Monday, November 24, 2008
Catholic News-Monday, November 24, 2008 A.D.
Canonical Options for Catholic Legislators Supporting FOCA - Tito, Amrcn Cthlc
A Cardinal Sings the Praises of Orthodoxy - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Gregorian Chants Draw New, Unlikely Fans - Carlos Alcala, The Hour
A Warning to the GOP - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Catholic
U.S. Liberal Catholics Organising Largest Lay Organization - Catholica
In Mosul, a Battle for Christians - Gary Marx, Chicago Tribune
Vocations Boom in Ireland - Patsy McGarry, Irish Times
Legislating Immorality - Editors, National Review Online
188 Japanese Martyrs Canonized - Rocco Palmo, Whispers in the Loggia
Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts - Victor Davis Hanson, RealClearPolitics
New President, More Abortions - Nat Henhoff, The Washington Times
Bonus Commentary:
Catholic Teaching, Homosexuality, & American Life - Eric Brown, American Cthlc
The Toleration Act of Maryland - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
The Last Gasp of Hippies - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Senator Biden's Conscious Hurting Him? - Deal W. Hudson, The Inside Blog
Feelings and Faith - Marcel, Aggie Catholics
Bonus Video:
Pope Benedict XVI's Life - Padre Steve, Da Mihi Animas
Notable Commentary:
To Pray, To Engage, & Fight Like a Maccabee - Christopher Blosser, Amrcn Cthlc
A Call to Arms for God, Life, and Country - Tito, American Catholic
Bishop Hermann: "Would Consider It a Privilege to Die to End to Abortion" - LSN
Praying-Coach Case Heads to Supreme Court - Alyssa Farah, WorldNetDaily
Newly Discovered Screwtape Letter! - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Monastery of the Angels, Precious to Muslims of Karachi - Qaiser Felix, AsiaNews
Obama Administration Reveals Plans to Advance Gay Agenda - Cthlc Nws Agncy
Notable News:
Petition Against Making Abortion A Human Right -
More Pro-Life Censorship -- At a Catholic University - Christian Newswire
Muslims, Christians, & Police Clash in Cairo - M&C
Top Ten Catholic Bestsellers for November 2008 - Tito, American Catholic
Music Video:
Mozart Te Deum - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Secular Commentary:
Obama's One-Trick Wizards - Spengler, Asia Times
Beware of the 'Fairness Doctrine' - William Rusher, Townhall
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight,, & Lucianne)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Catholic News-Friday, November 21, 2008 A.D.
Catholic Teaching, Homosexuality, and Life - Eric Brown, American Catholic
America Mag Praises Daschle Pick, Am Papist Responds - Jay Anderson, Pro Eccls
Was G.K. Chesterton an anti-Semite? - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
New Study Confirms Decline of Catholic Colleges - Patrick J. Reilly, Inside Catholic
Town Official Attacks Catholics-On Video! - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Min Rep
...Her Apology for Describing Catholic Beliefs as 'hate'...
Full Text of Cardinal Stafford's Nov. 13 Remarks - John Allen, NCR Cafe
...CNN's Wolf Blitzer's Sophomoric Reporting on Remarks...
Card. George Warns Catholic Congressmen About FOCA - Deal Hudson, TIB
The eHarmony Shakedown by Gay Thugs - Michele Malkin, Creators Syndicate
...eHarmony Succumbs to Gay Pressure Group...
Bonus Commentary:
Top Ten Catholic Bestsellers for November 2008 - Tito, American Catholic
Bonus News:
40 Hindu Men Gang Raped Sr. Meena - CathNews
Girl Scouts Go Hard Left – and Downhill - Jane Chastain, WorldNetDaily
Notable Commentary:
Sexual Selection and Modern Dating - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Lead Us Into Temptation: American Materialism - Eric Brown, American Catholic
Father Major General - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Newly Discovered Screwtape Letter! - John Henry, American Catholic
Down With Catholics In Name Only - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
President-Elect Obama Lays Out Pro-Gay Agenda - Americans For Truth
Obama Selecting the Most Anti-Life, Anti-Family Radicals - Kathleen Gilbert, LSN
Video Commentary:
Fr. Barron on the "YouTube Heresies" - D Mac, Creative Minority Report
(Biretta Tips: RealClearReligion,, & Lucianne)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Persecution Begins
Christians prayed in San Francisco's Castro district and got this warm reception.
With the recent hate crimes done by radical gays in the wake of Proposition 8, I'm very disturbed by what has been happening. I don't see any of this on the network news, but when I find this online it bothers me that the mainstream media doesn't cover this. It seems that the media is in the tank to force licentious behavior down the throats of Americans.
You can hear the gays yelling, "die! die! die!". Rod Dreher asks:
This is terrifying. This ought to be on the national news. If this were a Christian mob surrounding gay-rights campaigners, it certainly would be -- and should be, as no peaceful protester in this country should be subject to this threat. (And no, this wasn't a made- up thing: here's how a local SFO TV station covered it). Watch this, and tell me these people [Update: by which I mean the enraged activist core, not all gays -- RD.] aren't going to come against churches full force once they have the civil rights laws on their side: Tell me why Christians and others who oppose this mob don't have to fear. These people have no idea, no idea at all, what kind of response this kind of thing may call up. One of the members of the Christian group, which had been singing hymns in the street, tells of how they were assaulted with urine, and worse:
What the media covers and doesn't cover is the heart of bias.
(Biretta Tip: Creative Minority Report)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Proposition 8 Hate Crime - Updated
Updated 11-12-2008 A.D.: After prayer and careful reflection I decided to pull down the video of opponents of Proposition 8 attacking a Christian woman. It's disturbing on many levels. By grace, genetics, or upbringing, I realize that by default I see the dignity of every person I meet each day. Knowing that there are those out there that hate on a level I thought I wouldn't see in this great nation of ours was too much for me to bear. These acts of violence should not be discounted though and I have provided a link for those of you that want to see a prelude of the persecution that may come to Christians in America. But in the end, we should pray for our persecutors and hope that those that have seperated themselves from God will return like the prodigal son in the warm embrace of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.
Click here for the link.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Catholic News-Tuesday, November 4, 2008 A.D.
Crystal Ball - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
It Can Happen Here - John Zmirak, Inside Catholic
Hook, Line, and Sinker - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
USCCB Probe Aid Directed to ACORN - Julia Duin, Washington Times
Abp Burke on Benedict's Reform of the Reform - Gregor Kollmorgen, NLM
Vatican Unveils Nazi-era Exhibition in Defense of Pope Pius XII - Deutsche Welle
Christians & Muslims Meet in Vatican Today - Robert Pigott, BBC World News
Burmese Archbishop Says Pope Ready to Visit Burma - The Irrawaddy
Affirmative Action and Gay Marriage - Thomas Sowell, Creators Syndicate
Vatican Issues Swipe Cards to Staff In Efficiency Drive - Nick Squires, Telegraph
Priest Says His 1st TLM: "it felt like tool that just fits the hand" - Fr. Z, WDTPRS?
Bonus Commentary:
Fr. Scorched Earth - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
A Prayer (for the Election) - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
Taking Everything On Blind Faith - Wesley Pruden, Washington Times
Notable Commentary:
Which “unjust war”? - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Catholic Charities Head Gave $$$ for Same Sex Marriage - Cal Cthlc Daily
Pop Quiz (Taxes) - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
It's All On You - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Topic A (Abortion) - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Abp Chaput: USCCB Must Address Abortion, Election Issues - Steven Ertelt, LfNws
American-born Imam Denounces Democracy - Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch
Secular Commentary:
Balkan Ghosts - James Lyon & Kurt Bassuener, Wall Street Journal
Red China & Democratic Taiwan Sign Trade Deals - Richard Spencer, Telegraph
Annoy Media: Go Vote & the 'Common Sense Effect' - Newt Gingrich, Hmn Evnts
(Biretta Tips: & Lucianne)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Catholic News-Monday, November 3, 2008 A.D.
Topic A (Abortion) - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
An Incident In Small Town Pennsylvania - Matthew Archbold, Crtv Mnrty Rprt
Change! - Tim Kelleher, First Things
The Culture of Death Under an Obama Presidency - Nancy Reyes,
Why I Will Vote For John McCain - Deal W. Hudson, Inside Catholic
Brisbane: Heretic Fr. Dresser & Parish Ttold to Clean Up By 1 Dec - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Secret Questionnaire Rome Uses On Choosing Bishops - Damian Thompson, Hly Smk
Online Catholic TV Offers Religion With Edge - Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press
Card. Martini Would Never Have Written 'Humanae Vitae' - Sandro Magister, Chiesa
Christians and Muslims: Resuming Dialogue - Samir Khalil Samir, AsiaNews
Why I'm Going to Meet the Pope - Tariq Ramadan, The Guardian
New Edition of Roman Breviary Ready to Order - Gregor Kollmorgen, NLM
Bonus Commentary:
Pop Quiz (Subsidiarity & Taxes) - Ryan Harkins, American Catholic
The Only Thing We Have to Fear... - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Rumor: Pope Considering Lifting SSPX Excommunications - Fr. Z, WDTPRS
Another 1908 Graduale Romanum - Jeffrey Tucker, New Liturgical Movement
Church Moderator Backs China's 1-Child Policy - Damian Thompson, Holy Smoke
Doctor Denied Immigration Due to Son's Down's Syndrome - Matthew Archbold, CMR
Teens Who Watch 'Sex in the City' More Likely to Get Pregnant - R. Bennett, Times
Notable Commentary:
Catholics And Pro-Abortion Candidates - Eric Brown, American Catholic
I Heart The Queen of Spain - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report
Catholic Vote: 51-38% For Senator McCain - Tito, American Catholic
Obama Sees Justices Breyer & Souter as Judicial Models - Catholic News Agency
Fr. Frank's Advice Before Election Day - Edward Koubek, American Catholic
More Stories From the Parish Parking Lots in Ohio - Deal Hudson, The Inside Blog
Remember FOCA on November 4th - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Secular Commentary:
Obama 'Lifted Himself Up From the Streets of Hawaii' - Mark Finkelstein, NwsBstrs
(Biretta Tips: WDTPRS &
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Perfect Journalist Disguise

A biretta tip to Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters.
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