Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Afternoon Edition

Catholic Vote & Endorsements - Michael Denton, The American Catholic
Is Natural Law Extinct? - David G. Bonagura, The Catholic Thing 
Speculating On The Next Flock Of Cardinals - Father Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Babies: An Unalloyed Good - Mark P. Shea, National Catholic Register 
Crossing The Stole & Using Maniple In Novus Ordo - Fr. Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Entire Maryland Episcopal Parish Becoming Cthlc- Randy Sly, Cth Onln
Saying Goodbye Slowly To Liturgical Abuse - Catholic News Agency
'I Saw Red Shoes Stepping Out Of The Car' - Staff, Catholic Herald
Are We Really Overpopulated? - Msgr. Charles Pope, Archdiocese of WA
Mary's Geneology - Reginaldus, New Theological Movement

Thursday Morning Edition

Retrieving The Strays - David Warren, InsideCatholic
Russia's Challenge To Christian Unity - Phil Lawler,
Some People Are Too Stupid To Be Atheists - Blackadder, The Amrcn Cthlc
If You Want To Understand Angels - Reginaldus, New Thlgcl Mvmnt 
How "The Science Say" Works - Martin Robbins, Guardian
St. Augustine's Advice On 'Bad Priests' - Taylor Marshall, Cntrbry Tales
Engaging Stories of the Desert Fathers - Msgr. Charles Pope, AoW
Is Private Property Natural? - Reginaldus, New Theological Movement
Witchcraft, Penance, & Excommunication - Taylor Marshall, Cntrbry Tales 
Fraternity of the Disgraced Keeps Growing - John L. Allen, NCReporter
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Afternoon Edition

Cultural Rot - Paul Zummo, The American Catholic
Richard Dawkins & Co. = Paisley 2.0? - George Weigel, On The Square
A Biblical Understanding Of Angels - Msgr. Charles Pope, ArchD of WA 
Abp. Chaput & The American Media - Joseph Bottum, On The Square 
The Bitter Homeschooler's Wish List - D. Markus, Secular Homeschooling 
Why The Archangels Have Men's Names - Reginaldus, New Thlgcl Mvmnt 
Can Bishops Forbid Pastors To Add TLM To Scheadule? - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Bad News On The Pro-Life Front - MJ Andrew, The American Catholic

Wednesday Morning Edition

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Afternoon Edition

E.J. Dionne And Maureen Dowd Play With Fire - Dave Hartline, TAC
The Relationship Between Divorce And Jobs - Catholic News Agency
Obama And The Control Omissions - Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing
Is Church Shopping a Problem? - Steve Skojec, InsideCatholic
Quasi Religions - Davide R. Carlin, InsideCatholic
The Age Of Unreason - Mark Shea, National Catholic Register 

Tuesday Morning Edition

CNN Does Hit Piece on Pope - Dave Hartline, The American Catholic
Warning Signs Of A Diabolical Spirit - Patrick Madrid
Fearless Faith - Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing
A Comedy Of Errors: MSM Misses Again - Erin Manning, And Sometimes Tea

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Afternoon Edition

Did Papal Visit Signal End To The English Reformation? - E. Pentin, IC 
Pre-Vatican II Ecumenism With The Orthodox - Eric Sammons, Dvn Lf
God And The Sexes - Evelyn Birge Vitz, InsideCatholic
“Nice to see you!”, During Communion - Father Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS 
Cardinal Schonborn and Medjugorje, Again -

Monday Morning Edition

Why Churches Cannot Push Politics - Chuck Colson, Townhall 
Go Green?  No Thanks.  I Have Religion - Jimmy Akin, NCRegister 
Alsmgiving Is Necessary For Salvation - Reginaldus, Nw Thlgcl Mvmnt 
Details Of Pope's Visit To Spain Unveiled - Carol Gatz, Catholic Herald 
Ground Zero Mosque and Religious Freedom - David Jones, TAC
Abp Chaput Boycotting NYTimes - Sarah Pulliam Bailey, GetReligion
Christopher West Slams Critics - Catholic News Agency
The Problem of Bilocation - Reginaldus, The New Theological Movement 
Ohio's Hidden Catholic Gem - Tim Drake, National Catholic Register
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Edition 9-26-2010 AD

Prop 8 Judge Plain Wrong - Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily 
In Britain, the Triumph of Pope Benedict - Dave Hartline, The Am Cth
Father Barron On The Hitchens Brothers - D Mac, Crtv Mnrty Rprt 
The Pope of Christian Unity - Dave Hartline, The American Catholic
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday Edition 9-25-2010 AD

NJ Gov Shuts Down Planned Parenthood - Donald R. McClarey, The Am Cth
The Ground Zero Mosque And Religious Freedom - David Jones, TAC
The Catholic Tea Kettle Continues To Boil - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Cthlc
Wall Street Journal Poll On Priestly Celibacy - Tito Edwards, TAC
A Dead Horse And All That - Chris Burgwald, The American Catholic
Friday, September 24, 2010

Changes Coming

Changes are coming as I've been saying for several months to this blog and more.

Thank you for your patience and loyalty.

The first change is that there will be a new website that I am designing, developing, and will soon go online.  It will be very similar to Custos Fidei in it's daily news-of-the-day postings.  The difference being that they will be daily, not the infrequency that they are here at Custos Fidei.

What I've been doing here at Custos the past couple of years or so is experimenting on what I want to do with this new website.

The new website will be done from scratch and have a new name.

Custos Fidei will revert to being a personal blog of mine where I post from time to time my thoughts on everything (from a Catholic perspective).

Back to this new website.  I will reveal the name and Go-Live date hopefully within a few weeks (or days).

Please help me in this endeavor by spreading the word about.

In the meantime, enjoy the last few days of my aggregate news summaries!

In Jesus, Mary, & Joseph,


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