Sunday, October 23, 2005

Don't Support "Save Lids to Save Lives"

With all apologies to Moneybags on his A Catholic Life blog, but the title I took from his article says it all. Apparently the monies being collected for "Save Lids to Save Lives" goes to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. OK so far, but this foundation donates money to Planned Parenthood which pretty much makes them a baby killer. Ipso facto, any lids you collect to send in to this foundation you are essentially an accomplice to murder. Learn it, live it, evangelize it. For more click here.


Matthew said...

No need for an apology, Tito. I was also shocked at learning of them funding abortion. It is true that they donate relatively little money to Planned Parenthood, but any money at all donated to them goes to abortion.

May the Lord bless us all and bring us to everlasting life.

Anonymous said...

Because of the small percent that goes to planned parenthood, let them die from cancer. You bible thumpers are a joke.

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