Sunday, June 14, 2009
Catholic News - Sunday, June 14, 2009 A.D.
Late Evening Update
Statue Of Pope JP2 Unveiled At City Of Hope - James Wagner, Pasadena Star-News
The Vatican’s Rifles - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Liturgical Abuse: What To Do About It - Fr. Philip Powell, Domine
The New Missal, Historic Moment In Liturgical Renewal - Bp. Serratelli, Adrms
Eight Habits Of Highly Effective Bishops - California Catholic Daily
Well, Good Luck With Your Extinction - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Mary And The Muslims - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Ignatius Insight
Supreme Court Justices And Religion - John Henry, American Catholic
Abp. Fulton J. Sheen: Catholic Media's Greatest Star - Thomas Reeves, CERC
Want To Cut The Abortion Rate Down Significantly? - Joe Hargrave, Amrcn Cthlc
Is Catholic News Service In Open Rebellion? - MetroCatholic
Importance Of Natural Law - Tim Shipe, American Catholic
Last Week's Update
Outing Bloggers - Donald R. McClarey, American Cathlolic
Tiller, Long, Bonhoeffer, And Assassination - Elizabeth Scalia, On The Square
Catholic View Of The Political Community - Tim Shipe, American Catholic
Fr. Jenkins Has "No Interest" Of Leniency For Protesters - Kathleen Gilbert, LSN
Are All Abortions Equal? - John Henry, American Catholic
More Proof Showing Caritas Christi Will Cover Abortions - Steven Ertelt, LfStNws
Jesuit: Latin Is So Pre-Vatican II - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Are Judaism & Christianity As Violent As Islam? - Raymond Ibrahim, Mddl Est Frm
Hate Crimes Bill Buried As Legislative Amendment - Peter J. Smith, LifeSiteNews
Don’t Mess With Texas - Blackadder, American Catholic
Obama's Safe Schools Czar Wants Homosexuality For Schoolchildren - LSN
Alexia Kelley, A Solid Catholic Appointment By Obama? - Christopher Blosser, AC
Bonus Video:
Corpus Christi - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Monstrance Sacrilege In Linz - Gloria.TV
Age Of Kings? - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Book Review:
Alphonse: A Monster For Our Time - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Bonus News:
Boston Catholic Health Agency To Provide Abortion Referrals - Catholic Culture
Dr. Alveda King Calls Comparison Of Tiller To MLK "Offensive" - Fr. Pavone, PFL
Korea: Catholic Population Passes Five Million Mark - UCAN
Tiller Abortion Clinic Won't Reopen After Murder, Family Says - Wichita Eagle
Adult Stem Cell Research Now Regrowing Hair! - Don Margolis, Catholic.Neth
Bonus Commentary & Analysis:
Obama And Notre Dame – A Belated Follow-Up - Tim Shipe, American Catholic
The Protestant Mentality - Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing On My Head
ABC: Abortion Broadcasting Company - Colleen Raezler, NewsBusters
Anglican Agonies - Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing On My Head
Teacher Sacked For Bible On Desk Sues School In Court - Peter J. Smith, LfStNws
Faith-based Movies Rise Above Hollywood Heavyweights - Noel Sheppard, NwsBstrs
Egypt: Muslims Angered Over Christian Revert From Islam - Robert Spencer, JW
A Big Blind Spot (From "Dads Protecting Daughters") - Tim Shipe, American Cthlc
Notable Commentary & Analysis:
Google's Top 25 Catholic Websites - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
For Fun:
More Biden Merriment - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
The Caine Mutiny - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Painted Black - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
If Obama Is Spock We Are Doomed!!! - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Secular Commentary & Analysis:
What’s Wrong With American Health Care? - Blackadder, American Catholic
How Fox News Opened America - Charles Krauthammer, New York Post
Your Wealth Makes Me Wealthy - DarwinCatholic, American Catholic
Obama Just Makes Stuff Up - Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
Sayers And Say’s Law - Blackadder, American Catholic
A Supreme Court Nomination Stirs Up Bad Memories - Fernando Santos, NY Times
'The Federalist Papers' & Contemporary Political Challenges - Eric Brown, AC
A Coup in Iran? - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Flag Day - Christopher Blosser, American Catholic
Stagflation Or Hyperinflation? - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
Under Obama It’s Funemployment Not Unemployment - Donald R. McCalrey, AC
The Degenerate David Letterman - Tito Edwards, American Catholic
Secular Video:
Saving the Flag - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
The Stimulus Bill And Jobs - Donald R. McClarey, American Catholic
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- Catholic News - Monday, June 8, 2009 A.D.
- Catholic News - Sunday, June 7, 2009 A.D.
- Catholic News - Monday, June 1, 2009 A.D.
Books I Recommend
- The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis
- Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam by Pope Benedict XVI & Marcello Pera; Forward by George Weigel, Translated by Michael F. Moore
- Triumph - The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker, III
- Witness To Hope, The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel
- Uncommon Faith by John F. Coverdale
- Holy Bible
- A History of Christendom Vols. 1, 2, & 4 by Warren H. Carroll
- Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
- The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel
- God's Choice by George Weigel
- Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington
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