Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Kerry-Kennedy Klan

"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." --Matthew 6:24

'You cannot serve God and mammon'. Read and absorb this eloquent statement from the Gospel of Matthew. This is the conundrum that people like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry find themselves in.

When the KKK, Mario Cuomo, and Mayor Gavin Newsom invoke their Catholicism to social justice causes but 'compartmentalize' their beliefs on euthanasia, homosexuality, and abortion, they are picking and choosing what they believe. Hence the term 'Cafeteria Catholics' is attached to their names. It would be a bold Bishop to excommunicate these Catholic malcontents because clearly they adhere to the worldly devices while playing lip service to their own faith. They are empty vessels in the ways of the world and God knows their sins and only He will judge them for their actions. Let's pray for the salvation of their souls when the time comes for them to descent into Hell.

(Photo H/T to Lady Jag - post 36 on free republic)
Friday, April 28, 2006

Andrea Clark Moving To Chicago

Just read that a suburban facility (assuming here hospital) in Chicago will take in Andrea Clark for further care. Andrea Clark is the patient that clearly stated to family and doctors that she wanted to live before heading into the operation that led her to her present state of needing life support.
'The conflict erupted April 19, when Dr. Robert Carpenter Jr., chairman of St. Luke's ethics committee, wrote Ward and Dixon to say that the committee had unanimously agreed with Clark's attending physician that "the life-sustaining treatment currently being provided to your sister is inappropriate and should be discontinued."
St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital is a despicable institution that should be shut down. How can a hospital not provide for a patient that clearly wants to live? This ethical committee should take a basic course in 'ethics' at a nearby college. I'm at a loss for words in trying to explain why this 'ethics committee' could make such a depraved decision as to take a woman's life. For more click

St. Josemaría Escrivá Quote Of The Day

Why Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kerry of Massachusetts should just leave our Catholic faith when explaining away why they leave their Catholicism at the door of their profession.
"Have you ever bothered to think how absurd it is to leave one's Catholicism aside on entering a university, or a professional association, or a scholarly meeting, or congress, as if you were checking your hat a door?" --St. Josemaría Escrivá 1902-1975, founder of Opus Dei
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

91st anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide

On April 24, 1915, the inspiration to Adolph Hitler's 'Final Solution', began the systematic genocide conducted explicitly and implicitly by the Turkish government of roughly 1.5 million Armenian Christians. This is the same Turkish government that is petitioning to join the European Union. The same Turkish government that still restricts Christians from even doing simple repairs to their Church's. The same Turkish government that still 'denies' the genocide ever occurred! A young German military observer who witnessed the systematic slaughter of 1.5 million Armenian Christians warned Adolph Hitler of the trouble in exterminating the Jews. Adolph Hitler retorted, 'No one remembers the Armenians'. Turkey is still in denial of the deaths of 1.5 million Armenian Christians. Today Turkey is 99.9% Muslim. Because of their successful extermination of native Armenian Christians, Turkey was able to cleanse itself of Christians for good. To learn more of the atrocities done by the religion of peace, Islam, in Turkey click here. For more on this article click here. For guilty white liberals who want to still believe that Islam is good and Christianity is bad so they can feel better about their hedonistic and avarice lifestyle click here.

Houston Hospital To Prohibit Andrea Clarke From Living

An ethics committee in St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital here in Houston, Texas, has just voted, yes voted, to put to death a patient in their hospital to death. Andrea Clarke's condition is nowhere near the same circumstances of Terry Schiavo's. Physicians at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital decided to increase Andrea's pain medication and anesthetize her into unconsciousness. Prior to this Andrea was able to make her own medical decisions. When Andrea is not medicated into unconsciousness she is aware and cognizant. Andrea has not suffered any brain damage that affects her thought, reason, or speech. Andrea has only lost some motor skills.

St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital has deemed Andrea's condition as untenable is allowed by law to let her die by turning her life support system off.

'Houston hospitals have a policy in that once the medical treatment of a patient has been deemed "medically futile" no other hospital in the area will accept transfer of that patient to their facility. This means that the patient, who is usually in a very delicate condition anyway, has to be transported over a long distance, in order to receive care.'
This is in direct violation of natural law as well as the law of God. The Fifth commandment states, "You shall not kill." --Exodus 20:13. According to the teachings of Jesus Christ,

"Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, . . ." (CCC 2258)

"Do no slay the innocent and the righteous." (Exodus 23:7)

"The deliberate murder of an innocent person is gravely contrary to the dignity of the human being, to the golden rule, and to the Holiness of the Creator. The law forbidding it is universally valid: it obliges each and everyone, always and everywhere." (CCC 2261)

"Those whose lives are diminished or weakened deserve special respect. Sick or handicapped persons should be helped to lead lives as normal as possible." (CCC 2276)

The local media here in Houston is not reporting this at all with the exception of the Right Wing Blog, Lone Star Times, Houston blogosphere, and KHOU-11. (H/T For more click here.

Planned Parenthood Fact Of The Day

"We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." --Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood I was reading the Houston Press when I came across an ad from American Life League (ALL) that took up roughly a third of the page with the headline of "RACISM". Under this headline the forementioned blurb from the Matriarch of Death herself is quoted saying her typical racist eugenics rants. Of course Planned Parenthood doesn't want you to know about their evil beginnings. Hence, today's fact of the day. For more to stop tax funding of Planned Parenthood click here. For the Houston Coalition for Life website click here. For ALL click here.
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mischaracterizations of Christianity

This very good article by Thomas E. Woods explains the many fallacies that people hold of religion, in this case Christianity, in particular Catholicism. With so many mischaracterizations, it's unfortunate people continue to carry the wrong views of our faith. From stating that we had a Pope sympathetic to Hitler to saying that Jesus never died and actually had children to boot! This is my small vain attempt in educating the public in their misperceptions of our faith. For a better analysis of this situation click.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Peace From Sacrifice And Prayer

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." --John 14:27 Another of my favorite verses from the Holy Bible. I have felt at peace during this past Lent and this quote has been in the back of my head. I was able to find exactly where it is so I can share it with you all. My sacrificing and prayer has brought me peace. Any time I'm troubled or need assurance, a Hail Mary or a recital of the Rosary brings me back to His peace. Because of the many sacrifices I had done for Lent, in addition to the graces that God has sent me, these prayers bring me back to those times in Lent when I came into peace with Him.

Liberal Slanting Washington Post (AP)

The article is about a professor leading her students in destroying 'anti-abortion' crosses that were set up to represent 'aborted fetuses'. In all fairness, this is a news story from the AP (Associated Press) newswire service. But it goes to show you how liberal the print media is. Anyways, so who are the opponents to the 'anti-abortion' crowd? Pro-Aborts? Or will they be attached with the user friendly 'pro-choice' moniker? This story 'biased-challenged'. For more on the liberal and lefty article click here.

A.D., B.C., C.E., B.C.E., And The P.C. Wars

The Kentucky State Board of Education, or so they claim, is now going to impose 'academia's political correctness dating. Instead of the culturally correct A.D. (Anno Domini) and B.C. (Before Christ), textbooks will now include C.E. (Common Era) and B.C.E. (Before Common Era) in addition to keeping our cultural dating traits. This is completely insane. Why are we here in the West (Europe and North America) have to continually erase our proud heritage? Anyways, it's Kentucky where the state motto is "Thank God for Mississippi". Here is something to ponder, if A.D. derives from the Latin abbreviations of Anno Domini, how did we end up using a vernacular term for B.C.? Is there a Latin equivalent? Do they use B.C. in non-English speaking countries?

Time To Remove Cardinal Mahony?

Roger Cardinal Mahony has become an issue within the Catholic Church due to his abhorrance of Catholic tradition and teachings. His actions have spoken volumes for his distaste of the Latin Mass and the encyclical documents of Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae on life issues. Cardinal Mahony has called the shutting down of his seminary "a good thing" and his embrace of pro-abortion politicians while at the same time taking systematic action to disenfranchise Catholics who actually follow pro-life Catholic teachings. Cardinal Mahony has denigrated the Mass to a mere sideshow with liturgical dancers and wicker baskets galore. Is it time to add my voice to the growing chorus of Catholics who actually believe in their faith to ask his Holiness to remove this man from his bishopric office. As Matthew states in his gospel,
"but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (18:6)
All we have is prayer for the conversion and salvation of Cardinal Mahony's soul. For more on this article click
here. For an in-depth analysis of the blasphemous actions of Cardinal Mahony on the L.A. Catholic blog click here.
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Archbishop Daniel DiNardo On Easter

Archbishop DiNardo explains the meaning of Easter to the Houston Chronicle reporter. Basically the archbishop says that those who profess spirituality without being religious may explain why there is a yearning for faith, for Jesus. I personally believe do to the secular onslaught of driving our Christian faith out of our American culture, many of us have an emptiness that cannot be fulfilled by chocolate Easter bunny's nor jolly Santa Clause. I believe the archbishop senses this and is asking each and every one of us to learn more about our faith. To learn about the mystery and inspiration that is our Catholic faith. Jesus did rise from the dead and ascended into heaven. By believing otherwise, what then is the message? For more on this article click here.

Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams Grows A Spine

The nominal leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion came out to defend Christianity against false doctrines such as the Book of Judas and the Da Vinci Code book. In an unprecedented exhibition of orthodoxy, Archbishop Williams emphasized the importance of orthodoxy within Christianity. At the same time ignoring the clown mass's and perverted elevation of heterodoxical ordinations to the Anglican priesthood. At least he spoke out. I think I can still believe he may still be a Christian. For more on this impossible story of faith click here.

Muslim Attacks On Christians in Egypt

Unfortunately, the minority Coptic Christian population in Egypt is under attack again. A Muslim man, described by Egyptian police as deranged, attacked three Christian churches that have instigated riots. These riots are Muslims attacking the funeral procession of one of the Christians killed by another Muslim! How sick is this. This is another example of the lack of reciprocity that the Muslim world shows Christians. Muslims can easily build their own mosques here in the United States, but official discrimination in Egypt doesn't allow for ethnic Egyptians to even repair a broken window in their own church! These are the original inhabitants of Egypt before Muhammad's hordes swept into Egypt and subjugated the local Egyptians - called Copts, hence the term, Coptic Christians. For more on this BBC news article click here. For more on the religion of peace click here.

Roger Cardinal Mahony Hypocrita

(The pic shown here has Cardinal Mahony in the background behind the leotard clad dancers presiding over one of his 'Mass's as he watches his liturgical dancers mock the Eucharist.) I pray St. Michael the Archangel to give me the strength to take my sword of truth from thy sheath and crush thy enemies. Satan's lure of glory has intoxicated the disgraceful Roger Cardinal Mahony. This poor soul has destroyed the future for vocations in his Archdiocese of Los Angeles by promoting nuns to lead Mass, relegated the Mass to a Circe Soleil performance, and has allowed pagan ritual to infest the once sacred Mass. Cardinal Mahony has stood shoulder to shoulder with the agent of death that is Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa who stands proudly on his pro-abortion platform with Cardinal Mahony on his side. Where Cardinal Mahony ordered the arrest pro-life teens because they wanted to enter the inauguration ceremonies being held in the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Where Cardinal Mahony pastoral letter relegated the Holy Eucharist to irrelevancy. Furthermore, Roger Cardinal Mahony with his water vase jugs for chalices, liturgical dancers, disdain for tradition, and his censure of the pro-life movement is contemptible at best. What this archbishop has done to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and his flock is tragic. The sins of his flock are the sins of his own that will act as a millstone tied around his neck the day he enters Hell. Let us all pray for Cardinal Mahony's conversion so he can stop leading his flock astray from Lucifer's death grip. Or maybe Francis Cardinal Arinze is watching this wayward prelate. For more on this hypocrita click here. For an in-depth and day-to-day analysis on the near-schismatic Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles go to L.A. Catholic by Quintero, click here. For more ridiculous and sacrilegious photos of Cardinal Mahony's destruction of the Catholic Church click here.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Culture of Death Grips Hawaii

Lawmakers in Hawaii are moving quickly to enshrine into law the "right" to an abortion. Thus eliminating any future attempts at turning over the law. Seems like the scimitar of death is about to unleash its horrors unto thousands of innocent children in Hawaii. Just so a woman can afford expanded cable or that nice necklace. Just so that the husband can have that extra beer with his friends after work. Hawaii is my first home state and I cannot believe the extent it has changed these past 15 years. Maybe a boycott of the tourism industry is in order? Maybe so. For the article click here.

Spiritual Warfare

I am but a Catholic living his life here in Houston. I am obedient to my archbishop as well as to my fellow man. I adhere to the Magisterium and follow my Catholic faith as faithfully as possible. As a Catholic living in a fallen world, in an increasingly secular society, the Catholic Church needs to remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. If the Catholic Church abdicates its mission, then there is no hope for man. So it troubles me to see abuses and problems throughout the Catholic Church in America, but I can only pray for corrections to come about. The armor I wear is my Catholic faith. The shield I wield are the prayers I say to our Lord and Savior. The sword I carry in my sheath is the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I am but one warrior in God's spiritual army. I dedicate myself in guerilla tactics to unmask Lucifer and his followers. To smite the Mahonyites. To crush the Flynnians. To restore the Catholicism in wayward dioceses, schools, and churches across this nation. --Conde Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. --prayer of St. Michael the Archangel A psalm for David. The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing. He hath set me in a place of pasture. He hath brought me up, on the water of refreshment: He hath converted my soul. He hath led me on the paths of justice, for his own name's sake. For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me. Thou hast prepared a table before me against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly is it! And thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord unto length of days. --Psalm 22 (23)

Episcopus Fabian Bruskewitz Altus Catholic

Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz recently gave an interview with Christopher Manion of the Wander. Here are some highlights of this extraordinary interview. Question: What prompted your response to the published letter from Mrs. Ewers (on fraternal correction) to Bishop Skylstad? Answer: I (Bishop Bruskewitz) was speechless with indignation, and I refuse to be bossed around by these people (Ewers - NRB). It was explicit in a published report that was put on the Internet, an attack on the Diocese of Lincoln. Question: Why do you object to pro-abortion Catholics serving on the lay board? Aren't a lot of prominent Catholics supporters of partial-birth abortion? Don't they deserve representation too? (like Carol Alvarado a Catholic Houston politician on the board of Planned Parenthood) Answer: It's a standing disgrace that some of these people who call themselves Catholic (are you reading this Miss Alvarado?) don't understand the heinous evil that they support. That we should give them a position of prominence in the Church is an outrage (are you reading this Father Billy Davis of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church?). And my most favorite exchange... Question: As you have probably heard, Bishop Paul Loverde has announced that girl altar boys will now be allowed in the Diocese of Arlington. That means that your diocese is alone in not allowing them in the United States. Will you continue that policy? Answer: I've been alone before. However, it might be interesting to know that there are other dioceses that don't have altar girls, but they do not want it to be known. But, as I've said many times, if I see a diocese, chiefly because of altar girls, with convents overflowing with novices, and hundreds of priests being ordained, then I'll change my mind. In the meantime, we'll just continue in the old traditional way. For more of this incredible interview click here. For a previous posting of mine on Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz click here.

ABC Network's Anti-Semitic Ten Commandments

Moses is not a Hebrew, nor is he a Jew, nor is his 'people' even referred to as Hebrew. The secular television network ABC has gone of the deep end on political correctness. In order not to 'offend' your friendly neighborhood Muslim terrorist or guilty white liberal, ABC has erased all references to the heritage of Moses and his 'people' in their new remaking of "The Ten Commandments". According to Jack Engelhard, the new television special has been "homogenized, pasteurized, sanitized and dry-cleaned so as not to offend any race, religion or creed" I do believe that ABC has really done a disservice to itself and its viewers. The program has zero spiritual reward and even the Pharoah comes off better than Moses just so that ABC can kowtow the guilty white liberal line of equal opportunity offender. So says I along with reviewer Jack Engelhard. (H/T NewsBusters) For more on this blog click here.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Saudi Arabian Government Expels Priest

Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocratic monarchy. Islam is the official religion of this nation. And it is illegal, yes in Saudi Arabia our great Arab ally, to practice any other faith. No churches, synagogues, or other houses of worship can be built, priests or pastors aren't allowed to practice their faith, overtly nor underground. Many Churches are forced underground under threat of violence and often death. Father George Joshua, a Catholic priest of the Malankara rite of Kerala, has been deported for breaking Saudi law. That is celebrating Mass. Yep, you read it correctly, this xenophobic and intolerant religion that is Islam lacks so much confidence in itself that they react violently to anything that deviates from their compulsive religion. Nonetheless, the charges were for celebrating Mass. For more on this article click here. For more examples of this religion of peace click here.

Holy Scripture Verse Of The Day

This scripture verse goes out to the 'liberal' anonymous poster on my posting, Jesus, The Bane To Liberals. If liberals allegedly want to follow the advice of Jesus as to love each other as yourself, these are words to live by when they demand that a baby dies for a woman's 'lifestyle choice'. Hat tip to Please my dear avid liberal readers, read the following passage (and the same goes to you conservatives, freemasons, and illuminati!)
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment. And the second is like to it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these.
--Mark 12:30-31
Monday, April 10, 2006

Why I Love Francis Cardinal Arinze

Francis Cardinal Arinze, the only other Catholic on the planet that I would have loved to see as Pope. In fact he was my number one favorite, number two being Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. This beautiful man of God, the prince of the Church, just reminded priests all over the world that they are "not free to add or subtract any details" from the official liturgy. This comes on the heels of an earlier Vatican pronouncement that the use of drums and guitars are outlawed from Church services. (I wonder if this applies to the Catholic Charismatic Center here in Houston. Technically they aren't a parish, but they are Catholic and they do have drums and guitars. Not to mention parishioners, err, congregates (?) jumping out of their seats and doing pirouette in the aisles during Mass while the priest hollers, yes hollers, in 'tongues'.) Anyways, Francis Cardinal Arinze is the Prefect of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Basically he makes sure of no liturgical or sacramental abuse. I wish I could have Cardinal Arinze join me in some of the Masses I attend here in Houston. It would be a great starting point to weed out a few malcontents who take it upon themselves to remove certain parts of the liturgy. But I digress. Subtracting or adding to the liturgy is a common abuse it seems in the Church worldwide, but having the Cardinal come down hard on some of these wayward priests and make examples of them would be an even better start. For more on this article click here. For more on his Excellency Francis Cardinal Arinze click here.

Jesus, The Bane Of Liberals

David Warren wrote an interesting piece about Palm Sunday. Reminding us that many liberals have coopted the Jesus they want to know, as Mr. Warren puts it,
"as some kind of fatuous pacifist preaching tolerance and multiculturalism."
Mr. Warren points out that in the Gospel of Matthew (10:34) states:
“Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.”
In the Gospel of Luke (12:51) Jesus said,
“Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.”
On Palm Sunday when Jesus entered St. Stephen’s Gate, He immediately left for the Temple to admonish the peddlers. Mr. Warren goes on to state,
“This is the Christ that Western man (liberals) has deleted from his collective memory. The Christ who was not, incidentally, making some effete protest against the commercialization of religion. Rather, the one who, as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Amos before him, was denouncing the cult of animal sacrifice -- the reduction of religion to cheap acts of propitiation; the violence done to God.”

Jesus is about loving your fellow man. But that is not his complete image. Jesus rebukes idolatry, the very thing that liberals love. Worshiping material things.

Note: I added ‘(liberals)’ in above paragraph.
(H/T + + relapsed catholic + +) To view the rest of article click here.

Holy Scripture Quote of the Day

Yeah, I took this from, but it was too good not to post it. Besides, me, as well as some of you, can learn from this quote. From the Douay-Rheims of course.
Let no evil speech proceed from your mouth; but that which is good, to the edification of faith, that it may administer grace to the hearers. --Ephesians 4:29
Wow, 'that it may administer grace to the hearers.' Now that is one effective spiritual tool to use when talking about your faith to others!

Father John Corapi Quotables

Father John Corapi told a funny story at the Fullness of Truth Conference two weekends ago. For fairness sake, I believe he may have borrowed this story from Bishop Fulton Sheen, but that’s what I heard. Anyways, here’s the story. There was a sweet little old lady attending a Catholic conference on Bible stories. She was seated in the front row listening to a speech being given by an ‘enlightened’ priest was explaining how angels in the Bible were actually ‘literary devices’ used to flesh out a theme. Well, this didn’t sit to well with the sweet little old lady. So much so that people seated around her during the speech could hear her mutter:
“I wish one of those literary devices would come down from heaven and whack you upside the head.”
After the ‘enlightened’ priest was done with his lecture, he sat next to this sweet little old lady waiting for the next speaker. The sweet little old lady at this point in her life was not too concerned anymore of what people thought about her. So she leaned over to whisper to this ‘enlightened’ priest a question:

“Do you believe in Hell?”

To which the 'enlightened' priest smiled and chuckled, said:
“Why no, of course not, there is no such thing.”
The sweet little old lady then said quite satisfactorily:
“You will when you get there!”
Friday, April 7, 2006

A Very Catholic George W. Bush

President George W. Bush delivered a very Catholic speech at the 3rd Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast this morning in Washington, DC. The president spoke of the Culture of Life replacing the Culture of Death here in America, as well as remembering Pope John Paul II's impact on the world. If I wasn't mistaken, I think W. may be a Catholic and he doesn't even know it? I dare not start any speculation but he did nominate two Catholic Supreme Court Justices and his broth JEB is a Catholic. My Catholic sources tell me that JEB has influenced W. so much that it would explain W.'s embrace of the moniker of 'Culture of Life'. But this is just pure speculation and hearsay. The most important thing I take from W.'s speech is that he deeply respects and appreciates our Catholic faith and his embrace of many of our Catholic tenets is a major reason why more Catholics voted for W. rather than the alleged Catholic John Kerry. For more on this article click here. For the presidents full address at this conference click here. For more information about the Culture of Life read Pope John Paul II's encyclical called Evangelium Vitae (Value and inviolability on Human Life) click here.
Thursday, April 6, 2006

Tony Blair Converting To Catholicism?

Rumors have been rampant in recent years of the Prime Minister of England, Tony Blair, converting to Catholicism. Prime Minister Blair is an Anglican and his wife, Cherie Blair, a Catholic. PM Blair attends Mass with his wife and four children, all Catholic, celebrated by a Franciscan friar renowned for helping convert members of the English establishment to Catholicism. Now that last sentence I took verbatim from said article, but my personal sources have said that if Mr. Blair does convert, it would occur after he ends his stint as Prime Minister. Thus avoiding a sensation in the infamous British tabloids. Mr. Blair would become the first English Prime Minister to be Catholic since King Henry VIII succumbed to his lustful passions, ignored the Pope and broke away from our Catholic faith. In favor of divorcing his most Catholic wife for a tartly mistress, Ann Boleyn. Anyways, Mr. Blair would join a long list of British luminaries to convert to Catholicism which includes G.K. Chesterton, Sir Alec Guinness, Graham Leonard (former Anglican Bishop of London), John Henry Newman, and J.R.R. Tolkein just to name a few. For more on the article I posted about by Christopher Morgan of the Times of London click here.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

San Francisco's Anti-Catholic Bigotry

The open hostility that the San Francisco City Council showed to the Catholic Church and it's faithful can be called for what it is, bigotry. They issued a resolution showing open hostility, where in which the U.S. Constitution states no prejudice can or will be shown to religion.

The San Francisco City Council's resolution has condemned the Catholic Church's moral teachings on perverse sexuality. The resolution states,

"It is an insult to all San Franciscans when a foreign country, like the Vatican, meddles with and attempts to negatively influence this great city's existing and established customs and traditions, such as the right of same-sex couples to adopt and care for children in need."
The chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, Richard Thompson, said

the resolution's "demagoguery and virulent words...are reminiscent of the anti-Catholic bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan and the Know Nothings, which marred our nation's earlier history. San Francisco may as well have put up signs at the city limits: 'Faithful Catholics Not Welcomed," he added.

For more on this article click here. For the resolution click here. For the Catholic League lawsuit against the San Francisco City Council click here. For more from CNS click here.

Nazism, Communism, Liberalism And Islamism

The 20th century saw the fruits of the 1789 French Revolution, Liberalism, come to its horrible conclusion in Nazism and Communism. Two despised ideologies that were prognosticated by the Catholic Church in 1864 that Pope Pius IX issued his now famous encyclical letter, the Syllabus of Errors. Pope Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors documented all the heretical ideas (Liberalism, Modernism, Communism, etc.) that threatened humanity, in essence, Christendom which is the Catholic Church. Today Catholicism is battling a two front war. The millenniumal Spiritual War against Lucifer, and its temporal manifestation in Liberalism. Unfortunately a greater evil believed by 100 times more followers of Nazism and Communism combined has come to infect Islam. Islamists, not to be confused with Islamic's who are of the more peacefull variant, adhere to a harsh form of Islam. A militant form of Islam that seeks world domination via Jihad, or Holy War. Islam sees the world through two spheres. One which is the House of Islam, where Muslims reside, and one in which non-Muslims reside, which is called the House of War. Even if only 10% of the billions of Muslims worldwide that believe in this form of Islam, Islamism (militant Islam), that would leave roughly 100 million adherents, many times over the combined numbers of Nazism and Communism. These Islamists love death more than life, which is the distinguishing factor between Islamists and Nazis and Communists. The latter two wanted to live, even at the expense of their ideology. No, not all Muslims adhere to militant Islam, but their voices are hardly ever heard at all. 9/11 -thousands of innocent Americans died by Islamists. Beslan - hundreds of innocent children executed by Islamists. Madrid - hundreds of innocent train passengers killed by Islamists. The list is longer and much more horrific. When will liberals see the true enemy rather than continue their march towards destroying civilized society by promoting euthanasia, abortion, and depraved lifestyles to the detriment of life. For more on this article click here. For the encyclical letter on the Syllabus of Errors click here.

More Evidence Linking Abortion To Cancer

There is more evidence showing a link between abortion and breast cancer. According to Cristina Santos, MD, president of the Philippine Foundation for Breast Care, Inc, acknowledges this link.
"During the first two trimesters of pregnancy, the hormone, estrogen - a recognized carcinogen - increases dramatically and stimulates cancer..."
Many medical organizations already acknowledge links as 'highly plausible'. The teachings of Jesus Christ defines abortion, together with infanticide, as an "unspeakable crime". For more on this article click here. For more on the teachings of Jesus in regards to abortion click here (for the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae).
To learn more about the horrors of abortion, please visit After Abortion and RealChoice
Tuesday, April 4, 2006

A Tribute To Pope John Paul II

A Catholic Life blog, by Moneybags, has done a series of postings on Pope John Paul II. I've looked into his blog and it is nothing short of excellent reading. This past weekend marked the anniversary of Pope John Paul II's death. My own personal testimony that I would like to add is that my Catholic faith has grown since his death in many areas. From practicing, to studying, to evangelizing my faith to others. I have been growing in my faith these past 12 years now. But in relation to the previous 12 months, my faith has gotten stronger for reasons that I cannot attribute to, but only to this watermark event. It's difficult for me to explain in so many words, but that's a start of an insight to who I am. For the incredible posting by Moneybags on A Catholic Life, click here.
Monday, April 3, 2006

Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, Hero of Catholicism

Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska) fired back at Patricia O'Donnell Ewers irresponsible comments. Patricia Ewers, who is the Chair of the National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People, ordered that a 'strong fraternal correction' is in order in the Diocese of Lincoln because his dioceses declined to participate in last year's diocesan compliance audits. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz issued a press release telling Chairperson Ewers what he thinks of her 'demands': "Some woman named Patricia O'Donnell Ewers, who is the Chair of something called A National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People, has said that her Board calls for strong fraternal correction of the Diocese of Lincoln. The Diocese of Lincoln has nothing to be corrected for, since the Diocese of Lincoln is and has always been in full compliance with all laws of the Catholic Church and with all civil laws. Furthermore, Ewers and her Board have no authority in the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Lincoln does not recognize them as having any significance." Amen! Bishop Bruskewitz's diocese is the most Catholic, in my opinion, of all diocese in these United States. It can be said his is the most orthodox diocese with the highest amount of vocations anywhere in the world. This 'national board' is an appendage of the useless USCCB, which has produced a horrible version of the Bible, has absolutely no standing in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which means this 'national board' has no authority over him. The bishop only answers to the Pope. Let us pray for Bishop Bruskewitz Diocese of Lincoln, and all the other orthodox diocese and bishops for their battle against these heretical and liberal offings of the Church. (H/T For the complete press release by Bishop Bruskewitz click here. (it isn't free) For more information on Chairperson Ewers advice for a 'strong fraternal correction', click here. For an example of a truly Catholic diocese click here.

Paul Verhoevens World

Paul Verhoeven, the film director of movie flop Basic Instinct 2, is blaming the failure of his film on Americans. He's quoted as saying, "Anything that is erotic has been banned in the United States,". Please Mr. Verhoeven, when an erotic thriller fails to make the big money on opening weekend in America, when has this been declared a "ban"? Mr. Verhoeven goes on to rant that "Look at the people at the top (of the government). We are living under a government that is constantly hammering out Christian values. And Christianity and sex have never been good friends." Hammering out Christian values? Christianity and sex have never been good friends? I believe that the film maker of smut is very distraught about his failure in making money off of deviant sex has caught up to his "European" sensibilities. Number one, name one piece of legislation that literally advocates Christian values. Number two, apparently Mr. Verhoeven has not read Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body. For the rest of Paul Verhoeven's rant on his failure as a deviant filmmaker, click here.

The Holy Eucharist; Real Presence, Real Power! Conference

This conference, organized by Fullness of Truth, was held in Corpus Christi, Texas. I drove roughly four hours with three other friends to attend this three day conference. The lectures I attended had the following speakers: Fr. John Corapi, Stephen Ray, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Jesse Romero, Steve Bollman, and Rosalind Moss. I would say that all of the speakers I heard were top notch. Not one was disappointing nor poorly delivered. In fact, I wish the conference organizers would have given them more time to speak! Father John Corapi was incredible. His insights on his tours of American parishes were terrifying, but knowing that top notch priests were coming in, and already here, to replace watered down priests were very heartening to hear. His command of theology, the catechism, and the issues involving the Church were mesmerizing. I plan to blog on his many topics he touched upon in my blog throughout the year. The subject of his lectures were, "The Truth Will Set You Free." An appropriate title for our times. If you ever have the opportunity to listen to him speak in person, I highly recommend you make the effort. He is just as great on television as he is in person, probably even better! Stephen Ray was a very animated, intelligent, and strong speaker. Very articulate in his thoughts, but he delivered his lectures with energy. His book, "Crossing the Tiber", does him no justice when meeting this man in person. He also is well know, except to me-a pleasant surprise, by his video documentaries of the Holy Land. Rosalind Moss is a recent convert story I have enjoyed reading. Listening to her in person really warmed my heart to her and any convert to our Faith. She certainly is an excellent speaker, soft spoken with her Jewish-Brooklyn accent. A convert from Judaism, she was able to explain the many connections that Judaism has to Christianity, specifically to Catholicism. She works for Catholic Answers. Yes, that Catholic Answers that we all go surf to learn more about our Catholic faith. She is a sincere, loving, and moving to listen to. Steve Bollman is a Houston native. He is the founder of Paradisus Dei, a lay organization helping couples to live a Christian life. I've only recently began viewing his series, That Man is You, a series that combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of a man fully alive. This is an awesome program in developing yourself as a man and husband in the best way possible as a Catholic. Words does me no justice in explaining this program. He is articulate, smart, and highly successful in his worldly vocation as well as his Catholic vocation. This is a man whom any married man looking for direction and a role model, should look into emulating in the fullness of his Catholic faith. Father Mitch Pacwa was certainly he seems to be from his programs on EWTN. What impressed me was his sound theology (for the record, I'm a neophyte in this subject) and strong conviction in our Catholic faith. Jesse Romero has the energy of an Energizer Bunny on steroids. This man could have been an evangelical preacher if he had not been born a Catholic; and if he was, he certainly would have come home to our Catholic faith. His evangelical type of charisma and vibrant enthusiasm was able to get us fellow Catholics off our feet and clapping for the Lord. I myself am not partial to the charismatic movement within the Church, but if you are, he is one that you wouldn't want to miss if you were to attend the next conference with Jesse Romero as a speaker! This is my first Catholic conference ever, so I have no previous experience to draw from. But I will say that for the price I paid, $40 on-site registration ($30 early registration), I got much more than my money's worth. My endorsement to anyone reading this post is a high recommendation to attend the next Fullness of Truth Conference, with many of the same speakers and more! This next conference will be held in San Antonio, Texas on July 28, 29, and 30th. To show you how good, no great, this conference experience was for me, I am considering attending this conference in July! For more information on this conference click here.

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