag). Inside Catholic offers commentary and opinion on a wide variety of subjects. Deal W. Hudson, who recently just published, "Onward Christian Soldiers" (an excellent historical analysis of how Christianity has affected American political discourse), has gathered together a young and distinguished panel of bloggers who's political spectrum is well represented. Whether you're a liberal or a Republican you won't go away disappointed with professional analysis and insightful commentary from Inside Catholic.
The Inside Blog is actually a subsection of Inside Catholic, but well deserving of their own separate mention here. From Eric Pavlat's yellow dog opinions to Margarett Cabaniss' synopsises of the week, you get a wide variety of off the cuff commentary that will inform you throughout the day. I'd also like to mention in addition to the fore mentioned bloggers and other Inside Catholic contributors, Zoe Romanowsky, Steve Skojec, Todd M. Aglialoro, and Brian Saint-Paul are some of the Catholic commentators worthy of note.
What Does The Prayer Really Say? by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf is arguably the number one Catholic blog in St. Blogs***. What can be said except another non-gratuitous 'atta boy' to Fr. Z, as he's affectionately called. Fr. Z offers excellent insider analysis from popular topics to the most mundane details of Catholicism. If you want to know why a certain Cardinal wears a certain garment in the presence of the Pope, he's your priest.
Sandro Magister is an Italian journalist who has opinions that cannot go unnoticed. It's wonderful to find this gem of a Catholic with the pulse of the Vatican at his doorstep. His articles are a joy to read.
And finally John Allen, everyones favorite Catholic with a liberal slant. John is one of those journalists that is capable of writing articles without grinding his axe. His book on Opus Dei and his postings on his blog (which is the only redeeming feature on National Catholic Reporter) come highly recommended by me.
* Inside Catholic is more like a magazine which doesn't disqualify them.
** The Inside Blog is actually a section of Inside Catholic but they are worthy of being mentioned in their own right.
*** To those not in the know, St. Blogs is a euphemism for the 'Catholic blogosphere'.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Catholic News-Sunday Afternoon, 7-27-2008 AD
More Incense, Less Nonsense! - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
PBS: Be More...Suspicious of the Bible - Tim Graham, NewsBusters
Stifling Debate on Humanae Vitae - Diogenes, Off The Record
Iraq: Christians Form Militias to Fight Islamists - Damien McElroy, Tel
Catholics Coming Home - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
Our Misguided Balkans Policy - Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
Benedict: Young People Called to be Apostles to Their Friends - CNA
Bonus News:
Feminists Ignore Baby Girls Killed by Sex-Selective Abortions - CNA
(Biretta Tip: Lucianne)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Catholic News-Saturday Evening, 7-26-2008 AD
Listening To God - Kathryn Jean Lopez, NRO: The Corner
No Moral Equivalence - Robert Kumpel, St. John's Valdosta Blog
Another Molokai Saint? - Esther, A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
Catholic Blogger Ruffling Liberals - Leticia, Causa Nostrae Laetitiae
Vocations Dir. Taking God's Call to New Places - Jean Schildz, CR
Happy Birthday to Humanae Vitae - David Bennet, Per Christum
Prelatial Costume: Buskins & Stockings - Shawn Tribe, NLM
Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Virgin - Jean Heimann, Cthlc Fr
Assistant University Professor Commits Sacrilege - Shawn Tribe, NLM
(Biretta Tip: Feddie at Southern Appeal)
Catholic News-Saturday Afternoon, 7-26-2008 AD
Listening to Children of Gay Parents - Marjorie Campbell, Insd Cth
U of Minnesota Refuses to Act About P.Z. Myers - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
CDF to TAC: Hang in There! - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Swedish Insanity Roundup - Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
Pro-Life Student Group Sues Michigan University - Cthlc News Agency
Fraternity Founded by Pope John Paul II - Msgr. Lopez-Gallo, RCVocs
A Warning from Fr. Corapi - Leticia, Causa Nostrae Laetitiae
Pro-Lifers Pay Taxes To Planned Parenthood? - Jean Heimann, CF
Bonus Commentary:
Minnesota Professor Claims to Have Desecrated Eucharist - CNA
Why Women Can't Be Priests - Dale O'Leary, Roman Catholic Vocations
L.A. Archdiocese Attacks Humanae Vitae - Quintero, L.A. Catholic
Argent Entering a Blogging Desert - Argent by the Tiber
Bonus Video:
Colbert on the Anglican Schism - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
(Biretta Tip: The Curt Jester)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday Evening, 7-24-2008 AD
P. Z. Myers Must Be Fired for Desecrating Our Faith - Jimmy Akin
PZ Myers Knows Not What He Does - Patrick Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Responding to Blasphemy With Love - Margaret Cabaniss, Inside Blog
NBC Marches in Lockstep with Gay Agenda - Robert Knight, NwsBstrs
The Well-Sheltered Catholic - Steve Skojec, Inside Catholic
Humanae Vitae Not Going Away - Musings from a Catholic Bookstore
Reflecting on Benedict's WYD Australia Trip - John Allen, ATC
Janet Rivera Allowed to Receive Food & Water - Steven Ertelt, LfNws
Advice for Wymynpryst Wannabe - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Anglican Agonies - William Murchison, Washington Times
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as Veep - Jay Anderson, Pro Eclessia
Bonus Commentary:
Is Anti-Catholicism Dead? - Margaret Cabaniss, Inside Blog
Traddy Anglicans on Christian Unity - Patrick Archbold, CMR
Happy Birthday Humanae Vitae - Hugh McNichol, PewSitter
Bonus News:
2011 WYD Spain to Help Christian Identity of Europe - CNA
Jeff Miller Celebrates Six Years of Blogging - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Where are the Feminists on Sex-Selection in America? - LifeSiteNews
South Dakota Remains First Abortion-Free State - Chrstn Nws Wr
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight, The Curt Jester, PewSitter, & Lucianne)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday Evening, 7-15-2008 AD
The Vindication of Humanae Vitae - Mary Eberstadt, First Things
McDonald's: Christian View of Marriage "Motivated by Hate" - Reg Guy
Bastille Day: Baptism by Blood - John Zmirak, Inside Catholic
Remembering the Vendee - Dale Price, Dyspeptic Mutterings
McCain Against Gay Adoption Before He Was For It - M. Archbold, CMR
Canterbury: Christian Doctrine Offensive to Muslims - B. Farmer, Tlg
Aussie Journos Turn Cynical Towards Chaste Catholics - M. Balan, NB
McCain Plans "Aggressive" Outreach to Catholics - Jay Anderson, PE
A Latin Among Easterners: What Gives? - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Stick the Knife Into Dr. Rowan Williams - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Bonus Commentary:
From Soccer to Seminary - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
When Does the "Clerical State" Begin? - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
The Catholic Left Meets in Philadelphia - Deal Hudson, Inside Catholic
The Lambeth Conference Wafflathon - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Bonus News:
Faith & Family - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
(Biretta Tips: Pro Eclessia & Lucianne)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Catholic News-Monday Evening (7-14-2008 AD)
Portrait of a Young Catholic - Rachael Patterson, Sydney Herald
The Impending Suicide of a Great Nation - Fr. John Corapi, LfStNws
Next Implosion: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Blck Crdls
Aussies Give Pope Kitten to Keep Him Company - Phlppn Dly Inqrr
What Does the Pope Do On His Day Off? - Victor Simpson, AP
Catholics Pour Into Sydney - ABC
The Pope Factor Hits Sydney - Greg Ansley, New Zealand Herald
Obama's About Face on Undivided Jerusalem - Rick Moran, AmThnkr
An Open Letter to Doug Kmiec from Me - Deal Hudson, Insd Blg
Cardinal Pell: No God, No Children - Tito, Custos Fidei
Anglicans at Lambeth: What’s at Stake - Jordan Hylden, 1st Thngs
Official 2008 World Youth Day Website
Bonus Commentary:
The Sorry Sport of Pope Bashing - Gerard Henderson, Sydney Herald
Notre Dame Alums Behind Catholics for Obama - Deal Hudson, IB
Obama's Lack of Catholic Outreach - Jay Anderson, Pro Eclessia
Obama Re-invents his Trinity Church History - Ed Lasky, Am Thnkr
Liberal Theologians Unleased On Each Other - Sandro Magister, Chs
Bonus News:
WYD: Transcript of Pope's Press Conference - John Allen, NCRep
Kansas Gov. Sebelius eyed for Dem VP - UPI
(Biretta Tip: PewSitter)
Cardinal Pell: No God, No Children
His eminence Cardinal Pell came out forcefully with both barrels blazing on the topic of the unusual high rate of teen suicide in Australia. Cardinal Pell attributes a culture that glamorizes hedonism and materialism as the main causes of a desensitized culture. This culture was famously coined by the late Pope John Paul II as the “Culture of Death”.
Even as the secular establishment continues to question the relevancy of the Catholic Church with the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI, teen suicide rates continue to rise in Australia at an alarming rate which begs the question of the relevancy of secularism in and of itself which the secular proponents continue to ignore."Western nations face a population crisis fuelled by "ruthless" commercial forces..." ...
...Western nations were producing too few children as the institutions of marriage and procreation came under attack.
The arrival of Pope Benedict XVI has revived questions about the future and relevance of the Catholic Church. Dr Pell, speaking at a press conference to welcome the pontiff and hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to Sydney, warned of a crisis if young people continued to accept views popularized through advertising. "There is a crisis in the Western world," said Dr Pell, the head of the Catholic Church in Australia. "No Western country is producing enough babies to keep the population stable. In many cases there is an increase in divorces, an increase in serial monogamy."Cardinal Pell continued by identifying two (2) challenges facing Australia, and probably the western and industrializing world.
"One is the Australian temptation to believe that you can have a good, happy life without God," he said. "And the second challenge revolves around the concept of sexuality, marriage and family.” "Ruthless commercial forces are telling young people that this is the way forward, this is the modern way and they remain total silent on the difficulties and damage this does to family life."Cardinal Pell further added an analysis of the high occurrence of teen suicide.
"It's a danger sign. It's a great paradox," he said. "We have a wonderful society here in Australia, in many ways a lot of justice, and yet we have the third or fourth highest rate of youth male suicide in the world."What exactly is the remedy to rampant secularism? Cardinal Pell eloquently pronounced that "faith in religion would prevent people taking their own lives".
"The basic Christian response to that is to say that our young people need faith and hope and love, and that we will make the situation worse by irresponsibly encouraging them into promiscuity or drugs or alcohol," Dr Pell said. "That's only a prison. There's no escape if people flee resolutely in that direction."This could easily fit the profile here in America as well as Europe. The heavy promotion of drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity leave many teens and young adults with emptiness that none of the aforementioned can fill.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Catholic News-Sunday Evening, 7-13-2008 AD
Pope to Relight Fire of Faith - Paul Kelly, The Australian
Decisive Benedict the Pope the World Needs - John Heard, Telegraph
TV: 'Extremist' Christian Beheading Muslim - Warner T. Huston, NB
France's Broken Social Model - Jurgen Reinhoudt, RealClearPolitics
Cañizares Replaces Arinze & the Spanish Troubles - Rorate Cæli
Christian Bullied by PC Colleagues to Merry Homosexuals - Daily Mail
Margaret Sanger's Dirty Little Secret - Judie Brown, Strategy
Bonus Commentary:
The Catholic Faith: a Faith of Exclusivity - Rorate Cæli
Canada's Dishonor? - Terry O'Neill, National Catholic Register
Secular Commentary:
Who Listens to Blogging Heads? - John Sides/Eric Lawrence, LA Times
(Biretta Tips: PewSitter & Lucianne)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Catholic News-Thursday Evening, 7-10-2008 AD
Worry Among Pro-Aborts on Obama - Ken Shepherd, NewsBusters
How Paul VI Got Priceless PR for Peanuts - Fr. Campion, Sydny Hrld
Interview With An Exorcist - Sotto Voce, Clerical Whispers
Archdiocese Videoed Women's Ordination - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
An Archbishop of Canterbury in Retreat - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
No Mass Conversion of Anglicans? - Carlos A. Palad, Rorate Cæli
WaPo's Sally Quinn Doesn't Get It Still - Margaret Cabaniss, Inside Blog
If Only Obama Were Pro-Life... - Eric Pavlat, Inside Catholic
Bonus Commentary:
The Fellowship of St. Gregory the Great - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Steve Ray Followed St. Paul's Footsteps - Tim Drake, Natl Cth Register
Bonus Apologetics:
Necromancy & Prayers to the Saints - BFHU, The Black Cordelias
Bonus News:
Planned Parenthood Endorses Obama - Josh Mercer, Fidelis (legal blog)
(Biretta Tip: Kevin Knight)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday (7-9-2008 AD)
Women, Ordination, and Videotape - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Down the Memory Hole - Mark Shea, Inside Catholic
Another Misapplication of Social Doctrine - Eric Pavlat, Inside Blog
Shakespeare Died a Papist - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Saving Iraq's Christians - John Cullinan, National Review Online
Religious Freedom Under Siege - Archbishop John Vlazny, Cth Sentinel
MSM Omits Other Side of Bible Lawsuit - Matthew Balan, NewsBusters
Stork Economics - James Kerian, First Things
Imaginary Courage - David Bueche, American Thinker
Multiculturalism Run Amok - Stephen Schwartz, Weekly Standard
Bonus Commentary:
The New Civil Rights Movement - Jennifer R, Morse, Ntnl Cthlc Rgstr
Secular Commentary:
FNC Actually Dems' Preferred Cable Channel - Mark Koldys, NwsBstrs
(Biretta Tips: PewSitter & Lucianne)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Catholic News-Wednesday (7-2-2008 AD)

Obama's Faith Based Support is All Smoke - Jay Anderson, Pro Eccls
Pauline Year: Ecumenical Dream of PB16 - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
SSPX Response to Rome: More Time - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
SSPX Response Acceptable to Vatican? - New Catholic, Rorate Cæli
Meanwhile, in Canterbury… - Amy Welborn, Charlotte Was Both
WYD '08: Sydneysiders to Annoy Pilgrims - Catholic News Agency
You're Not Listening! - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester
Teaching Marxism - Peter Freeman, Inside Catholic
Pat Buchanan is Right About the Religious Wars - Deal Hudson, IB
Hawaii's Fr. Damien is Now a Saint! - Tito, Custos Fidei
TX Bps Study Reports of Lapses at Cthlc Hospitals - Ann Carey, OSV
Bonus Commentary:
Towards Full Communion - Steve Skojec, Inside Blog
Boys Will Be Girls? - Celeste McGovern, National Catholic Register
Bonus Apologetics:
Why Do You Confess to a Priest? - BFHU, The Black Cordelias
Bonus News:
Secular Commentary:
Poll Shocker: Oil Drilling Over Conservation - Noel Sheppard, NB
America's Hot Dog Love Affair - Keri Fisher, Philadelphia Enquirer
(Biretta Tips: National Catholic Register, Kevin Knight, & PewSitter)
(Pic Tip: Pro Ecclesia)
Hawaii's Fr. Damien is Now a Saint


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- Catholic News-Saturday Afternoon, 7-26-2008 AD
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- Catholic News-Tuesday Evening, 7-15-2008 AD
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- Cardinal Pell: No God, No Children
- Catholic News-Sunday Evening, 7-13-2008 AD
- Catholic News-Thursday Evening, 7-10-2008 AD
- Catholic News-Wednesday (7-9-2008 AD)
- Catholic News-Wednesday (7-2-2008 AD)
- Hawaii's Fr. Damien is Now a Saint
Books I Recommend
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
Catholic Blogs
- Fr. Tim Finigan
- Richard Collins
- Pro Ecclesia by Jay Anderson
- Father Philip Neri Powell, OP
- Jennifer Fulwiler
- Thomas Peters
- Acts of the Apostasy
- DarwinCatholic - ΙΧΘΥƩ
- Bettnet
- Thoughts of a Regular Guy
- A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
- The Curt Jester by Jeff Miller
- The New Liturgical Movement
- Catholic World Report
- Monsignor Charles Pope
- Creative Minority Report
- Mark Shea
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