Thursday, April 17, 2008

Custos Fidei 2.0 . . .

UPDATED: Bear with me as I spiff up (or more correctly, fix up) my blog. If you are experiencing any problems viewing my blog or if the columns are fluid and not fixed, please tell me (or just messed up). I made the mistake of changing templates without saving the widgets (they're actually saved in text format, but it seems I will have to re-enter the widgets by hand--I'm having difficulty cutting and pasting into my HTML in blogger). I am probably going to dramatically change the look and feel of the blog, but I will still keep the same format of gathering my favorite postings from various Catholic blogs and the occasional posting myself. I would like to ask all you programming experts about the format of my header. I've tried a 256 color bmp and a 24 color bmp and I am currently using a GIF format for the header. Are there any suggestions that anyone could provide as to which format would provide a crisp and clear header? I personally like New Liturgical Movement's header because theirs are very clean and crisp, unlike mine. Also I've been dabbling a bit with WordPress and it's been highly recommended to use instead of blogger, I'd like to know what my fellow readers opinions are on this. Finally, I want to add a second sidebar but blogger doesn't have a template for it. Does anyone have one I could use? That would be the main reason why I would be switching over to WordPress, among many other minor issues. Thanks to Kevin Knight over at New Advent for picking up my Pope & Obama posting (and Jay over at Pro Ecclesia), I have had the greatest number of hits in one day ever... 820! I apologize for my lack of postings these past 10 days, I've been in the middle of some major personal changes and only now is my head coming back down to earth (joyful bliss, thanks Holy Spirit!) And lastly thank you all for continuing to check my blog even when I have been posting sporadically lately. Any other suggestions would also be gladly accepted to any possible changes (or requests to remain the same) to my blog (thanks Simple Sinner). I hope that everyone is enjoying their Easter Season!


bgeorge77 said...

Tito, recall that I sent you a non-jaggedy version of your header. I can do another version of the one you have up there, email me, let me know.

Also, Wordpress in general looks much better, though I don't think it's quite as simple to use as Blogspot. Another one you might want to check out is Typepad.


Yeah! I'd like to see what you might be able to conjure up for me.



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