Monday, July 9, 2007

Cafe Catholica 2007

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is conducting their 8th annual Young Adult Coffee House more popularly known as Cafe Catholica! This is actually a group of fervent and faithful young adult Catholics in their early 20s to 30s who are holding a speaker series directed for Catholic young adults. The speaker series occurs each Monday evening for the rest of July at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church located on 6800 Buffalo Speedway in Houston, Texas. This is the largest young adult conference in Houston conducted annually. Approximately 400-500 young adults come to celebrate Mass, dine together in fellowship, then listen to guest speakers. This event is entirely free, but a nominal donation would be appreciated ($5 is suggested) to keep this even running for next year. The theme for this years Cafe Catholica 2007 is "Get Connected". This evenings topic will be "Dating & Relationships" with guest speakers Nick Lopez, Jr. M.A., Connie & David Vuong, and Joe & Cinda Devet. These speakers will talk about their relationships and how their Catholic faith plays out in every day life for them with a question and answer session to follow. Mass begins at 6:30 pm at St. Vincent de Paul Church followed by dinner at 7:00 pm with the speakers beginning at 7:30 pm. I have attended this event the past three (3) years and it is one where you shouldn't miss. If there is only one event you plan to attend, outside of Mass, this would be the event to attend to. This offers a great networking opportunity for clerics and laity alike to meet others who lead, participate, and engage in their Catholic faith in other apostolates within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. I highly recommend any Catholic young adult in Houston to attend this event. You'll learn more about your faith, be invigorated by fellowship of other Catholics who live out their faith each and every day, and come away wanting to do more as a Catholic living in the world. For more information about Cafe Catholica 2007 click here. For more information on St. Vincent de Paul Church here in Houston, click here. For more information about the Young Adult & Campus (apostolate) here in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston click here. For more information about the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston click here. For previous postings about Cafe Catholica click here and here.


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