Tuesday, November 1, 2005

15 Year Old Katelyn Sills EXPELLED For Practicing Her Faith

Katelyn Sills has been expelled from Loretto High School with no explanation. Katelyn Sills is the student at the all girls high school who notified her high school that a drama teach, Marie Bain, was active in Planned Parenthood. Following this, Bishop Weigand immediately removed Maria Bain from her position. Bishop Weigand is again showing what a Bishop should act and behave. He is showing that there are Catholics that stand by the teachings of the Church and don't undermine it like Archbishop Mahony. Unfortunately I don't have anymore details, but here is the blog that Katelyn Sills has that notified us all of Maria Bain's activities. It is a travesty that a student such as Katelyn Sills is being reprimanded for following her Faith!


Anonymous said...

You need to get your facts straight before posting your biased opinions. Marie Baine was not active with planned parenthood, she had previously volunteered for them. She had stopped her association with them before taking the teaching position. You all try and trump your great Catholic faith while your priests are abusing the children. Organized religion is a joke!

Unknown said...

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