Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Anglican Schism?

The Global South of Anglican Bishops are meeting in Egypt to decide where they stand in relation to the heretical wings of the Anglican church, ie, the U.S. and Canada. The aforementioned countries have since 2003 been appointing openly homosexual practicing bishops AND with active partners! Two Truths cannot exist simultaneously and this seems to be only clear to the traditional Global South. For more click here. Diogenes has some excellent commentary on the Anglicans and the mainline Protestants in general about their moral decay into relativism. For more click here. The Truth is absolute, that is why the Catholic Church is not a democracy, because Jesus asked Peter to build His Church upon this Rock!


Let's pray that the Anglicans of the global south find a home in the Roman Catholic Church!

Anonymous said...

I pray for that day as well!

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