Fr. George Peter Irving
I came across this heartwarming story about how Father George Peter Irving while browsing the internet today. It is the story of Fr. Peter being assigned a derelict parish in a gang infested neighborhood in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and transforming it over the course of 13 years to a living and vibrant parish community.
Talk about pastoring in the near anathema that is Cardinal Mahoney's archdiocese, but on top of that in a gang ridden barrio where neighborhood homes have bars in their windows and St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic Church was enclosed by a large fence and gate.
Anyways, you should read the rest of the story on Singing in the Reign blog by Michael Barber. It's a story worth reading over this 4th of July!
For the story click here.
(H/T Curt Jester)
Homosexual Gene is an Abnormality
Like being born with one arm or two heads. It isn't normal even if there is a homosexual gene, it's not suppose to be there because it mutated.
The sound you hear is the air coming out of the liberal argument that people that like to perform perverse sex on each other is a mutation at best, an abnormality at worst.
Next week how condom use is not as effective as abstinence in stemming the AIDS epidemic!
For more on the article click here.
Return of the Traditional Latin Mass?

Pope Benedict XVI may consider liberalizing the use of the classical Latin-rite Mass, liturgical rite of Pope St. Pius V (Tridentine-rite), to further efforts in bringing the eastern Orthodox back into the sphere of Rome. Of course that would not be the big reason, but it would certainly help in reconciling with the Orthodox; and maybe even the obstinate SSPX.
"Pope Benedict XVI, able to tell "the tree by its fruits," clearly recognizes the advantage of having more than 500 priests in the SSPX in full communion. He also recognizes the accelerating number of priestly vocations produced in other traditionalist communities like the Fraternal Society of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP)."
The article goes in depth in the challenges of the Orthodox returning and their concerns of the Novus Ordo Mass. To summarize, we are long way from having our Orthodox brothers to return to the fold and the Novus Ordo Mass is still a work in progress.
For more on this article click here.
55,000 Christians Die Each Year For Their Faith
Archbishop DiNardo Receives Pallium
Millions Still Flock to Lourdes

"For nearly 150 years, millions of Christian pilgrims from Europe and elsewhere have flocked to the small French town, Lourdes, where it is said the sick can be healed, miraculously. The Roman Catholic church has also softened rules for other unexplained healings."For more on this article click here. For the official website of Lourdes click here.
Muslims Profane Christ

Pic of the Day: John Kerry's Dog

Nicole Kidman a Catholic?
Archbishop DiNardo To Receive Pallium

Why Matrimony?
Turkey's Persecuted Armenian Christians

Pic of the Day: Cardinal McCarrick's Communion

Historical Dating Conflicts
"Several other states have shifted to that nonsectarian style in history curriculums, since it's preferred by Jews and increasingly observed by secular scholars. Biblical Archaeological Review publishes Christian, Jewish and secular authors and lets each decide which designation to follow."So what is the defining moment of history that became 'common'? PC Monkeys and their cohorts the guilty white liberals are going ape over any vestige of our culture that resembles Christianity. Are we going to rename San Francisco because it is named after a saint (St. Francis)? For more on this article click here. For my previous posting on this subject click here.
School Pulls Plug on Christian Speech

UN Subverts Homeschooling & USA Draws Inspiration
Cafe Catholica
New Missal, Fake News, and Mythical 1968
Vatican II Redux
Random Thoughts on Softball and a Tucson Bishop
"In open departure from official doctrine, Bishop Kicanas has preached that the fight against poverty -- not abortion as Pope John Paul II taught -- as 'first and foremost' among moral duties; honored radical pro-homosexual marriage activists such as Rep. Jim Kolbe with glowing and fond words;"Is that sick or what? I pray that Archbishop DiNardo (Galveston-Houston) doesn't spring a surprise such as the above forementioned. I came across this from The Lair Of The Catholic Caveman and was simply flabbergasted. On the week that the USCCB is meeting on top of that! When will these bishops fall into line with the Vatican? Is the virtue of obedience an abomination to these men? I wonder what Matt at Mattsapundit, a local Houstonian who loooves the Knights of Columbus, has to say about a fellow chapter being used for un-Catholic activities that goes against the formation of all Knights? One more random thought of the day... Today is the proclamation of the Edict of Milan! Where it was made illegal to persecute Christians. For more on this posting by Vir Spaluncae Catholicus of The Lair Of The Catholic Caveman click here. For the Holy Family Society press release and home click here.
Catholic Spotted at University of Notre Dame
Iran Loses More Than a World Cup Game

Catholics Wanting To Procreate Large Families
Arizona 8, Northwestern 0

Changes On My Blog

Papal Quote Of The Day

An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded. --Pope John Paul II
Martin Luther's Fruits
Papal Visit Ignites Blair Conversion Speculation

Radical Islam Reaches America's Northern Border

Some day the call to prayer will be called from the top of the Toronto needle for all Muslims to attend Friday prayers in the new Caliphate of Canada.
Canadian Kathy Shaidle of + + relapsed catholic + + has an excellent posting on these tragic developments on her blog; for the article click here. To learn more about the latest developments from north of the border click here. To learn more about the religion of peace click here. To view previous postings about the religion of peace click here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Allah's Warriors Caught!
Black Tuesday, The Last Day Of The World
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- Muslims Profane Christ
- Pic of the Day: John Kerry's Dog
- Nicole Kidman a Catholic?
- Archbishop DiNardo To Receive Pallium
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- Pic of the Day: Cardinal McCarrick's Communion
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- UN Subverts Homeschooling & USA Draws Inspiration
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- Iran Loses More Than a World Cup Game
- Catholics Wanting To Procreate Large Families
- Arizona 8, Northwestern 0
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- Martin Luther's Fruits
- Papal Visit Ignites Blair Conversion Speculation
- Radical Islam Reaches America's Northern Border
- Allah's Warriors Caught!
- Black Tuesday, The Last Day Of The World
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- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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