Thursday, October 13, 2005

Church of England On Its Deathbed

Interesting to note that since the Lambeth Conference legalizing abortion in the Anglican Church, Episcopalian here in the U.S., church attendance has plummeted. The same can be said of all other Protestant denominations in the U.S. The only exception being the evangelical Protestant movement that has experienced growth. Such is the state that once you water down the liturgy and try to appease secular culture by legalizing gay marriage, allowing for contraception, and denying the Truth of the Word of God, you soon lose yourself in 'self'. You deny God's Grace in essence. This is endemic and in my opinion, the main reason why the Methodists, Baptists, and all other Protestant denominations continue to lose membership. With liberal and unorthodox clergy such as Cardinal Mahony and many spineless priests who don't want to 'ruffle' feathers in the Catholic Church, we to will fall under this spell if this diseased appeasement to secular culture reaches the Vatican. Click here for more.


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