Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kwanzaa the Pagan Holiday

An excellent posting by La Shawn Barber on her La Shawn Barber's Corner about Kwanzaa. In a nutshell, Kwanzaa is a made up holiday that celebrates 'Africaness'. In essence if you're black and live in the United States, this holiday celebrates your ethnicity. Yep, that's it. Made up by a criminal. Picked up by the guilty white liberals so they can feel good about themselves because they are 'open' minded and 'diverse'. This holiday celebrates an ethnicity about a 'creator' that is not God, the almighty. Hence it's pagan. Hat tip to + + relapsed catholic + + . For a more concise posting from La Shawn Barber click here. For Kathy Shaidle's Kwanzaa poem click here. For a quick Gaggle on Kwanzaa click here.


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