Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Violence Against Christians

The end of 20th century closed a dark chapter in human history due to the millions of deaths to Christians caused by the secular ideologies of National Socialism and Communism. The beginning of the 21st century brought hope of a permanent peace because of the defeat of National Socialism at the end of World War II and the fall of Soviet Communism and the Warsaw Pact at the end of the 1990s (albeit only the Asian Communists of China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Laos remain). This hope of peace was tragically delayed by 9/11, not by some secular ideology, but by religious extremists spawned by the Islamic sect called Salaf as-Salih or more commonly referred to as the Wahabists. How sad that a murdering philosophy was spawned by those who hold a belief in the one true God. The following is an interview with the Director of Aid to the Church in Need Catholic charity in the Netherlands in reference to violence towards Christians. An upcoming blog on the EU negotiations on Turkey will cover how Turkey's violence against Christians should be considered in their EU entrance talks.


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