Friday, March 2, 2007
Nancy Pelois and Slaves

Speaker of the House liberal Democrat Nancy Pelosi claims to be pro-life but still advocating for the murder of innocent unborn children with the following statement:
"If you don't want an abortion, you don't believe in it, [then] don't have one."
So using her handy-dandy Nancy Pelosi Logic then if you don't want slavery, you don't believe in it, then don't have one. Well, I guess we wouldn't have had the Civil War after all. Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a fallen and depraved Catholic with no moral compass whatsoever.
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Umnnnhhh...methinks that the Apostles, with only 1 traitor in 12, were a statistical aberration when viewed in "they're Gummint" terms.
Yes, the Church emphasizes the sanctity of life, but it does so in a way that is holistic, constantly affirming the dignity of the human person. This means that all issues of justice are interrelated and it is imperative that our opposition to the evil of abortion also extend to matters of economics and war. Just look to the "Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church" (available on the Vatican website) to see that all matters of social justice should be addressed by Catholics
Yes I agree. Some Catholics, unfortunately, believe that the government should run our lives by taxing us to death in order to support bloated government social programs.
Jesus said we shall always have the poor.
We as Catholics are called to help our lesser brother and sisters, if we have the government do this for us, we are denied the everlasting grace from God for these actions.
Plus it further provides the governments encrouchment on our lives to tell us what to do and how to do it, is that what you want?
I'm in complete agreement with you on not the government encroaching on our lives.
Yes we will always have the poor, but the way to change things is to work from the smallest units (the Church's principle of subsidiarity) to transform the culture of death. It is exactly for this reason that we should be wary of ideas like the welfare state, just as we should listen to Church's criticism of unrestrained capitalism.
Interestingly, this approach has largely been forgotten by most Catholics, trapped as we are by partisan politics. The only thinkers (other than Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius XII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI) who have seriously discussed subsidiarity are G.K. Chesterton, Hillaire Belloc, Fr. Vincent McNabb and, following in their footsteps, Dorothy Day.