Friday, December 16, 2005

UPDATE: USCCB Approves of Homosexual Cowboy Film?

Update on the USCCB rating of homosexual movie: Thanks to a reader of who contacted the head of USCCB, the rating has been changed from an 'L' to an 'O', but the 'glowing' review remains. That's a halfway job if I've ever seen one. For the rest of this article click here. For the rest of the original (12/15/05) posting read here: Something is wrong here. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a good review of the homosexual cowboy film Brokeback Mountain? Not only do the two homosexual practicing cowboys engage in homosexual sex, but adultery as well, and the USCCB has the gaul to approve of it? That's it for me. I'm no longer using the USCCB movie guidelines anymore. For more of this heretical article click here.


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