Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Church and China Reconcile

It seems that the Holy Spirit has worked behind the scenes to opening up Communist China to the Catholic Church. After 50 years of Communist Chinese hostility to the Church, relations have warmed over to the point of reconciliation. It has been reported that the nuncio in Taipei will be moved to Communist China within months. This can only signal that the Communists will not interfere in Catholic Church bishopric appointments. This also means that the underground Church and the Patriotic Church will converge and be united. Which will allow the continual growth of Christianity in China. Let us all pray for the growth of the Faith in the middle kingdom. For more click here.



I regretfully do not share your enthusiasm. Does communism not have a proven track record of being an enemy of the Church?

China leads the world in abortions, it bullies its neighbors, and is obviously seeking to be the world's greatest power.

I think the Church made a mistake here, a big mistake. They completly betrayed Taiwan to appease the reds. They have also betrayed the "underground" church in China which does a lot more to keep the faith than the government sanctioned varriation.

While the Vatican may have felt that this would bring some degree of religious freedom to China and open the doors for some evangelization, I think they took possible numbers over principles. Imagine how the Catholics of Tawain feel tody?

Anonymous said...

I understand about the human rights abuses, but God works in mysterious ways and the Communist Chinese are miles and miles ahead of Islamic countries and their intolerance towards Christians.

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