Sunday, April 16, 2006

Muslim Attacks On Christians in Egypt

Unfortunately, the minority Coptic Christian population in Egypt is under attack again. A Muslim man, described by Egyptian police as deranged, attacked three Christian churches that have instigated riots. These riots are Muslims attacking the funeral procession of one of the Christians killed by another Muslim! How sick is this. This is another example of the lack of reciprocity that the Muslim world shows Christians. Muslims can easily build their own mosques here in the United States, but official discrimination in Egypt doesn't allow for ethnic Egyptians to even repair a broken window in their own church! These are the original inhabitants of Egypt before Muhammad's hordes swept into Egypt and subjugated the local Egyptians - called Copts, hence the term, Coptic Christians. For more on this BBC news article click here. For more on the religion of peace click here.


CS said...

He's 'deranged?' Then what of the untold thousands of others who partake in this madness?

Sounds awfully normal to me, as far as it goes around there...

Anonymous said...

It's endemic of the religion of 'peace'.

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