Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Latin Mass, The Comeback

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Conde: Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I called Catholicam Speluncam Masculum "Sarge". I now know that referring to any Marine as such usually warrants instant death.
In my defense, I didn't know that the word "Sarge" sent Marines, especially retired Master Sergeants of Marines climbing the wall.
Pater Catholicam Speluncam Masculum: You did well to confess your sin, my son. For your Pennance, 3 Rosaries; a pilgrimage to The Alamo in honor of Blessed Duke Wayne; and 500 push-ups.
Te Absolvo etc, etc.
In all seriousness... I look forward to hearing how thing went for you ate the Latin Mass. Just remember, immmerse yourself. The silence is deafening.
I think the 6am is Novus Ordo, the Abp. Fiorenza only permitted one indult per week.
Looking forward to seeing you there. If you find me in the pews I have a missal I can loan you.
Yes sir!
I'll look for you. If I get there early, I usually sit in the front row (in new churches). If you don't see me, then I slept in (again).
My daughter (age 16) is on her way toward confirmation. She really disliked her religious ed class, because they really didn't teach her anything she didn't already know. So we went to the pastor and asked if I could home-school her in religious ed.
The pastor agreed, and for my daughter, it was "be careful what you wish for". She's had a couple papers to write, one of which was defining Nestorianism, and the council that addressed it.
We have a "religious ed" field trip planned in a couple of weeks. It is to the local indult mass which is also at 8:00am. We both have our pre-1962 Missals, and we're ready to go. I'm wondering if I'll be able to convince my "liberated" daughter to wear a hat or chapel veil. ;)
I served in the pre-Vatican II mass, as an altar boy. My daughter has never seen one.
A couple of years ago, she showed some interest in wiccanism. I think it had a lot to do with the use of ceremony, symbolism, incense, candles and chant.
I want to show her that Catholics can do these things much better than any pagans. :)
Great move.
I was just pondering what I would do if I were ever blessed with children. I'm considering home schooling if I can't find a decent Catholic (or public) school.
My Dears, I just wanted to point out an error in the article. The latin mass was not first used in the third century in North Africa. As written in the scritures, Rome was already a very large and leading community in the time of the apostles, and the first latin mass was said by St Peter when he was bishop of the city. He was in fact Bishop of Rome for 27 years.