Sunday, September 30, 2007
More Catholic News-Sunday (9-30-2007 AD)
Pope May Use Latin Mass In St. Peters - New Catholic, RC
Bp Aquila Led North Dakota 40 Days For Life Prayers - CNA
40 Days For Life: Sacramento - Wynette Sills, CalCatholic
Reproductive Technology & Right To Life - Ken Connor, Th
Religious Happier Than Nonreligious - A. Brooks, OpJnl
ABC TV: Christian Right = 9/11 Terrorists - M. Finklestein, NB
Media Ignores Christophobic Gay Attacks - Doug Giles, Th
Onward Protestant Scholars - Molly Worthen, NY Times
Conservative 3rd-Party Raised? - Michael Scherer, Salon
Europe Whimpers On Belgium - B. Thornton, Private Papers
Relics Are Just So Medieval - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Presbyterian Crisis: Lib Stances Drive Exodus - L. Kwon, CP
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Sunday Morning, September 30, click here.
For Saturday Afternoon, September 29, click here.
For Saturday Morning, September 29, click here.
(Hat Tip: Lucianne)
Catholic News-Sunday, September 30, 2007 A.D.
Pope: The Role Of Angels - AsiaNews
The Pope's High US Approval Ratings - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
New Crookston Bishop: Msgr. Michael Hoeppner - CNA
A Great Link On Early Church Texts
Justice Clarence Thomas - Russell Shaw, The Edge
...Thomas writes his autobiography Here...
Proof: Catholic Schools Better Than Public Schools - OS
Homeschooling Comes Of Age - Isabel Lyman, Mises Inst.
Russian Orthodox Church Grows Four-fold - CWNews
Orthodox Missions Among Muslims - Abu Daoud, I&C
Documentary Video Link on Byzantium: The Lost Empire
A Great Link On Icons And Iconography
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday Afternoon, September 29, click here.
For Saturday Morning, September 29, click here.
For Friday, September 28, click here.
(Hat Tip: Catholic Report)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
More Catholic News-Saturday (9-29-2007 AD)
Michaelmass, Feast Of St. Michael - Jay Anderson, ProEccls
Archaeology & The Synoptic Gospels - J. Arlandson, AmThnkr
The Truth About Assisted Suicide - Wesley Smith, 2ndhSmoke
Jimmy Akin On The Plan B Decision - Jeff Miller, TCJ
Holy Cross Col. Hosts Planned Parenthood - P. Smith, LS
Debating Theology Can Be Messy - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Europe's Demographic Mess - Duncan Currie, Weekly Std
I Love/Hate Homeschooling - Danielle Bean, InsideCatholic
The Unrepentant - Tim Padgett, Time Magazine
Social Doctrine Compendium Has A Companion - Zenit
Patient Dies After Abortion - Christian Newswire
"Scientific Studies" Of Assisted Suicide - W. Smith, 2S
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday Morning, September 29, click here.
For Friday, September 28, click here.
For Thursday, September 27, click here.
(Hat Tip: National Catholic Register)
Catholic News-Saturday, September 29, 2007 A.D.
Faith & Liberal Fundamentalism - J. Gammon, AmThnkr
McCain: We Need A Christian Prez - H. Kennedy, NYDN
Regressives & Word Play - Bookworm, AmThinker
San Diego Christians Protest Gay Marriage - CalCath
Miller Brewing Co. Anti-Christian Update - CathLeague
..Catholic League organizing Miller Boycott Here..
..Pelosi approves anti-Christian ad Here..
Patriarch Lambasts Egypt's Anti-Christian Laws - CNA
Egypt: Religious Freedom Or Shariah? - Zenit
Straight Talk On Gay Behavior - A. Nimocks, Th
Dems Push Gay 'Protection' Bill - SA Miller, WashTimes
Texas Right To Life: Bella Movie - Tito, Custos Fidei
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, September 28, click here.
For Thursday, September 27, click here.
For Monday, September 24, click here.
(Hat Tips: National Catholic Register, LifeSite, & Lucianne)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Catholic News-Friday, September 28, 2007 A.D.
Ron Paul Country - Blake Dvorak, RealClearPolitics
Is Belgium Breaking Up? - Pat Buchanan, Townhall
Benedict XVI Calls Pope Paul VI Prophetic - Zenit
Miller Beer: Da Vinci Code, Move Over! - Sandy Rios, Th
Theology & Civil Authority - Wilfred McClay, 1st Things
40 Days For Life Launches In US - Zenit
Stabbed Priest Prays For Attacker - CNA
CNN: Fear Religion - Sheila Liaugminus, Mercatornet
Qatar's First Catholic Church - AsiaNews
Divorce: In The Image & Likeness Of Hell - M. Selmys, NCReg
Die A Madman Or A Roman Catholic - Jeff Miller, TCJ
Texas Right To Life: Bella Movie - Tito, Custos Fidei
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday, September 27, click here.
For Monday, September 24, click here.
For Sunday, September 23, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report &
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Catholic News-Thursday, September 27, 2007 A.D.
National Boycott Of Miller Beer - Catholic League
...Miller Brewing's unapologetic response Here...
Latin Mass Run-Off Poll - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS
Conn. Bps Make Allowance For Abortion - Jeff Miller, TCJ
G-town U. Abortion Internships - G. Augustinus, TCIC
6 AR Nuns Excommunicated - Heather Hahn, AR D-G
Suffering Of "Secret Believers" - Rebecca Hagelin, Th
Abp Mahony Honors Heterodox LMU Priest - CalCatholic
Married Today, Gone Tomorrow - Janice Crouse, Th
Media Sells Factless Pope 'Euthanasia' Story - P. Smith LS
Texas Right To Life & The Bella Movie - Tito, Custos Fidei
Blog Entry:
Blogging Delay Update - Tito
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Monday, September 24, click here.
For Sunday, September 23, click here.
For Saturday, September 22, click here.
(Hat Tip: Catholic Report)
Blogging Delay Update (9-27-2007 AD)
As I mentioned earlier in the month, I have been having issues with my laptop. It seems that I am only able to manage my laptop problems rather than fixing them. So every once in awhile I miss a day or two due to laptop issues. I don't intend to make this a habit, but I want to mention to my avid readers that this will happen from time to time. This is the exception not the norm.
I will be purchasing a new laptop in the future, so the erratic blogging of Catholic News will dissipate soon enough.
Again, I don't like to use the computers at work because I like to keep home and work separate.
So bare with me and enjoy my postings.
God bless.
P.S. To facilitate the purchase of a new laptop your prayer intentions for me to find gainful employment would be greatly appreciated.
Tags:laptop,posting | 0
Monday, September 24, 2007
Catholic News-Monday, September 24, 2007 A.D.
Cardinal Mahony Laicizing His Archdiocese - CalCatholic
God And Evolution - Avery Cardinal Dulles, First Things
Texas Right To Life & The Bella Movie - Tito, Custos Fidei
Logic And Liberals - Nicholas Frankovich, First Things
...on display at the Chicago Daily Herald Here...
Vatican Rejects UK Apparition - Jonathan Petre, Telegraph
Time Mag: JP2 Euthanized? - Tim Graham, NewsBusters
Report Card On Religious Freedom - Zenit
Teenage Casualties Of Casual Sex - Doug Giles, Townhall
What To Call The Latin Mass? (poll) - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Rotary Club Supports Culture Of Death - CNA
British Muslims Who Convert To Christianity - Cranmer
Old Blog Entries:
Ahmadinejad, The 21st Century Anti-Christ? - Tito
...on the Anti-Christ Watch Here...
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day:
What Does The Prayer Really Say? (WDTPRS)
by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z)
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Sunday, September 23, click here.
For Saturday, September 22, click here.
For Friday, September 21, click here.
Texas Right To Life Banquet and Bella the Movie
Texas Right to Life held their annual banquet last Friday on September 14 A.D. 2007 here in Houston. The movie producer, Leo Severino, and the leading man, Eduardo Verastegui, both of the movie Bella, were guest speakers among others. Pat Gray was the Master of Ceremonies and was very entertaining to say the least.
Leo Severino, the manager of Eduardo Verastegui, gave a fantastic talk about his journey of faith back to Christianity. He highlighted how important his relationship to Jesus Christ is and how it transformed him to work for Him by being a change agent in the heart of the beast that is Hollywood and all it's worldiness. Leo went on to talk about how he met the other producer of the film and the actor Eduardo Verastegui in their journey towards transforming the world through their apostolate of film making.
Here is Eduardo Verastegui conversing with a Texas Right to Life participant after his talk.
Again here is Eduardo Verastegui engaging with a Life advocate from Catholic Charities.
Leo explained in dramatic detail how the three of them were left to completely trust in Him and how it led them on the path of wanting to produce quality films to transform the Culture of Death around them to the Culture of Life. How Leo met Eduardo, a star in Mexico in both television and music now struggling as an actor in Hollywood, while attending daily Mass in Los Angeles at a local Catholic church. Where their mutual love of Christ forged a strong bond that would eventually bring them to the advent of their careers with the movie Bella.
Eduardo Verastegui followed Leo Severino with an equally powerful testimony of faith, trust in God, and perseverance. Eduardo explained in his eloquent English with a tinge of Castillian how he journeyed from Mexican stardom to the degenerate streets of Hollywood. Born with God-given good looks and growing up in a Catholic family in Taumalipas, Mexico Eduardo explained how he used his tremendous talent to be a popular actor in Mexico as well as a popular singer. Where he eventually arrived to the capital of Latin America in Miami and began his dark road of worldiness that usually accompanies stardom here in America.
Eduardo soon was getting caught up with the fast life and began questioning the emptiness he encountered though he was wealthy, had beautiful women around him, and many 'friends'. This emptiness became acute enough that he began to search for something more in his life that eventually brought him in touch with good Christian friends that helped to bring the Light of Christ into his heart. One of these friends began asking how his wealth and celebrity was bringing happiness into his life which helped to bring him closer to Christ. By using the Socratic method this allowed Eduardo to come to his own conclusions logically which eventually brought him back to the Catholic Church.
Eduardo soon began to pray, to attend Mass frequently, and developed a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through all this he befriended Leo Severino who was impressed by his strong prayer and contemplation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus among other things. Eventually this formed into a bond of friendship because of their faith in Christ. They began to work together to want to bring the message of Jesus in their chosen vocations which soon produced the movie Bella.
The movie Bella is a powerful romantic drama about choosing life over death. The film has recently won the most prestigious film award at the Toronto Film Festival in 2006. This struggling film was able to be signed up by a major film distributor and will be released (as of this posting) on October 26 of this year.
The Texas Right to Life Banquet ended after remarks by the organizers. Please take a moment to visit their website and contribute in whatever fashion you are able to in order to assist this non-profit organization in the Culture Wars. They need your support in defending innocent unborn children.
I was fortunate enough to attend this banquet and was able to take some pictures of the participants.
And here we have the movie producer Jason Jones wearing his brown scapular and a participant of the Texas Right to Life banquet.
For Texas Right to Life click here.
For the movie Bella click here. For a moving testimonial of Eduardo's Christian faith click here (video). For more news about Bella and Eduardo Verastegui click here.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Catholic News-Sunday, September 23, 2007 A.D.
Episcopal Bp Steenson Will Become A Catholic - Living Church
Catholic Boom In China - Michael Bristow, BBC News
...Christianity Spreads In Red China - Spengler, Asia Times
N. American Col. Training Sem's In TLM - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Fr. Lang On Holy Mass "ad orientem" - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
How To Get Young People In Pews - Fr. Powell, Domine
Apparition In Florida? - Kathleen McGrory, Miami Herald
Pope: Religious Freedom Is "Inalienable" - AsiaNews
Pope: Catholic Political Leaders Essential Today - CWN
Confession Makes A Comeback - Alexander Alter, WallStrtJnl
Iranians Flocking To Christian TV - Christian Today
Christianity Spreads In North Korea - Ruth Gledhill, Times
Shameless Blog Plug of the Day:
Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate
by Jay Anderson
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday, September 22, click here.
For Friday, September 21, click here.
For Thursday, September 20, click here.
(Hat Tips:, LifeSite, The WebElf Report, & Lucianne)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Catholic News-Saturday, September 22, 2007 A.D.
Hollywood Poorly Handles Jesus - Kevin Eckstrom, RNS
...Christian Actors: "No One Mocks Jesus" - M. Haverluck, CBN
Kerry Speech Cancelled At C.U.A. - Meg Jalsevac, LifeSite
Abortion-Happy Cath. Univ. Loses Big Donor - M. Abbott, RA
Bp Herzog Shackles Extraordinary Form - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
328 Catholic Schools To Cut Off Amnesty Int'l - CNA
New Jersey Attacks Religious Freedom - CNA
...Can N.J. Punish Methodists? - Maggie Gallagher, Bulletin
English Bishop, 'No Latin Mass For You!' - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
UN Official: End Vatican Credentials - J. Murray, Bulletin
Values Voters Turning To Huckabee - Bryan Fischer, RenAm
Poland Lambasts EU's Hypocrisy - Johny-Henry Weston, LS
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, September 21, click here.
For Thursday, September 20, click here.
For Wednesday, September 19, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report, National Catholic Register, & LifeSite)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Catholic News-Friday, September 21, 2007 A.D.
Sale Of Old Latin Missals Skyrocketing - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
..more info from Zenit Here..
Bp Aquila Urges Priests, 'Pray Before Abortion Mills - CNA
Latin Mass Communion In The Hand? - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Death Fears Of The Boomer Left - James Lewis, AmThinker
Explaining Liberal Thinking - John Hawkins, Townhall
Church Threatens To Sue Over JP2 Sex Images - CNA
Episcopal Church Exodus Over Gay Bps - Allie Martin, ONN
MLK's Niece: Pro-Choice = Murder - Brian Williams, nwi
Bush: Official 'Family Day' On Sept 24 - ChristianNewsWire
Brownback Proposes Ultrasound Before Abortion - WIBW
Sarkozy: Turkey Doesn't Belong In Europe - Daily Times
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday, September 20, click here.
For Wednesday, September 19, click here.
For Tuesday, September 18, click here.
(Hat Tips:, LifeSite, & Lucianne)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Catholic News-Thursday, September 20, 2007 A.D.
Beyond The Catholic Stereotype - D. Demarco, NCRegister
St. John Chrysostom's Key To Preventing Divorce - CNA
..a husband's reflection Here..
Gays Shut Down Methodist Church - Maggie Gallagher, Th
..Methodist's lose tax exempt status Here..
Study: Sex Orientation Can Be Changed - CNA
GOP Hopefuls Skip Family Values Debate - M. Hoffman, LS
Bill To Enshrine Sex Orientation In Federal Law - CtLnk
Pope Hopeful For Orthodox-Catholic Unity - CNA
"Summorum Pontificum" Seen As Unifying - Zenit
Pope Warns Liberal Theologians - Reuters
FCC Fines Catholic Radio $4.7M - Mark Pattison, CNS
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Wednesday, September 19, click here.
For Tuesday, September 18, click here.
For Monday, September 17, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report &
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Catholic News-Wednesday, September 19, 2007 A.D.
Rise Of New Catholic Colleges - Tim Drake, Natl Cath Register
Nebraska Family's Journey To Catholicism - S.L. Hansen, CNA
The Miraculous Blood Of St. Gennaro Today - Jeff Miller, TCJ
Maryland Court: Marriage Between 'Man' & 'Woman' - CNA
..Washington Post goes ballistic on MD court ruling Here..
Bps Trautman, Mahony Liturgically Unhappy - CalCatholic
Imagine That - Lisa Fabrizio, The American Spectator
Popularity Of Homeschooling Rising - Lori Arnold, CEonline
The Death Of Relativism - Judea Pearl, The Guardian
Multicultural Reality Destroying Belgium - Brussels Journal
Media Go 'Medieval' On Pope Benedict - Ken Shepherd, NB
Bishop Asks Priests, Pray At Abortion Mills - M. Hoffman, LS
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Tuesday, September 18, click here.
For Monday, September 17, click here.
For Sunday, September 16, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report,, LifeSite, & Lucianne)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Catholic News-Tuesday, September 18, 2007 A.D.
Romanian Orthodox-Catholic Relations - C. Stephen, Sctsmn
Prayer & Politics - Fr. Edward T. Oakes - First Things
Amnesty Faces N.I. School Ban - Henry McDonald, Guardian
Crisis In Belgium - Paul Belien, The Brussels Journal
Italian Bishops Denounce Amnesty - Nicole Winfield, AP
16 Catholic Sen.'s Vote To Fund Abortion - Deal Hudson, PC
Persecution Of Iraqi Christians Exist - CNA
2000 Handicapped Registered For World Youth Day '08 - CNA
LA Times Shills For Dr. George Tiller - Dave Pierre, NB
Abortion Mill Ordered Closed - John-Henry Westen, LifeSite
Silent Genocide - Fr. John Flynn, Zenit
Dating Outside The Fold - Naomi Schaefer Riley, OpJournal
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Monday, September 17, click here.
For Sunday, September 16, click here.
For Saturday, September 15, click here.
(Hat Tips: National Catholic Register,, LifeSite, The WebElf Report, & Lucianne)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Catholic News-Monday, September 17, 2007 A.D.
Pope Supports Beatification Of Vietnamese Cardinal - AP
Cardinal Hoyos On Latin Mass - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
Photos Of Bishop Finn Pontificating! - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Phan's Anti-Dominus Iesus Theology - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Egypt: Christians Forced To Islam - Robert Spencer, DW
Fascist Belgium Near Collapse - Gregory Rodriguez, LA Times
Pontiff Defends Church's Role In Society - Zenit
Exposing How Liberals Misread the Bible - Frank Pastore, Th
Diocese Of Peoria Stonewalls Latin Mass - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Fertility Gap: More Christians on the Way - Chuck Colson, Th
What Are 'Indulgences'? - Aimee Milburn, Historical Christian
Can Catholics Also Be Freemasons? - Gail Besse, The Pilot
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Sunday, September 16, click here.
For Saturday, September 15, click here.
For Friday, September 14, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report & The Brussels Journal)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Catholic News-Sunday, September 16, 2007 A.D.
Alan Keyes Enters Presidential Race - Maple Brown, USADaily
..Alan Keyes in Houston Here..
Fr. Peter Phan's Heterodoxy - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
Liberals Lie, Children Die - Kevin McCullough, Townhall
Fascism Returns To Europe - Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch
Bob Casey Jr. Is No Catholic - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Chicago Planned Parenthood, Lawsuit - Peter J. Smith, LS
Cardinal Has Message for Beauty-Obsessed World - Zenit
Creighton Univ. May Lose 'Catholic' Status - Meg Jalsevac, LS
Cardinal: Europe Dancing On Powder Keg - CWNews
The Once & Future Christendom - James Pinkerton, AmCon
Planned Parenthood's Hypocrisy - Alan Sears, Townhall
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Saturday, September 15, click here.
For Friday, September 14, click here.
For Thursday, September 13, click here.
(Hat Tips: National Catholic Register & PewSitter)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Catholic News-Saturday, September 15, 2007 A.D.
'Approved' Catholic Priestess - Warner Todd Huston, NB for more Religious News on NewsBusters Here..
..Jeff Miller's Higher Calling to Newsweek Here..
Judeo-Christian Values Of America - Ronald Cherry, AmThnkr
Mom Saves Daughter, Gives Up Her Life - Hilary White, LS
Schwarzeneggers Bills Destroys Families - Jennifer Mesko, CL
Fr. Peter Phan Syndrome - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
..Vatican investigates Here..
American Legion Funds Saving Cross - Ed Thomas, ONN
..why Am Legion upset Here..
Decline & Fall Of NY Times - Thomas Lifson, AmThinker
Abp: Bishops Must Discipline Pro-Abortionists - H. White, LS
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, September 14, click here.
For Thursday, September 13, click here.
For Tuesday, September 11, click here.
(Hat Tips: LifeSite & PewSitter)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Catholic News-Friday, September 14, 2007 A.D.
Latin Mass At Annunciation Church Today - Tito, Custos Fidei
The Competence Of Bishops - Fr. R. J. Neuhaus, 1stThings
Vatican: Removal Of Feeding Tubes Immoral - AP
Cal: Homosexual Indoctrination Bill Passed - CalCatholic
Funding Defeat For Planned Parenthood - CalCatholic
Help Nuns Evicted By Abp Mahony - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Ugandan Seminary Seeks To Expand - CNA
Newsweek Cracks Up - Bill Donohue, Catholic League
Study: Pill Increases Cancer Risk - Meg Jalsevac, LifeSite
Reagan's Catholics - Tony Biasotti, Venturay County Star
Study: Sexual Orientation Can Change - Devon Williams, CL
Continuity Of The Catholic Church - Mark Shea, NCRegister
Secular News Item of the Day:
America Is No Rome
by Gerard Baker, The Times (London)
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Thursday, September 13, click here.
For Tuesday, September 11, click here.
For Monday, September 10, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report, National Catholic Register, LifeSite, & PewSitter)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Latin Mass At Annunciation Church (Houston, 12:10pm)

Catholic News-Thursday, September 13, 2007 A.D.
La. Bishop Herzog Stonewalls Latin Mass - New Catholic, RC
New British Law To Force Church To Transexuals - CNA
Vatican Investigates Liberal Theologian - Eric Gorski, AP
Canadian Gp Excommunicated - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC
The Non-Candidate: God - Cal Thomas, Townhall
Founders Wanted Christian Nation - Andrea Stone, USA Tdy
Battleground Europe - Timothy Garton Ash, LA Times
Papal Vs. Secular Approach - National Catholic Register
Papal Coat of Arms Still Relevant - Zenit
Vienna's Lesson On Singing Mass - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Papal Photographer Reflects On Career - Zenit
Blog Entry:
Laptop & Wireless Adapter Issues - Tito, Custos Fidei
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Tuesday, September 11, click here.
For Monday, September 10, click here.
For Friday, September 7, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report, LifeSite, PewSitter, & RealClearPolitics)
Laptop and Wireless Adapter Issues, Posting

I just wanted to post a quick update that my laptop and my wireless adapter are on it's last legs. Thus preventing me from posting on a consistent basis. I don't like to use the computer at work for posting so bear with me as I endeavor to avoid purchasing a new laptop and using 2003 technology to fix my glorified door stop. Thus explaining why my posting has been inconsistent this week.
I'll post again to announce that Catholic News will be back on a consistent basis.
Tags:laptop,posting,wifi,wireless | 0
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Catholic News-Tuesday, September 11, 2007 A.D.
Chinese Bishop Dies In Custody - Alexa Olesen, AP
Mother Teresa Remembered - Fr. B. Groeschel, 1stThings
Episcopal Minister To Catholic Priest - CNA
Church: No Apocalypse Secret - Malcom Moore, Telegraph
Abortion Threatens Future Of Europe - KaiserNetwork
Dr Pulls Plug, Comatose Wakes Up - M. Celizic, MSNBC
Pope Hopes Europe Returns To Christian Roots - Zenit
Am Legion Blasts Court Cross Ban - Christian Newswire
Christophobe CNN Pgm Tonight - Matthew Balan, NB
LA Times Omits Dangers Of Abortion - Dave Pierre, NB
Possible Sainthood For Wife Of 12 - Ann Rodgers, Pitt P-G
Quebec Catholicism Comeback? - Jeff Heinrich, Gazette
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Monday, September 10, click here.
For Friday, September 7, click here.
For Thursday, September 6, click here.
(Hat Tips: Catholic Report, LifeSite, & PewSitter)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Catholic News-Monday, September 10, 2007 A.D.
Pope: Crisis Of The West Is A Crisis Of Truth - AINA
'BBC News' Lies About Pope - Gerald Augustinus, TCIC read more about 'BBC' bias click here..
Education & Witness To Christ - Abp Chaput, 1stThings
Luciano Pavarotti Died A Catholic - Jeff Miller, Curt Jester
Media Still Ignore AFA's Ford Boycott - Tom Blumer, NB
Legal Battle Over Franco's House - Danny Wood, BBC News
Hillary To Pursue Gay Agenda As Pres - Tim Graham, NB
Libs Love The Sin, Hate The Sinner - Star Parker, TH
Pope Demands Respect For Sundays - BBC News
LA's Ugly Cathedral To Be Built In Oakland - CalCatholic
Blog Entry:
Catholic Blogosphere Sept Roundup - Tito, Custos Fidei
Last Three Catholic News Postings:
For Friday, September 7, click here.
For Thursday, September 6, click here.
For Wednesday, September 5, click here.
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- Catholic News-Friday, September 28, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Thursday, September 27, 2007 A.D.
- Blogging Delay Update (9-27-2007 AD)
- Catholic News-Monday, September 24, 2007 A.D.
- Texas Right To Life Banquet and Bella the Movie
- Catholic News-Sunday, September 23, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Saturday, September 22, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Friday, September 21, 2007 A.D.
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- Catholic News-Sunday, September 16, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Saturday, September 15, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Friday, September 14, 2007 A.D.
- Latin Mass At Annunciation Church (Houston, 12:10pm)
- Catholic News-Thursday, September 13, 2007 A.D.
- Laptop and Wireless Adapter Issues, Posting
- Catholic News-Tuesday, September 11, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Monday, September 10, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Friday, September 7, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Thursday, September 6, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Wednesday, September 5, 2007 A.D.
- Blog Roundup For September 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Tuesday, September 4, 2007 A.D.
- Catholic News-Monday, September 3, 2007 A.D.
Books I Recommend
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
Catholic Blogs
- Fr. Tim Finigan
- Richard Collins
- Pro Ecclesia by Jay Anderson
- Father Philip Neri Powell, OP
- Jennifer Fulwiler
- Thomas Peters
- Acts of the Apostasy
- DarwinCatholic - ΙΧΘΥƩ
- Bettnet
- Thoughts of a Regular Guy
- A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
- The Curt Jester by Jeff Miller
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- Catholic World Report
- Monsignor Charles Pope
- Creative Minority Report
- Mark Shea
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- The Crescat
- Jean Heimann's Catholic Fire
- Dale Price
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