Monday, June 8, 2009
Catholic News - Monday, June 8, 2009 A.D.
Early Morning Update
Nashville Dominicans Preparing For Large Postulant Class - Catholic News Agency
Another Anglican Priests Swims The Tiber - Jeffrey Steel, De Cura Animarum
Hostility To Religion Bodes Ill For Society - Katherine Kersten, Star-Tribune
Is The Future Of The Christian Vote In Doubt? - Deal Hudson, InsideCatholic
Continuity, Beauty And Dignity - Shawn Tribe, New Liturgical Movement
ABC: Sotomayor Is No 'Elite Liberal Judicial Philosopher' - Rich Noyes, NewsBusters
Dorothy Sayers On The Financial Crisis - Black Adder, American Catholic
WSJ: No Females, Fails To Report China 'One-Child' Policy - Tom Blumer, NwsBstrs
"Obama Met Muslim Brotherhood Members In U.S." - Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch
Obama's Arabian Dreams - Caroline B. Glick, Jewish World Review
"Convert Or Die, Jew!" - Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch
O'Reilly Denounces NARAL Woman - Tim Graham, NewsBusters
Bonus Commentary & Analysis:
AOL Playboy Controversy Deepens - Stephen Gutowski, NewsBusters
Obama Abandons Israel - Alex Knepper, Race 4 2012
French Insider: Inevitable That France Goes Muslim - Tiberge, GalliaWatch
People v. Mel Gibson - Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing
Notable Commentary & Analysis:
Did Francis Schaeffer Push "Violent Overthrow" Of US - Christopher Blosser, AC
Father Ranger - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Banning Race And Sex Selective Abortions - Black Adder, American Catholic
Secular Commentary & Analysis:
CNN: High Fox News Ratings Caused By Anger - P.J. Gladnick, NewsBusters
(Biretta Tips: Kevin Knight,, Culture War Notes, & Robert Spencer)
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- Catholic News - Monday, June 8, 2009 A.D.
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- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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I don't know if you've noticed, but your posts are showing the month of April instead of June.
Thank you for noticing that.
I'll change them right away!
I got them updated.
I was going backwards it seems. I don't know if I can blame dyslexia on this though.
Thanks again for noticing that.
No prob. I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work!